簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳晶晶
Ching-Ching Wu
論文名稱: 虛擬實境色外貌之參考白研究
Reference White for Colour Appearance in Virtual Reality
指導教授: 歐立成
Li-Chen Ou
口試委員: 羅梅君
Mei-Chun Lo
Pei-Li Sun
Tzung-Han Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 色彩與照明科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technology
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 色外貌虛擬實境CIECAM02CAM16
外文關鍵詞: Colour Appearance, Virtual Reality, CIECAM02, CAM16
相關次數: 點閱:548下載:7
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本研究探討了現實環境和虛擬實境 (VR) 色外貌的差異,將實驗結果與CIECAM02和CAM16兩個色外貌模型的預測值做比較。藉由VR中不同參考白的配置對色外貌評價的影響,以探討VR色外貌的參考白定義。
本研究進行了3個心理物理學實驗,採用數值估計法,每個實驗皆有20位無色覺異常的受測者,色彩樣本從PCCS色彩體系中挑選。實驗一為真實環境中的色外貌實驗,其進行地點為環境中擺放各式物件的實驗室,色彩樣本旁有參考色的配置,色彩樣本一共20個 (有彩色15個,無彩色5個);實驗二為VR中的色外貌實驗,受測者進行實驗時須配戴移動式頭戴顯示器 (Mobile-Head-Mounted Displays) 觀看由3ds MAX創建的VR (環境布置與實驗一相同),色彩樣本一共29個 (有彩色24個,無彩色5個);實驗三為探討VR中參考白的配置,受測者進行實驗時須配戴移動式頭戴顯示器且可自由地觀看不同視角,在VR 中預設了兩種參考白,但在受測者進行實驗時並不會明確告知參考白,色彩樣本與實驗二相同。
結果為CIECAM02與CAM16兩個色外貌模型,在真實環境中 (實驗一) 比VR中 (實驗二和實驗三) 預測得更準確。在實驗一中CIECAM02和CAM16對色相和明度皆有良好的預測,但比較視彩度在兩個色外貌模型的預測值,CIECAM02預測值的尺度更接近受測者心理量。根據實驗三的結果可得知,評價色外貌時受測者傾向根據視野範圍內的最亮的白色物體而非整個環境中最亮的白色物體。而比較實驗二和實驗三的結果顯示兩個實驗的心理量具有高度相關,指出在實驗中是否提供了代表參考白和參考視彩度的色票並非準確評價色外貌的必要條件。

The purpose of this study was to explore the difference of colour appearance between the real environment and VR, and different configurations of the reference white in VR. The experimental results were compared with the predicted values of CIECAM02 and CAM16.
This study conducted three psychophysical experiments, using conventional magnitude estimation. A panel of 20 observers participated in each of the experiments. The test colours were selected from Practical Coordinate Color System (PCCS). Experiment 1 was carried out in a real laboratory room, laboratory where various objects are placed in the environment. There were reference white and reference Colourfulness next to the test colours. There were a total of 20 test colours (15 chromatic colours and 5 achromatic colours). Experiment 2 implemented in VR. The observers wore a mobile head-mounted display to observe the VR created by 3ds MAX (the environment layout was the same as Experiment 1). The number of test colours was 29. Experiment 3 was to explore the configurations of reference white in VR. The observers wore a mobile head-mounted display and freely view and interact with objects in every corner of the VR. Two white plaster cubes were presented as candidates of the reference white, one located near the test colour and the other located outside the viewing field of the observer when looking at the test colour. The reference white was not clearly informed when the observers conducted the experiment. The test colours were the same as those of Experiment 2.
According to the results, the predicted values obtained in the real environment (Experiment 1) were more accurate than those obtained in VR (i.e. Experiments 2 and 3), from using both the CIECAM02 and the CAM16. In Experiment 1, both the CIECAM02 and the CAM16 had good predictions in both Hue and Lightness. However, the CIECAM02 performed better than CAM16.CIECAM02 in colourfulness prediction. According to the results of Experiment 3, the observers tended to evaluate the colour appearance based on the brightest white object in the field of view rather than in the entire environment. The results of the comparison between Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 showed a high correlation in the perceived colour appearance values between them. It indicates that the presentation of colour patches for both the reference white and the reference colourfulness was not required for the accurate evaluation of colour appearance in VR.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 第1章 緒論 1.1 研究動機 1.2 研究目的 1.3 研究架構 1.4 相關論文發表 第2章 基本原理與文獻探討 2.1 色彩感知 2.2 CIE色度學 2.2.1 色匹配函數 2.2.2 三刺激值 2.3 心理物理學方法 (Psychophysical Methods) 2.4 色外貌模型 (Colour Appearance Models) 2.4.1 觀測環境 2.4.2 色外貌屬性 2.4.3 CIECAM02 2.4.4 CAM16 2.5 虛擬實境相關研究 2.5.1 虛擬實境Virtual Reality 2.5.2 虛擬實境之色彩相關研究 2.5.3 虛擬實境應用相關研究 2.6 相機參考白 第3章 研究方法 3.1 實驗設備 3.2 心理物理實驗 3.2.1 現實環境量測 3.2.2 實驗物理量 3.2.3 物理量參數和心理量 3.3 實驗受測者 3.4 實驗一真實環境中的色外貌 3.4.1 實驗環境 3.4.2 挑選色彩樣本 3.4.3 實驗流程 3.5 實驗二虛擬環境中的色外貌 3.5.1 實驗環境 3.5.2 挑選色彩樣本 3.5.3 實驗流程 3.6 實驗三虛擬環境中不同參考白的配置 3.6.1 實驗環境 3.6.2 挑選色彩樣本 3.6.3 實驗流程 3.7 實驗數據分析方法 3.7.1 實驗數據可信度 3.7.2 變異係數 (Coefficient of Variation, 簡稱CV) 3.7.3 相關係數 (Correlation Coefficicent,簡稱r) 3.7.4 算術平均數 (Arithmetic Mean) 3.7.5 幾何平均數 ( Geometric Mean ) 3.8 小節 第4章 實驗結果與分析 4.1 受測者可信度分析 4.1.1 受測者組內變異(重複性) 4.1.2 受測者組間變異(準確性) 4.2 實驗結果分析 4.2.1 實驗一結果分析 4.2.2 實驗二結果分析 4.2.3 實驗三結果分析 4.3 綜合比較 4.3.1 實驗二和實驗三分析 4.3.2 實驗一、實驗二和實驗三比較 第5章 結論與未來研究方向 5.1 結論 5.2 未來研究方向 參考文獻


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陳鴻興、胡國瑞、孫沛立、徐道義、黃日鋒、詹文馨與羅梅君 編著,「顯示色彩工程學」,第二版,全華圖書, ISBN : 978-957-21-7988-8,2013

羅梅君 編著,「數位色彩管理科學-色彩度量學」,第二版,ISBN : 978-957-41-7282-5,2010