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研究生: 簡秀珍
Hsiu-chen Chien
論文名稱: 低成本航空發展策略之研究-以本國A航空公司為例
Development Strategy of Low Cost Carrier-A Case of the Domestic A-Airline
指導教授: 徐中琦
Jon-chi Shyu
口試委員: 劉邦典
Pang-tien Lieu
Jung-hui Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 低成本航空SWOT個案研究法
外文關鍵詞: Low Cost Carrier, SWOT, Case Study
相關次數: 點閱:270下載:1
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Low cost carriers have been popular for years in Europe and America. However, this trend was only developed rapidly in Southeast Asia when AirAsia was established in 2001. At then, the entire Northern Asia countries haven’t been influenced by this trend. However, after years, Northern Asia area was finally realized this low-cost airfare trend. Since 2011, Low cost carriers started to develop in Japan and Korea. In 2004, the first foreign low cost carriers -Jetstar started the route between Taoyuan and Singapore. At then, only 3 foreign low cost carriers have routes to Taiwan. Starting from 2011, more foreign low cost carriers have routes to Taiwan, until 2013, 13 low-cost airlines have routes to Taiwan.
Limited by freedoms of the air and no secondary airports, Taiwan has never had its own nationality low cost carriers. However, realized the inevitability of the low cost airfare trend, the local government authorities and airline companies finally have to change the policies and their attitude about this trend. At the beginning of 2014, China Airline and TransAsia Airways announced their investments on low cost carrier operations, which is a great chronicle for Taiwan aviation history. However, many important issues still need to be discussed behind the investments including the new operation model; how to operate the nationality of aviation in order to win. This thesis will analyze those important issues and emphasize on the low cost carrier business models based on the case studies and their success and failure stories. Detailed case study analysis will be given to one specific nationality aviation company. At the end of the study, I will give suggestions to this company. This study result shows that if the nationality of the airline company can use the subsidiaries to operate the low cost carrier, having a distinct market positioning between the mother and subsidiary companies, and operate both companies independently but do not erode the effective use of both markets and resources, it will have a great chance to operate both markets successfully. After all, “nationality” and language” are its strongest strengths to the success.

摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iii 目錄 iv 圖表目錄 vi 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究方法與限制 2 第四節 研究架構 3 第貳章 文獻探討 5 第一節 低成本航空興起與沿革 5 一、 美國低成本航空 5 二、 歐洲低成本航空 7 三、 亞洲低成本航空 9 第二節 低成本航空經營策略 11 一、 航務面 13 一、 服務面 15 二、 票務面 15 三、 品牌形象面 16 第三節 低成本航空近期發展趨勢 17 一、 傳統航空公司成立低成本航空子公司 17 二、 混合型航空 19 三、 合資與策略聯盟 20 四、 附加收入逐年增加 21 第參章 個案探討 22 第一節 台灣航空產業概況 22 一、 低成本航空公司在台營運概況 22 二、 外籍低成本航空消費糾紛問題 24 三、 台灣政府政策之改變 25 第二節 個案公司經營現況 25 一、 公司簡介 25 二、 市場定位 30 三、 成立低成本子公司 31 四、 個案公司SWOT分析 31 第肆章 問題與策略建議 34 第一節 跨入低成本航空面臨之問題 34 第二節 子公司營運策略之建議 35 第伍章 結論 42 參考文獻 44 中文參考文獻 44 英文參考文獻 44 網路資料 46 附錄一 47 附錄二 51

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交通部觀光局 http://taiwan.net.tw
交通部民航局 http://www.caa.gov.tw/big5/index.asp
CAPA亞太航空中心 http://centreforaviation.com/
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