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研究生: 黃屏橞
Ping-hui Huang
論文名稱: 高解剖貼合特性之客製化頭顱骨板設計與製造
Design and manufacture of cranioplasty implants with high anatomical fitness
指導教授: 林上智
Shang-chih Lin
口試委員: 魏鴻文
Hong-wen Wei
Wei-jyun Syu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 回彈量引伸成形客製化顱骨修補
外文關鍵詞: Spring back, Drawing, Customized, Cranioplasty
相關次數: 點閱:380下載:1
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After long-term evolution following cranioplasty, titanium sheet is one of the substances have been used to fill holes in the skull. There has been considerable interest in the production of customised cranial implants for the repair of skull defects. The objective of this study was to develop an design and manufacture of cranioplasty implants with high anatomical fitness. Firstly, we design with CT scanning data through image thresholding and voxel connectivity. After segmentation the bone surface contours are mathematically modeled using triangles or polygons to create a mesh and converted in a suitable Computer Aided Design file format. A non-defected part from contra-lateral side of skull is mirrored based on the imaging technique for designing implants. The titanium sheet is forming into the implant mold, drilled on the periphery, cut to shape, electropolished, and tabbed. The boned damage region may be covered by the finished cranioplasty plates, and the hole on the periphery can be locked for screws. Hence, the method of edge definition is to be accepted. In addition, it is unintended forming in cranioplasty plates, so the future we impose pre-tension on titanium sheet to reduce the yield strength by integrating the stress-strain curve into the mold design, it can enhance the plastic ability of the material and raise forming accuracy.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與目的 1 1.2 顱骨之組織重建 2 1.2.1 顱骨解剖與創傷型態說明 2 1.2.2 顱骨修補材料與手術治療 3 1.2.3 顱骨修補之骨板貼合問題 9 1.3 鈦板成形技術文獻回顧 12 1.3.1 設計端 12 1.3.2 製造端 15 1.4 本論文架構 18 第二章 高解剖貼合骨板設計與製造 19 2.1 顱骨醫學影像處理 19 2.1.1 電腦斷層影像掃描 19 2.1.2 二維邊界確認與立體重建 22 2.1.3 網格偵錯與修復 26 2.1.4 骨缺損修補與曲面化 29 2.2 高解剖貼合骨板設計 34 2.2.1 骨板輪廓的界定 34 2.2.2 骨板厚度與釘孔設計 39 2.3 骨板的衝壓模具設計與製作 45 2.3.1 衝壓模具設計 47 2.3.2 衝壓模具製造 52 2.4 高解剖貼合骨板製程 55 2.4.1 骨板的衝壓製程 55 2.4.2 骨板的鑽孔製程 59 第三章測試評估 64 3.1 比對分析 64 3.1.1 骨板幾何精度比對 64 3.1.2 骨缺損邊緣貼合度比對 68 3.2 比對結果 70 3.2.1 三維模型偏差檢測 70 3.2.2 二維斷面偏差檢測 75 3.2.3 實體比對結果 78 第四章 討論 79 4.1 顱骨醫學影像處理 79 4.2 高解剖貼合骨板設計 82 4.3 模具製造與衝壓製程 83 4.4 測試評估 85 第五章 結論與未來展望 91 參考文獻 92

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