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研究生: 周盈卉
Ying-Hui - Chou
論文名稱: 湯馬士哈代小說《遠離塵囂》之中譯本比較研究
The Comparative Study of Chinese Translations of Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd
指導教授: 賈繼中
Chi-Chung Chia
口試委員: 鄧慧君
Huei-Chun Teng
Yung-Aun Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 《遠離塵囂》翻譯策略文學翻譯隱喻翻譯對等理論
外文關鍵詞: Far From the Madding Crowd, translation theory and strategy, literary translation, metaphor translation, equivalence theory
相關次數: 點閱:382下載:3
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湯馬士•哈代 (Thomas Hardy) 所寫的《遠離塵囂》(Far From the Madding Crowd) 是極富盛名的田園愛情小說,也是開啟他往後一系列以維塞克斯(Wessex) 為背景之長篇小說的第一部小說。然而,《遠離塵囂》為人津津樂道的並不只是書裡四位男女主角的情愛糾葛,而是湯馬士•哈代在這部作品中探討了一些值得深思的議題:對照當今的現代化社會,湯馬士•哈代藉由故事中的時空背景及生動的人物刻劃,帶領讀者去深思人與人之間的關係、人類與自然環境的相互連結,及和平共存的重要性。

Thomas Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd weaves a fascinating love story in Victorian rural England. However, it is not a mere romance per se; it further explores deeper issues about the protagonists’ inner struggles and growths, and the connections between human and nature. Yet Far From the Madding Crowd has not been coated with heavy atmosphere of fate and pessimism which appeared more frequent in his later works. By describing a love story in countryside that portrayed the struggles and growths of a woman and three men with different personalities, Thomas Hardy further explores the complex psychological progress of characters and subtle connection between man and nature. Therefore the researcher will focus on the critical analysis of the specific Chinese versions of Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd to make this novel more accessible to the Chinese reader.
This essay contains five sections. The first part describes the motivation and purpose of the study. The second provides a concise introduction of Thomas Hardy and Far From the Madding Crowd. In the third part, the researcher will do a research on the literature reviews related to the novel and introduce some translation theories in analyzing the Chinese translations of Thomas Hardy's novel. In the study of the comparison of the three translation versions, Eugene Nida’s “dynamic-equivalence” theory is adopted as the major theory. The fourth part aims to elaborate on the analysis and comparison of three selected Chinese translation versions through certain translation strategies and methods. Some problematic passages of the Chinese versions will be presented and analyzed critically and possible solutions will be offered to form constructive dialogue with the original novel and make the novel more accessible to the Chinese reader. The final part gives a conclusion to summarize the findings of the study and more suggestions in literary translation will be given.

Chinese Abstract i English Abstract iii Acknowledgements v Table of Contents vi List of Tables viii List of Figures ix Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation of the Study 1 1.2 Purpose of the Study 3 1.3 Definition of Terms 4 1.4 Summary 5 Chapter Two Thomas Hardy and Far From the Madding Crowd 6 2.1 Thomas Hardy’s Life 6 2.2 The Success and Plot of Far From the Madding Crowd 10 2.3 Chinese Translations of Far From the Madding Crowd 14 2.4 Summary 16 Chapter Three Literature Review 18 3.1 Studies on Far From the Madding Crowd 18 3.1.1. The Role of Characters 18 3.1.2. The Role of the Environment 24 3.1.3. Summary 28 3.2 Translation Studies 28 3.2.1. Language Functions and Text Types 29 3.2.2. Translation Theories 30 3.2.3. Metaphor Translation Studies and Strategies 34 3.2.4. Summary 37 Chapter Four Discussion and Analysis of Translation Excerpts 39 4.1 Translation Strategies 40 4.1.1. Literal Translation 40 4.1.2. Metaphor Into Simile 46 4.1.3. Conversion 52 4.1.4. Complement 58 4.1.5. Deletion 64 4.2 Inappropriate Translations 71 4.2.1. Translations with Grammatical Errors 72 4.2.2. Incomprehensible Translations 77 4.2.3. Translation Problems Related to Cultural Elements 82 4.3 Summary 87 Chapter Five Conclusion 96 Works Cited 103

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