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研究生: 李岳樺
Yueh-Hua Lee
論文名稱: 單眼相機之傳統與數位介面的比較分析-以曝光控制設定為例
A Comparative Analysis on the Traditional and Digital Interface of Single-Lens Reflex Cameras - A Case Study of Exposure Control
指導教授: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Lai-Chung Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 曝光控制數位介面傳統介面單眼相機
外文關鍵詞: exposure control, digital interface, traditional interface, single-lens reflex camera
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:6
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  在實驗任務操作部分,採組內設計之雙因子變異數分析,即2(有無傳統單眼相機使用經驗者)×3(3台單眼相機)來進行探討,實驗樣本為Nikon FM2傳統單眼相機、Nikon D80及Nikon D200數位單眼相機。研究結果說明如下:
1.各項實驗任務當中,在「任務一深景深效果」、「任務二慢速快門」及「任務五倒數自拍」之操作績效有顯著差異存在,而受測者之間與實驗樣本,並無產生交互作用。這3項任務的操作內容,基本上都是屬於全手動的方式來執行。以Nikon FM2傳統單眼相機在這3項任務績效表現最好,Nikon D80及Nikon D200在操作光圈、快門時,在操作介面上有產生混淆的情況發生,在資訊顯示部分,以Nikon D200較為清楚及完整。
2.在滿意度部分,Nikon FM2雖然有按鍵設定上不明確的情形,但與Nikon D80的表現都較為平均,Nikon D200普遍皆不理想,尤其在「任務五倒數自拍」的滿意度表現較差,整體的操作內容,有介面提示不佳及操作較複雜的情形。

  Recently, the procession of single-lens reflex cameras has increased obviously due to the advent of information science and electronics technology, and followed by the impact of low-price tendency. The operating interface of hardware and software has also become the focus of product design. Therefore, this research compared the differences of traditional and digital operating interface of single-lens reflex cameras. The purpose was to explore the convenience and adaptation of using digital products from the viewpoint of general publics and users of traditional single-lens reflex cameras. The design suggestions for the future interface of single-lens reflex cameras were also proposed.
  In the experiment of task operation, this research employed two-way ANOVA and a within-subjects design, which was 2 (participants with/without the experience of using traditional single-lens reflex cameras) × 3 (three different single-lens reflex cameras). The experimental samples were Nikon FM2, a traditional single-lens reflex camera, and Nikon D80 and Nikon D200, two digital single-lens reflex cameras. The results were as follows.
1. Among experimental tasks, there were significant differences in the operating efficiency of “task 1- deep depth of field effect”, “task 2- slow shutter” and “task 5- self-timer”. There were no interaction between testees and experimental samples. The operating contents of these three tasks were basically executed by manual methods. The traditional single-lens reflex camera Nikon FM2 achieved the best efficiency among the three tasks. There were confusion in the operating interface of Nikon D80 and Nikon D200 in the use of aperture and shutter. However, Nikon D200 had clearer and more complete information display.
2. As to satisfaction, although there was unclarity in button setting, Nikon FM2 had average performance with Nikon D80. In general, Nikon D200 was not rated properly especially in “task 5- self-timer” with less satisfaction; in the overall operating contents, there were less hints in the interface and more complicated operation.

論文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 II 目錄 IV 圖表索引 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 2 1.4 研究範圍與限制 3 1.5 研究架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 相機的原理 5 2.1.1 單眼反光相機 5 2.1.2 數位單眼反光相機 6 2.1.3 軟片 6 2.1.4 感光器 7 2.1.5 曝光控制 8 2.1.6 光圈 9 2.1.7 快門 12 2.2 單眼相機曝光控制介面之演進 13 2.2.1 光圈值 13 2.2.2 快門速度 15 2.2.3 ISO感光度設定 16 2.2.4 曝光控制模式 18 2.2.5 單眼相機的發展趨勢 19 2.3 人機介面的演進 21 2.3.1 傳統介面 21 2.3.2 圖形使用者介面 22 2.3.3 直接互動介面 23 2.3.4 語音互動介面 23 2.3.5 多模式互動介面 23 2.3.6 介面設計原則的探討 24 2.4 人性化介面的發展歷程 26 2.4.1 人性化的介面 26 2.4.2 人性化設計 27 2.4.3 介面學習過程因素 28 2.4.4 使用者心智模式 28 第三章 研究方法與進行步驟 31 3.1 現有產品分析與使用者功能需求問卷調查 32 3.2 實驗前問卷調查結果 32 3.2.1 單眼相機的使用情境需求現況 33 3.2.2 市面上各傳統單眼相機的廠牌,佔有大眾心中地位之情形 33 3.2.3 數位化時代的來臨,傳統單眼相機的使用頻率及其原因 34 3.2.4 市面上各數位單眼相機的廠牌,佔有大眾心中地位之情形 35 3.2.5 數位單眼相機中的常用功能項目調查 36 3.3 傳統與數位單眼相機之實驗設計及使用者滿意度調查 37 3.3.1 使用者觀察評估方式(observational evaluation) 38 3.3.2 觀察紀錄方式 39 3.3.3 設定實驗功能架構 39 3.3.4 研究樣本 40 3.3.5 受測者對象 41 3.3.6 實驗任務設計與說明 41 3.4 小結 44 第四章 研究成果與分析 45 4.1 實驗架構 45 4.2 操作流程分析 46 4.2.1 Nikon FM2操作流程分析 50 4.2.2 Nikon D80操作流程分析 56 4.2.3 Nikon D200操作流程分析 62 4.3 實驗資料分析 68 4.3.1 執行任務時間績效分析 68 4.3.2 使用者滿意度調查結果分析 82 4.4 顯著差異項目之探討 92 4.4.1 任務一之操作分析 92 4.4.2 任務二之操作分析 93 4.4.3 任務五之操作分析 93 4.4.4 操作功能說明及分析 94 第五章 結論與建議 99 5.1 研究結論 99 5.2 設計建議 102 5.3 後續研究建議 103 參考文獻 105 附錄A:傳統及數位單眼相機之使用現況調查 109 附錄B:單眼相機使用者介面之操作績效研究 112

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