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研究生: 傅祥銨
Hsiang-An Fu
論文名稱: 在地一方,元沛農坊的反哺之情
Standing with the land, the gratitude of Agrifoward.
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Chen-Hao Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 科技農業搖籃到搖籃韌性理論公益創業家精神社會資本社會影響力
外文關鍵詞: Scientific Agriculture, Cradle to Cradle, Resilience Theory, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Capital, Social Influence
相關次數: 點閱:229下載:0
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科技農業的社會企業主要是透過引進科技應用以解決農業相關的社會問題,並尋求兼具社會性企業與商業性企業的平衡點(共享價值,Shared Value)。解決社會問題的是「最終的結果」,過程中透過不同的形式來喚醒人們對於社會議題真實成因的了解,能夠發揮社會企業的社會影響力;為了生存,社會企業也必須同時兼具商業性,因此,社會企業會發展出屬於自己的社會企業商業模式、或與其他企業結合成具有競爭力並且難以被取代的合作型組織。
元沛農坊(沃畝股份有限公司) – 一間以科學方法解決農業社會問題的科技農業社會企業,基於「韌性理論」、及「搖籃到搖籃」設計方法,開發了廢棄物循環處理、科技農業顧問等專業服務,這些服務主要的宗旨是「永續」、「降低對自然資源的衝擊」,前者指的是「取之於自然、回饋於自然」,隱含「回饋」概念,而後者則是使用環境友善的技術並改善土地受到人類活動破壞的現狀;因此,元沛農坊執行契作或專案的過程中,都秉持著「自環境本身尋求解決方法」、「對土地友善」的中心思想,例如,在屏東大豐養豬場的案例雖然是處理養殖廢棄物,但從這些廢棄物本身卻可以提煉出對耕地土壤有益的微生物;在無毒柚種植的案例中,使用有機堆肥與光合菌;無毒米種植的案例中,使用熱裂解技術製造出的生物碳,不但減少燃燒稻穀、減少空污,還能利用碳化稻穀的生物碳特性改善土地的健康狀況;最有名的2019花蓮彩繪黑熊田案例中,使用深色的花蓮23號畫出台灣黑熊圖樣,而花蓮23號米也成為元沛農坊與木酢達人Taiwan合作釀造產品的媒介之一。

The social enterprise of scientific agriculture is mainly to solve social problems by introducing the application of science and technology, and to seek the point where sociality and commerciality are well balanced, which is the point of shared value.
Solving social problems is the consequence. In the process, different forms are used to arouse the public's understandings towards the root causes of social problems and exert the social influence of social enterprises. Social enterprises must also be commercial to survive, they should develop their own business model or combine with other enterprises to form an organization that is competitive and hard to be replaced.
Agrifoward Limited, a venture social enterprise of scientific agriculture founded by Mr. You Ren, Hsu in 2016, is dedicated to solve social problems in agriculture by scientific methodologies and provide solutions to sustainable development and circular agriculture. They develop professional services such as “Waste Disposal & Treatment procedure” and “Scientific and Technological Agriculture Consulting” based on Resilience Theory and Cradle-to-Cradle Design. The main goals of these services are “Sustainability” and “Reduce the impact on natural resources,” which implies “Taking from nature and giving back to nature”, the concept of “Feedback”, and “Using environmentally friendly technologies and improving the status quo of land damaged by human activities.” Therefore, Agrifoward Limited always adheres to the central idea of “Seeking solutions from the environment itself.” and “Eco-friendly.” For example, the case of Dafeng Pig Farm in Pingtung City dealt with breeding waste, microorganisms that are beneficial to the cultivated soil were extracted from the waste itself. In the case of non-toxic pomelo cultivation, organic compost and photosynthetic bacteria were also used. In the case of non-toxic rice cultivation, the bio-char produced by thermal cracking technology was used, which not only reduced the burning of rice and air pollution, but also improved the health of the land by using carbonized rice with the bio-carbon properties. In the most famous case in 2019, Agrifoward Limited was invited to join the painted farm project and the dark Hualien No.23 rice was used at that time, and the Hualien No.23 rice also became one of the mediums for the brewing products of Agrifoward Limited and Dawoko, a Taiwan-based venture company, which recycles unnecessary trees and branches to maintain ecosystem.
The study is written as a Harvard case and can be used to discuss issues such as cradle-to-cradle theory, resilience theory, social entrepreneurship, social capital, organizational performance of social enterprises, and social impact. For example: how to integrate industrial characteristics and carry out theoretical innovation under the framework of original one, core values of Resilience Theory and applications in other fields, how to demonstrate the spirit of social entrepreneurship through the status quo of uneven distribution of resources, identify opportunities, and provide innovative ideas. Last but not least, how social enterprises can make good use of connections between partners and accumulate social capital when solving social problems.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序場 1 二、 臺灣農業的現狀 2 三、 臺灣農業的歷史與價值 5 四、 農業價值的改進 8 五、 小結 9 六、 個案公司 10 七、 附錄 28 貳、 個案討論 29 一、 個案總覽 29 二、 教學目標及適用課程 31 三、 課前討論問題 35 四、 個案訪談人物背景 36 五、 個案分析 37 教學目標一:搖籃到搖籃(Cradle to Cradle) 38 教學目標二:韌性(Cradle to Cradle) 48 教學目標三:公益創業家(Social Entrepreneurship) 56 教學目標四:社會資本(Social Capital) 63 六、 課程結論 68 七、 教學建議 69 八、 板書規劃 74 參、 參考文獻 77 一、 英文部分 77 二、 中文部分 80 三、 其他 81

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三、 其他
1. 未來大人物 許又仁:https://becomingaces.com/ace/xuyouren
2. 循環台灣基金會:https://circular-taiwan.org/case/agriforward-universecirculartechnology/
3. CSR @ 天下:
4. 環境資訊中心:https://e-info.org.tw/node/116389
5. KPMG:https://home.kpmg/tw/zh/home/insights/2016/07/social-enterprise-service.html
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7. 元沛農坊:https://www.agriforward.tw/
8. 今周刊:https://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/80394/post/201805180035/
9. 臺灣搖籃到搖籃平台:https://www.c2cplatform.tw/index.php
10. Circusol:https://www.circusol.eu/en/overview/what-to-expect
11. 行政院農業委員會:
12. 環拓科技:https://www.enrestec.com.tw/
13. 政府研究資訊系統:https://www.grb.gov.tw/search;keyword=%E9%9F%8C%E6%80%A7%E7%90%86%E8%AB%96;type=GRB05
14. 國立臺灣自然科學博物館:https://www.nmns.edu.tw/gallery/Human_Cultures/agricultural/development/
15. 社企流:
16. 元沛農坊臉書:https://zh-tw.facebook.com/YuanPeiFarm/

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