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研究生: 柯元凱
Yuan-Kai Ko
論文名稱: 在稀疏模糊規則庫系統中作模糊內插推理之新方法
New Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning Methods for Sparse Fuzzy Rule-Based System
指導教授: 陳錫明
Shyi-ming Chen
口試委員: 何正信
Cheng-seen Ho
Rung-ching Chen
Huey-ming Lee
Yung-ho Leu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 模糊內插推理稀疏模糊規則庫系統遞增轉換倍率轉換α切割權重模糊內插推理
外文關鍵詞: Fuzzy interpolative reasoning, sparse fuzzy rule-based systems, increment transformations, ratio transformations, α-cuts, weighted fuzzy interpolative reasoning
相關次數: 點閱:521下載:1
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In sparse fuzzy rule-based systems, the fuzzy rule bases usually are incomplete. In this situation, the system may not properly perform fuzzy reasoning to get reasonable consequences. In order to overcome the drawback of sparse fuzzy rule-based systems, there is an increasing demand to develop fuzzy interpolative reasoning techniques in sparse fuzzy rule-based systems. In this paper, we present a new fuzzy interpola¬tive reasoning method via cutting and transformation techniques for sparse fuzzy rule-based systems. It can produce more reasonable results than the existing methods. Moreover, we also extend the α-cuts and transformation techniques to present a new method to handle the weighted fuzzy interpolative reasoning in sparse fuzzy rule-based systems. For multiple antecedent variables fuzzy rules interpolation, the proposed method allows each linguistic variable appearing in the antecedent parts of fuzzy rules associated with a weighting factor. The proposed methods provide a useful way to deal with fuzzy interpolative reasoning in sparse fuzzy rule-based systems.

Abstract in Chinese i Abstract in English ii Acknowledgements iii Contents iv List of Figures and Tables vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Related Literature 1 1.3 Organization of This Thesis 4 Chapter 2 Fuzzy Set Theory and Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning Method for Sparse fuzzy Rule 5 2.1 Basic Concepts of Fuzzy Sets 5 2.2 Basic Concepts of Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning 10 Chapter 3 A Review of The Existing Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning Methods 12 3.1 The KH Method 12 3.2 The MACI Method 14 3.3 The IMUL Method for Multidimensional Input Space 14 3.4 The HS Method 17 Chapter 4 A New Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning Method for Sparse Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems 20 4.1 Single Antecedent Variable with Trapezoidal Fuzzy Sets 20 4.2 Single Antecedent Variable with Triangular Fuzzy Sets 27 4.3 Single Antecedent Variable with Hexagonal Fuzzy Sets 33 4.4 Single Antecedent Variable with Polygonal fuzzy sets 41 4.5 Single Antecedent Variable with Gaussian Fuzzy Sets 48 4.6 General Multiple Antecedent Variables Interpolation 50 4.7 Experimental Results 57 4.8 Summary 66 Chapter 5 Weighted Fuzzy Interpolative Reasoning for Sparse Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems 67 5.1 Multiple Antecedent Variables with Polygonal Fuzzy Sets 67 5.2 Multiple Antecedent Variables with Bell-Shaped Fuzzy Sets 75 5.3 A Method to Automatically Tune the Optimal Weights of the Antecedent Variables Appearing in the Antecedent Parts of Fuzzy Rules 81 5.4 Summary 88 Chapter 6 Conclusions 89 6.1 Contributions of This Thesis 89 6.2 Future Research 90 References 91

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