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研究生: 盧勇盛
論文名稱: 修正式TRIZ應用於電源供應器機殼與彈片組裝創新設計改善方案研究
A study of application of modified TRIZ to innovative design of improvement project of chassis of server power supply and latch assembly
指導教授: 林榮慶
Zone-Ching Lin
口試委員: 傅光華
Guang-Hua Fu
Jue-Liang Xu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 電源供應器機殼彈片TRIZ理論有限元素分析
外文關鍵詞: server power supply, chassis, latch, TRIZ theory, finite element Analysis
相關次數: 點閱:552下載:0
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本文先應用修正式TRIZ之軟體系統篩選出建議的創研法則及其細項說明,藉以思考結構改善的概念設計方式,並經CAD軟體模擬其組裝及成行可行性,避免可能的干涉現象發生; 再經初步必要的計算及Abaqus有限元素分析軟體的輔助,驗證材料的相關性質如應力應變均在安全範圍內,結構不致破壞。


Server power supply, due to structural problem of latch, would encounter deformation of latch and poor contact of system which may lead to short circuit and system crash. The paper applies modified TRIZ method to improve the latch of server power supply and the assembly structure of latch and improve the innovative structural design. Finally, the paper carries out improvement of the bending angle of latch, which belongs to latch structure. First of all, the paper designs a die for bending latch. Then Abaqus software is used to simulate the stresses of different bending angles of latch; and stepwise approximation method is also used to find the bending angle of latch having the least stress after latch is bended by force.
The paper applies the software system of modified TRIZ to select the suggested invention rules and their detailed explanations. Through thinking of the conceptual design way of structural improvement and use of CAD software for simulation of its assembly and feasibility, interference can be avoided. After preliminary and necessary calculation, and with the help of the finite element analysis software, Abaqus, the paper proves that the related such as stress and strain of material, are within the safe range, and their structures would not be destroyed.
Regarding improvement of the technical part of lower cover structure of chassis, the first stage is to achieve design of convenient assembly. We use modified TRIZ clustering method to carry out interpretation of the active improvement parameter, “33. ease of operation”. After interpretation, the acquired invention rule is “c. place each part of the object under conditions most favorable for its operation” under “3. local quality”; and the non-worsening parameter is “15. duration of action of moving object”. This invention rule is brought to the structure of server power supply to carry out actual improvement. Therefore, the paper establishes a 3D drawing model to make the front panel designed as a whole and increase the strength of the front panel. Using fixture to fix the lower cover of chassis, assembly of latch, from assembly of the front part to lower cover of chasses, is made to becomes convenient. The second stage focuses on the part of insufficient positioning of latch. We use modified TRIZ invention method to make improvement, and the achieved improvement parameter is “13. stability of the object's composition”. Then modified TRIZ invention method is used again for interpretation. The invention rule obtained after interpretation is “b. have different parts of the object carry out different function” under “3. local quality”; and the non-worsening parameter is “16. duration of action by stationary object”. Based on this invention rule, the paper establishes a 3D drawing model to increase a positioning block to fix the back end of lower cover of chassis. After that, the latch is put in the lower cover of chassis to make assembly of latch structure smooth. The third stage is that in the improvement process, modified TRIZ invention method is used to carry out improvement, and the obtained improvement parameter is “11. stress or pressure”. After interpretation, the acquired invention rule is “11. cushion in advance”; and the non-worsening parameter is “33. ease of operation”. Based on this invention rule, the paper makes improvement of the lower cover of chassis and the strength of springback mechanism of latch, and conducts analysis of structure. In this stage, the paper firstly establishes a forming latch of a die. In the die, simulation is carried out, achieving the bending angle of latch forming. Abaqus simulation is employed to prove the accuracy of the model. Stepwise approximation is used to find the best bending angle having the least stress after the latch is bended by external force.
Keywords: server power supply, chassis, latch, TRIZ theory, finite element

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與研究動機目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 論文架構 7 第二章 基本理論 9 2.1 基本必要的假設 9 2.2 有限變形之應變與應變率 9 2.3 有限變形之應力與應力率 12 2.4 有限變形之 Updated Largrangian Formulation 17 2.5 材料之彈塑性構成關係式 20 2.6 1U伺服器專用交換式電源供應器簡介 24 第三章 有限元素公式化 28 3.1 簡介 28 3.2 虛功原理之離散化 30 3.3 退化殼元素 ( degenerated shell element ) 31 3.4 不同積分法則推導退化殼元素之剛性矩陣 34 3.5 摩擦處理 35 3.6 廣義 法之增量步驟的計算 39 3.7 三維曲度修正方程式 42 3.8 除荷之設定 44 3.9 有限元素軟體簡介 45 3.9.1 有限元素軟體分析系統 45 3.9.2 Abaqus 軟體之介紹 47 3.9.3 有限元素模型之基本假設 48 第四章 材料性質與拉伸試驗 50 4.1 材料選用 50 4.2 拉伸試驗 51 4.2.1 拉伸試驗之設備 51 4.2.2 拉伸試驗之試片製作 52 4.2.3 拉伸實驗步驟 53 4.3 拉伸實驗之相關理論及公式 54 4.3.1 工程應力與工程應變 54 4.3.2 真應力與真應變 54 4.3.3 塑流方程式 55 4.4 迴歸方程式 55 4.4.1 最小平方法(Least square method)矩陣 56 4.4.2 迴歸分析模型之重要指標 58 4.5 拉伸實驗結果 60 4.5.1 實驗結果之數據 60 4.5.2 工程應力與工程應變計算 61 4.5.3 真實應力與真實應變之計算 62 4.5.4 真實應變-應力與工程應變-應力曲線之比 62 4.5.5 塑流方程式之計算 63 4.5.6 迴歸分析之計算 63 第五章 修正式 TRIZ 分群法介紹 66 5.1 TRIZ源起 66 5.2 TRIZ理論基礎 66 5.3 TRIZ解題方法 70 5.3.1 矛盾衝突矩陣法 71 5.3.2 矛盾矩陣表與創新法則 73 5.4 修正式TRIZ分群法介紹 74 5.4.1 修正式分群法TRIZ判讀流程 77 第六章 機殼下蓋與彈片結構改善分析 81 6.1 電源供應器產品需求及工程特性 81 6.2 電源供應器產品分析 82 6.3 電源供應器機殼下蓋組裝機構說明 83 6.3.1 利用修正式TRIZ在電源供應器機殼下蓋結構的技術改良 84 6.3.2 利用修正式TRIZ改善彈片與機殼下蓋結構組裝定位的改 良 91 6.3.3 利用修正式TRIZ改善彈片回彈機構的強度性 96 第七章 彈片成形模擬分析結果 101 7.1 Abaqus 模擬分析流程 101 7.1.2 分析步驟 101 7.2 彈片V形成形之沖頭負荷之比較 106 7.3 模擬結果 108 7.4 沖壓彈片引伸之不同V形成形角度之厚度分析 111 7.5 沖壓彈片不同沖頭V形成形角度之回彈角度分析 113 7.6 彈片與下蓋組合模擬結果 115 第八章 結論 130 8.1 結論 130 參考文獻 133

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