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研究生: 蔡雨潔
論文名稱: 以主導邏輯驅動數位服務化:邊界控制觀點
Exploring the mechanisms of digital servitization: Boundary control perspective
指導教授: 何秀青
Hsiu-Ching Ho
Chen-Hao Huang
口試委員: 鍾建屏
Chien-Ping Chung
Shih-Hao Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 數位服務化服務主導邏輯控制機制邊界控制
外文關鍵詞: Digital Servitization, Service-Dominant Logic, Control Mechanisms, Boundary Control
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:12
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The term 'Industry 4.0' has been a cornerstone of the manufacturing industry for the past decade, with two significant shifts occurring. The first is the proactive demand for customization and the application of digital tools, while the second is the supply chain crisis brought about by uncontrollable environmental changes. Digital servitization is viewed as a crucial way to improve stability and reduce risks, leading more businesses to invest in its development. However, the process of digital servitization has its idiosyncratic characteristics. Enterprises encounter numerous challenges when implementing digital technology. If they cannot successfully overcome the difficulties, they may even face the risk of bankruptcy.
In time of organizational transformation, the company's mindset must become its priority. However, the number of business partners surges, which increases the network complexity and diversification in the development process. To achieve the goal collectively, the organization should establish a shared vision that drives it internally and externally, including partners in the services ecosystem. In the past research and managerial practices, the majority analyzed the advantages and risks of digital servitization while little mentioned the strategy. Thus, this study investigates how organizations successfully realize the goal of digital servitization.
This study takes the world's third largest machine tool group, Fair Friend Group. It examines the logic of its goals at each stage of the digitalization process, analyzing how its control mechanisms shape consensus and break digital barriers from digital technology. This study establishes a "digital servitization drive strategy" through a case study, which serves as a reference for manufacturers to develop digital service strategies in the future.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究問題與目的 3 1.3 研究範圍與流程 5 1.4 論文架構 7 第二章、文獻回顧 8 2.1 數位服務化 8 2.1.1 定義 8 2.1.2 數位服務化邊界 9 2.2 服務主導邏輯 11 2.2.1 服務主導邏輯之定義 11 2.2.2 服務生態系統之內涵 12 2.3 控制 14 2.3.1 輸入控制(Input control) 15 2.3.2 行為控制(Behavior control) 15 2.3.3 輸出控制(Outcome control) 15 2.3.4 社群控制(Clan control) 16 2.3.5 自我控制(Self-control) 16 3 第三章、研究方法與架構 18 3.1 研究方法 18 3.2 研究架構 21 3.3 研究觀察重點 22 3.4 研究對象 23 3.5 資料蒐集與分析 24 3.5.1 資料蒐集 24 3.5.2 資料分析 26 4 第四章、個案描述 27 4.1 產業背景 27 4.2 個案背景 31 4.2.1 個案公司簡介 31 4.2.2 個案公司數位服務化發展歷程 31 5 第五章、個案分析 36 5.1 第一階段:數位萌芽期 36 5.1.1 主導邏輯:產品主導邏輯 36 5.1.2 數位服務化:產品導向的電子化服務期 37 5.1.3 邊界困難 38 5.1.4 控制 39 5.1.5 數位萌芽期小結 41 5.2 第二階段:數位優化期 43 5.2.1 主導邏輯:服務主導邏輯(以顧客為中心) 43 5.2.2 數位服務化:基於數位科技的優化期 44 5.2.3 邊界困難 45 5.2.4 控制 48 5.2.5 數位優化期小結 50 5.3 第三階段:數位生態期 54 5.3.1 主導邏輯:服務主導邏輯(以服務生態系統為中心) 54 5.3.2 數位服務化:數位科技賦能期 55 5.3.3 邊界困難 57 5.3.4 控制 60 5.3.5 數位生態期小結 66 5.4 個案分析小結 71 6 第六章、研究結論與建議 76 6.1 結論與研究貢獻 76 6.2 研究限制與未來研究方向 79 參考文獻 80

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