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研究生: 黃定國
ting-kuo huang
論文名稱: 產品生命週期的行銷組合策略之探討-以冰火為例
Discussion on Marketing Mix Strategy for the Stages of Product Life Cycle – Based on Ice Fire Vodka
指導教授: 廖文志
Wen-Chih Liao
口試委員: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
Li - hui Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 產品生命週期行銷組合策略調合式氣泡酒
外文關鍵詞: product life cycle, marketing mix strategy, blended sparkling wines.
相關次數: 點閱:318下載:1
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一、 個案冰火的產品生命週期曲線與文獻呈現的產品生命週期曲線相同。
二、 產品導入期:個案冰火的產品、價格及推廣等策略與文獻比較結果無差異,個案廠商通路策略是全面鋪貨,利用原既有通路廣泛鋪貨,以取得先發品牌的優勢,與文獻通路策略的選擇通路有所不同。
三、 產品成長期:競爭者數量達到高峰,產品零售價格接受市場的挑戰,廠商的推廣策略是努力擴大消費族群,產品策略是進行產品改良,以上幾點與文獻所述相同。但在通路策略以選擇通路為主要策略,且積極的淘汰銷售不佳的通路與文獻中表示擴張通路產生不同結論。
四、 產品成熟期:產品、推廣等策略與文獻比較結果並無不同,差異部分在價格策略。差異原因是原、物料的持續上漲,造成生產成本提高,加上通路要求銷售毛利也在攀升,雙重壓力之下,造成零售價格並未因市場競爭激烈產生降價,此與文獻的價格策略降低零售價有所不同。另外廠商通路策略是要維持既有通路,使產品能繼續在超商通路上銷售,廠商積極對消費者作促銷,期望產品能維持高市占率和高產品週轉率,與文獻中表示要搭配一些獎勵措施給通路,使通路產生偏好度有所差別。
五、 產品衰退期:產品策略和價格策略與文獻比較結果並無太大的差別,但個案廠商因配合產品成長擴大產能,現在如採用文獻通路策略,將產品急速退出市場,廠商將背負著閒置的產能和人事開銷,形成了退出障礙。所以在推廣策略方面,是維持銷售量或是減緩銷售量下跌的幅度,同時積極尋找替代品以填補失去的產能。廠商的通路策略是配合維持產能提高銷售量,不得不增加除了便利超商之外,以便宜為號召的量販店和超市等新通路,因而造成實質零售價格下滑,與文獻表示的縮減通路和維持零售價格結果不同。

The purpose of this study is to analyze the stages of the product life cycle (PLC) and the different marketing mix strategies in each stage of the cycle based on related studies, to understand the status and trend of the relation to blended sparkling wines industry, then to compare them to those of Ice Fire Vodka’s marketing mix strategies in the different stages of the PLC. Based on the market share perspective, it will then discuss how to utilize the PLC model to formulate a suitable marketing mix in order to increase marketing share and to maximize profit for the company.
Through the overview of the industry environment, the following conclusions were found by gathering and comparing the information collected:
1. Ice Fire’s PLC arc follows the arc as discussed in previous studies of PLC.
2. Market Introduction Stage: There is no significant difference between Ice Fire’s product, price, and promotional strategies as compared to previous studies. However, the company’s channel strategy was to distribute the product as widely as possible into different forms of distribution channel, and to use the current channels to establish the image as the first brand in the market. This strategy was different from the channel strategy of previous studies.
3. Growth Stage: As the number of competitors increased and began to challenge the price of the product, the company’s promotional and product strategies were to expand its appeal to different segments, and to modify and improve the product, which is the same as those suggested in previous studies of PLC. However with its channel strategy, its main focus was in channel selection, where underperforming distributors and channels were eliminated, which is different from the expansion strategy of previous studies.
4. Maturity Stage: In terms of product and promotional strategies they are the same as previous studies on PLC. The difference was found in Ice Fire’s pricing strategy, due to increasing raw material and production cost, and the channels’ demand for higher margins. As a result Ice Fire was not able to lower its retail price despite intense competition. This was different from the suggestion of previous studies where the price was lowered during the maturity stage. In terms of channel strategies, Ice Fire’s approach was to maintain existing channels, so that it will continue to be available in convenient stores, and actively conduct promotions in order to maintain its high market share and rapid turn-over. This was slightly different from other studies where reward incentives were provided to distributors to create channel favorability.
5. Decline Stage: There is no significant different in product and pricing strategy with other studies; however, in order to cope with increasing demand and production expansion, if Ice Fire follows the channel strategies suggested in other studies and rapidly withdraws from the market, it will face the burden from excess capacity and labor expense. This could become an exit barrier for the company. Hence, in terms of promotional strategy, Fire Ice maintained its sales or delayed the decline in sales, and actively searched for replacements to fill in for the excess capacity. In terms of channel strategy, Ice Fire increased its reach in order to match a greater production capacity. Ice Fire had to increase its reach into new channels like supermarkets and superstores that offered cheaper prices for consumers. This led to a fall in retail price, and was different from other studies that suggested a reduction in distribution channels and no change in retail price.

目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 表索引 VIII 圖索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究動機 2 1.3. 研究目的 3 1.4. 研究流程 3 第二章、文獻探討 5 2.1. 產品生命週期模式文獻探討 5 2.1.1. 基本概念介紹 5 2.1.2. 產品生命週期的定義 5 2.1.3. 產品生命週期的構面 7 2.1.4. 產品生命週期各類型態探討 10 2.1.5. 產品生命週期 13 2.1.6. 產品生命週期各階段的區分依據 14 2.1.7. 產品生命週期應用於企業的經營規劃 16 2.2. 行銷組合策略文獻探討 18 2.2.1. 行銷組合的定義 19 2.2.2. 產品策略 20 2.2.3. 價格策略 22 2.2.4. 推廣策略 23 2.2.5. 通路策略 26 第三章 調合式氣泡酒之現狀及發展 29 3.1. 界說與範圍 29 3.2. 國內酒精飲料製造業銷售趨勢 31 3.3. 調合式氣泡酒在台灣的發展 35 3.4. 調合式氣泡酒的市場區隔劃分 36 3.5. 調合式氣泡酒的經營環境與條件 38 3.5.1. 成本結構 38 3.5.2. 稅率 38 3.5.3. 需求決定因子 39 3.5.4. 調合式氣泡酒的市場競爭狀況 40 第四章 研究方法 43 4.1. 研究架構 43 4.2. 研究方法 44 4.2.1. 資料蒐集 46 4.2.2. 資料分析 47 4.3. 訪談問卷設計與受訪對象 488 第五章 個案冰火行銷策略分析 49 5.1. 個案公司介紹 49 5.1.1. 個案公司簡介 49 5.1.2 保力達公司組織圖 50 5.2. 冰火生命週期分析 50 5.3. 冰火行銷策略規劃分析 52 5.3.1. 導入期 52 5.3.2. 成長期 53 5.3.3. 成熟期 58 5.3.4 衰退期 61 第六章 結論 63 6.1. 研究結論 63 6.1.1. 調合式氣泡酒市場的現狀與發展趨勢 63 6.1.2. 冰火行銷組合策略比較分析 65 6.2. 研究建議 72 參考文獻: 77 附錄:個案研究之訪談記錄 83 訪談記錄一 83 訪談記錄二 87 訪談記錄三 92

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