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研究生: 廖俊榮
Jun-Rong Liao
論文名稱: 車聯網創造共享經濟 – 以威摩科技公司為例
Internet of Scooter Creates Sharing Economy - A Case Study from WeMo Scooter Inc.
指導教授: 羅士哲
Shih-Che Lo
口試委員: 蔡鴻旭
Hung-Hsu Tsai
Yu-Chung Tsao
Shih-Che Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 共享經濟物聯網智慧型運輸系統永續發展綠色運輸
外文關鍵詞: Sharing Economy, Internet of Things, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Sustainable Development, Green Transportation
相關次數: 點閱:297下載:0
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  • 本個案威摩科技(WeMo Scooter)是臺灣第一家共享電動機車業者,2015年以「綠能環保」、「隨時租借」理念成立,台北都會熱門聚點的公共機車停車格,停放著一輛輛綠白顏色塗裝的電動機車,正等著給消費者一種交通自由的選擇,2019年陸續有新競爭對手GoShare (Gogoro)、iRent(和運租車)的加入,除了YouBike共享單車之外,共享機車也讓都會區民眾有更多元的微出行組合。

    WeMo Scooter Inc., established in 2015, is the first sharing economy operator of electric scooter in Taiwan. The main conception of company is “green energy” and “lease any time.” Around Taipei downtown area, many scooters painting in green and white colors are parking on outside legal scooter spaces. They are ready to provide a freedom choice of transportation to local people. Since 2019, new competitors were beginning to enter this market, such as GoShare of Gogoro Inc. and iRent of Easyrent Inc. Apart from YouBike, downtown people now get to transport by riding various sharing economy scooters as private traffic tool to go anywhere under micro-mobility plan.

    The “sharing economy” is an emerging business model within full destructive influence. Time Magazine 2010, United States edition, was listing it as one of “Ten Great Ideas to Change the World.” That business model is evolutionary from C2C to B2C, and a spirit type of “need to use” is replaced by “need to own” smoothly changing everyone's habits to optimize idle resources through matching demand on the Internet. However, is it okay to apply the same business model to every industry?
    Year 2019 was a year for sharing economy wave to freeze. Before that, a death of sharing-bikes (ofo, Mobike) model bursts, even Uber also has been controversial in many countries. The startup company, WeMo Scooter Inc., based in Taipei city starts to develop their green traffic dreams. Their operation process seems going smoothly, but how did they do it? Another Singapore bike-sharing company, oBike, was also running a “site-less” bike rental model. However, it became a large road rage in downtown Taipei city and banned successively to withdraw from Taiwan. WeMo Scooter is also applying the same model, but WeMo Scooter could acquire Taipei city government’s support to continue operation.
    This thesis focused on the electric scooter for sharing economy growth of WeMo Scooter Inc. analyzing its’ benefit to leverage resources, service quality gaps and the future direction of big data by Internet of Scooter, especially in risk management to be a learning lesson for new startup company.

    摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 個案本文 1.1 共享經濟的演化 1.2 城市的交通困境 1.3 順勢而飛(產業背景) 1.4 即時租借機車(個案背景) 1.5 綠色交通大夢 1.6 服務品質的改善 1.7 企業創新海量數據 第二章 教學指引 2.1 個案討論 2.2 個案總覽 2.3 教學目標 2.4 適用課程 2.5 個案分析 2.6 課程結論 2.7 教學建議 2.8 投影片設計 參考文獻

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    13.菲利普.科特勒Philip Kotler(2014),行銷3.0(增訂版):與消費者心靈共鳴,天下雜誌股份有限公司。
    15.彼得.杜拉克Peter Drucker(2009),創新與創業精神:管理大師彼得.杜拉克談創新實務與策略(增訂版),臉譜出版社。
    1.AIG Report(2017), The Data Sharing Economy: Quantifying Tradeoffs that Power New Business Models, AIG.com (Accessed on May 24, 2020 from https://www.aig.be/insights/the-data-sharing-economy-quantifying-tradeoffs-that-power-new-business-models).
    2.Arun Sundararajan (2017), The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism, The MIT Press. (Accessed on May 24, 2020 from https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/sharing-economy).
    3.Joe Peach (2013), Why the Sharing Economy is a Big Opportunity for Cities, (Accessed on May 24, 2020 from http://thisbigcity.net/why-the-sharing-economy-is-a-big-opportunity-for-cities/).

    無法下載圖示 全文公開日期 2025/06/05 (校內網路)
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    全文公開日期 2025/06/05 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)