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研究生: 李昱辰
Lee-Yu Chen
論文名稱: 設計思考在建築競圖中設計概念發想之應用--- 以腦力激盪及概念合成法為例
The application of "Design Thinking" used for concept development of architecture competition: by the practices of Brainstorming and Idea Synchronisation
指導教授: 莊亦婷
I-Ting Chuang
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yun-Hung Peng
Hsuan-Kuan Gshih
Ti-Kuang Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 設計思考設計概念建築競圖腦力激盪概念合成
外文關鍵詞: Design thinking, Design concept, Architecture competition, Brainstorming, Idea Synchronisation
相關次數: 點閱:387下載:1
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的設計思維,因而激盪出不同凡響的設計概念,使筆者幸運地在“The Legend of Tent-Tent Hotel –
2014.02” 競賽中脫穎而出得到Eco Legend Design Award 的殊榮。因此,本篇論文探討及說明設計思
因此,要體現建築所具備的象徵意義,需要依靠讓建築賦予生命的靈魂象徵 -- 設計概念(concept)。
一個別出心裁的設計概念(concept) 需要藉由設計思考模式的操作、設計概念的推演來以激發出得以
回應設計課題之都市紋理、環境脈絡及人文要素的設計概念。 設計思考的模式不勝枚舉,目的都在
Thinking) 下非此即彼的設計觀,以開拓設計更多的可能性。
本篇設計論文以「腦力激盪法」及「概念合成法」為例,運用“The Legend of Tent-International
Design Competition of Tent Hotel” 及“ Himalayan Mountain HUT” 兩個國際競圖設計案做為說明。透過
出一個理性思維的設計概念(concept) 來強化整個設計主題。利用清晰的說明圖探討概念在空間上的

The field of design is endless and limitless like the infinite universe. Through the experience of the international
architecture competitions, utilizing two type of the design thinking methods to bring out the extraordinary
design concept constantly. Following the steps of design thinking methods can bring the new thought of
design. Luckily, the author obtained the “Eco Legend Design Award” of the competition “ The Legend of
Tent-Tent Hotel” in February 2014. The aim of this study is to investigate and illustrate the importance of the
application of design Thinking used for concept development of architecture competition, and provide two
kinds of design thinking methods for references. Ones can obtain more possibility of the inspired design
from the selection and application of design thinking patterns, so that the architecture (building) can be perfectly
exhibited its value in the city.
Architectural design exists for the purpose of contenting ones’ environmental requirements and function
needs. Under the changing social phenomenon and social issues, environmental context tends to be more
complicated. Architecture is not only the boxes that provide function and living space, but also play the role
of the city cultural product. As a result, exhibiting the symbolic meaning of the architecture, we have to rely
on design concept, the soul of the architecture.
Under the traditional architectural professional education, ones are used to operating the design projects by
linear thinking and seek for the solutions. Yet, following the linear thinking would block the imagination and
creativity of the designer. The design concept development is the most important part during the design
thinking. A marvelous design concept comes from the operating design thinking methods. Thus, the hundreds
of design thinking methods are all used to bring out the unique concept. The aim of this paper is to
verify that following the design thinking methods can bring out the exceptional concept to widen more possibilities
of design.
This paper is demonstrated with two international architecture competition projects: “The Legend of Tent
Hotel” and ” Himalayan Mountain HUT” , which are operated with two types of design thinking methods,
“brainstorming” and “Idea Synchronisation” . Through the operation of the two methods, several keywords
were produced and integrated into a concept by analyzing and selecting. Finally, follow the competition brief
and utilize the clear diagrams, unit design process, planning process and the 3D simulation diagrams to
describe the new thinking of the design project. Ones can assign more possibilities to the design by following
the design thinking methods.

I 中文摘要 II 英文摘要 III 謝誌 IV 目錄 第一章 緒論 1-1 研究動機及目的 1-2 設計思考 1-3 設計操作 1-3-1 分析與界定 1-3-2 設定課題 1-3-3 腦力激盪法 1-3-4 設計概念的篩選 1-3-5 概念合成法 1-3-6 空間操作與實踐 1-4 小結 第二章 設計操作 2-1 The Legend of Tent-International Design Competition of Tent Hotel 2-1-1 競圖資料簡介 Competition Brief 2-1-2 設計思考之操作 2-1-3 空間實踐與圖面呈現 2-2 Himalayan Mountain Hut Architecture Competition 2-2-1 競圖資料簡介 Competition Brief 2-2-2 設計思考之操作 2-2-3 空間實踐與圖面呈現 第三章 結論 3-1 得獎作品比較分析 The Legend of Tent-International Design Competition of Tent Hotel 3-2 得獎作品比較分析 Himalayan Mountain Hut Architecture Competition 3-3 檢討 3-4 反饋 3-5 結論 參考書目 x 參考網站 附錄 附錄一 / The Legend of Tent-International Design Competition of Tent Hotel 得獎作品 附錄二 / Himalayan Mountain Hut Architecture Competition

01 / 建築的法則, Matthew Frederick, 2009  
02 / 亂想的方法, Michael Michalko, 2012  
03 / 讓創意聽不下來的有趣發想書, 高橋誠, 2009
04 / 盒內思考 有效創新的簡單法則, Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg, 2014
05 / 安藤忠雄我的人生履歷書, Tadao Ando,2012
06 / 點子都是偷來的:10個沒人告訴過你的創意撇步,Austin Kleon,2013
07 / The Legend of Tent International Design Competition

08 / Himalayan Mountain Hut Architecture Competition