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研究生: 蔡志達
Chih-ta Tsai
論文名稱: 水泥系複合材料緻密配比邏輯再演繹及其應用之研究
Study on the Rededuction and Application of Densified Mixture Design Algorithm for cement-based composites
指導教授: 黃兆龍
Chao-lung Hwang
口試委員: 蘇南
Nan Su
Jen-yi Lin
Tzu-tung Lin
Chien-hung Lin
Ta-peng Chang
Yaw-nan Peng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 237
中文關鍵詞: 幾何觀念相似定律緻密配比邏輯水泥系複合材料適用性
外文關鍵詞: geometry concept, similarity law, densified mixture design algorithm, cement-based composites, suitability
相關次數: 點閱:158下載:0
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  • 本文主要利用「幾何觀念」及「相似定律」,針對1992年台灣科技大學所推動,融入「耐久性、安全性、工作性、經濟性及生態性」之緻密配比邏輯(Densified Mixture Design Algorithm, DMDA)進行再演繹,使其更趨於人性化,且於實務之應用更加簡便及經濟。其中為使爐石於緻密配比邏輯中之使用更多樣化,特針對不同爐石添加量混凝土,進行各項性能測試,以作為爐石添加比例之探討依據。試驗結果顯示,未添加其他卜作嵐材料時,爐石添加比例(x= 30 %)有較佳的性能表現。另根據「幾何觀念」及「相似定律」,可推導出水泥漿量放大前後,骨材系統各組成材料用量,係依一固定比例變化,定義為體積變化係數(n),
    此係數(n)為骨材系統體積,或水泥漿體系統體積之函數( 或

    In this article, it is to utilize the geometry concept and the similarity law to rededuce the densified mixture design algorithm (DMDA) that incorporates with durability, safety, workability, economy and ecology which National Taiwan University of Science and Technology carried out in 1992. The purpose of the rededuction enables DMDA to have more humanity, more convenient and economic to use. In order to make various utilization of slag in DMDA, various slag contents were used to prepare concrete. The properties of concrete are measured, and taken into discussion the slag content by them. The test result indicates that under the condition that no other pozzolanic materials were added, the concrete within 30% slag has better properties. According to the geometry concept and the similarity law, we deduce that the variation of composed materials content in aggregate system depends on a fixed proportion while the cement paste amount changed. The fixed proportion is a coefficient of volume variation designated as n. And it is not only a function of the volume of aggregate system ( ) but also the volume of cement paste system ( ). In addition, to research the suitability of the rededuction of DMDA, operate the algorithm with the application of multiple cement-based composites and various environments to identify its related performances and suitability. The result of the study shows that the multiple cement-based composites designed according to the rededuction of DMDA is conformed to the requirement of construction. They are also equipped with the hygienic criteria of “ durability, insurance, humanity, economy and green”. Even in the frigid area, it is also applicable.

    中文摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 英文摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------- II 誌謝---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III 總目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V 符號及代號說明------------------------------------------------------------------- X 表目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII 圖目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIV 第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1-1 研究動機------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1-2 研究目的------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 1-3 研究方法與範圍---------------------------------------------------------- 2 1-4 研究流程------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 第二章 文獻回顧----------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2-1 混凝土構成與材料特性------------------------------------------------- 5 2-1-1 混凝土之構成-------------------------------------------------------- 5 2-1-2 混凝土之材料特性-------------------------------------------------- 6 2-2 緻密配比邏輯------------------------------------------------------------- 8 2-2-1 逆填模式-------------------------------------------------------------- 9 2-2-2 正填模式-------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2-3 緻密配比邏輯之演進---------------------------------------------------- 16 2-3-1 漿量控制-------------------------------------------------------------- 16 2-3-2 用水量控制----------------------------------------------------------- 17 2-3-3 潤滑漿量厚度控制-------------------------------------------------- 18 2-4 爐石的來源與分類------------------------------------------------------- 25 2-4-1 高爐爐石-------------------------------------------------------------- 25 2-4-2 爐石之化學成份----------------------------------------------------- 26 2-4-3 爐石之物理性質----------------------------------------------------- 28 2-4-4 爐石之水化行為與機理-------------------------------------------- 28 第三章 試驗計劃----------------------------------------------------------------- 53 3-1 試驗流程------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 3-2 試驗材料------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 3-2-1 水泥-------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 3-2-2 粗、細骨材------------------------------------------------------------ 54 3-2-3 爐石粉----------------------------------------------------------------- 54 3-2-4 飛灰-------------------------------------------------------------------- 55 3-2-5 化學摻料-------------------------------------------------------------- 55 3-2-6 矽灰-------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 3-2-8 輕質骨材-------------------------------------------------------------- 56 3-3 試驗方法與設備---------------------------------------------------------- 57 3-3-1 材料基本性質試驗-------------------------------------------------- 57 3-3-2 新拌混凝土試驗----------------------------------------------------- 58 3-3-3 硬固混凝土試驗----------------------------------------------------- 60 3-4 試驗變數與項目---------------------------------------------------------- 64 第四章 緻密配比邏輯再演繹-------------------------------------------------- 83 4-1 緻密配比邏輯之數值解------------------------------------------------- 83 4-1-1 利用代數方程式求解----------------------------------------------- 83 4-1-2 利用矩陣求解-------------------------------------------------------- 86 4-2 利用幾何觀念求解緻密配比邏輯------------------------------------- 88 4-3 利用幾何觀念求解緻密配比邏輯之特點---------------------------- 92 4-3-1 簡化繁雜之計算公式----------------------------------------------- 92 4-3-2 便利多種材料組合之應用----------------------------------------- 92 第五章 爐石添加量對混凝土性質的影響----------------------------------- 105 5-1 配比設計與說明---------------------------------------------------------- 105 5-1-1 配比設計-------------------------------------------------------------- 105 5-1-2 配比編號說明-------------------------------------------------------- 105 5-2 混凝土新拌性質分析---------------------------------------------------- 106 5-2-1 工作性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 106 5-2-2 混凝土空氣含量分析----------------------------------------------- 106 5-2-3 單位重分析----------------------------------------------------------- 106 5-2-4 凝結時間分析-------------------------------------------------------- 106 5-2-5 混凝土泌水性質分析----------------------------------------------- 107 5-2-6 裂縫敏感度分析(塑性收縮裂縫)-------------------------------- 107 5-3 混凝土硬固性質分析---------------------------------------------------- 107 5-3-1 抗壓強度分析-------------------------------------------------------- 107 5-3-2 水泥強度效益分析-------------------------------------------------- 108 5-3-3 劈裂抗張強度分析-------------------------------------------------- 108 5-3-4 鋼筋-混凝土握裹強度分析---------------------------------------- 108 5-3-5 抗彎強度分析-------------------------------------------------------- 109 5-3-6 超音波波速性質分析----------------------------------------------- 109 5-3-7 混凝土電阻係數分析----------------------------------------------- 109 5-3-8 乾縮性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 110 5-3-9 氯離子電滲性質分析----------------------------------------------- 111 5-3-10 抗硫酸鹽侵蝕性質分析------------------------------------------ 111 5-3-11 加溫老化性質分析------------------------------------------------ 112 5-4 整體性評估---------------------------------------------------------------- 113 第六章 緻密配比邏輯於自充填水泥砂漿之應用-------------------------- 135 6-1 自充填水泥砂漿應用之工程概述------------------------------------- 135 6-2 自充填水泥砂漿之配比設計------------------------------------------- 135 6-3 自充填水泥砂漿性質分析---------------------------------------------- 138 6-3-1 新拌性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 138 6-3-2 硬固性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 139 6-4 實際工程應用------------------------------------------------------------- 139 第七章 緻密配比邏輯於不同耐久性要求工程之應用-------------------- 147 7-1 緻密配比邏輯於工業區污水管線之應用---------------------------- 147 7-1-1 應用之工程概述----------------------------------------------------- 147 7-1-2 配比設計及變數說明----------------------------------------------- 148 7-1-3 新拌性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 149 7-1-4 硬固性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 149 7-1-5 綜合性評估----------------------------------------------------------- 153 7-2 緻密配比邏輯於海域環境工程之應用------------------------------- 153 7-2-1 應用工程之概述----------------------------------------------------- 153 7-2-2 配比設計-------------------------------------------------------------- 154 7-2-3 新拌性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 155 7-2-4 硬固性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 155 7-2-5 預拌廠試、廠拌------------------------------------------------------ 156 7-2-6 均勻性驗證----------------------------------------------------------- 156 第八章 緻密配比邏輯於輕質、纖維混凝土之應用------------------------- 179 8-1 緻密配比邏輯於輕質混凝土之應用---------------------------------- 179 8-1-1 應用之工程概述----------------------------------------------------- 179 8-1-2 配比設計-------------------------------------------------------------- 179 8-1-3 新拌性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 180 8-1-4 硬固性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 181 8-1-5 預拌廠試、廠拌------------------------------------------------------ 181 8-1-6 實際應用-------------------------------------------------------------- 182 8-2 緻密配比邏輯於纖維混凝土之應用---------------------------------- 182 8-2-1 配比設計-------------------------------------------------------------- 183 8-2-2 新拌性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 184 8-2-3 硬固性質分析-------------------------------------------------------- 184 8-2-4 實際應用-------------------------------------------------------------- 186 第九章 緻密配比邏輯於大陸瀋陽地區之應用----------------------------- 209 9-1 配比設計------------------------------------------------------------------- 209 9-2 強度等級C 25高性能混凝土之應用---------------------------------- 209 9-3 強度等級C 30高性能混凝土之應用---------------------------------- 210 9-4 強度等級C 60高性能混凝土之應用---------------------------------- 211 9-5 強度等級C 30早強防凍纖維混凝土之應用------------------------- 211 9-6 緻密配比邏輯對不同地域環境適用性分析------------------------- 212 第十章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------------------------- 225 10-1 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------ 225 10-1-1 緻密配比邏輯再演繹及爐石最佳添加量之探討------------ 225 10-1-2不同性能要求水泥系複和材料之應用------------------------- 226 10-1-3 不同地域環境水泥系複和材料之應用------------------------ 228 10-2 建議------------------------------------------------------------------------ 228 參考文獻---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 231

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