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研究生: 劉建麟
Chien-lin Liu
論文名稱: 新型PEO衍生物之合成及其應用於固態高分子電解質之自組裝行為及性質研究
Study on the Novel Synthesis of PEO Derivatives and Properties of Self-assembly Solid Polymer Electrolytes
指導教授: 許應舉
Ying-Gev Hsu
口試委員: 陳耿明
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 固態高分子電解質離子導電度相分離自組裝
外文關鍵詞: solid polymer electrolytes, ionic conductivity, phase separation, self-assembly
相關次數: 點閱:762下載:1
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本研究以具疏水性質之3,5-雙【【11-(甲基丙烯酸基)十一烷-1-氧】苄氧】苯甲酸(MBA),使之與聚乙二醇甲基醚【poly(ethylene glycol)methyl ether】進行酯化反應,合成出具自組裝(self-assembly)兩性分子基團之3,5-雙【【11-(甲基丙烯酸基)十一烷-1-氧】苄氧】苯甲酸聚氧乙烯酯(PEO-MBA),其化學結構藉由FT-IR和NMR等儀器證實。以50wt%PEO-MBA和50wt%的EMA (ethyl methacrylate) / HMA (hexyl methacrylate) / TEGDMA (tri(ethyl ene glycol)methacrylate)(莫耳比為30:20:50)均勻溶液在不同鋰鹽含量下,經由UV光硬化製備而得固態高分子電解質薄膜(SPEF),並利用FT-IR、SEM、SAXS、DSC和TGA來測定薄膜之化學組成、微結構及性質。實驗結果發現在SPEF中鋰離子會與PEO-MBA中之poly(ethylene oxide) (EO)n形成錯合物而產生相分離現象;同時,由DSC和TGA的觀察得知此SPEF之Tg隨著鋰離子含量增加而提高,薄膜有很好的熱穩定性且沒有任何的結晶相存在。以AC Impedance測定SPEF之導電性質,結果顯示常溫下薄膜導電度在[Li+]/[EO]比例為30mol%時有最高的導電度達1.6×10-5 Scm-1,且隨溫度上升而增加,比傳統純PEO電解質之導電度(10-6~10-7 Scm-1)高出許多,顯示PEO-MBA在SPEF中與基材產生相分離對其導電度有增進的效果。

A poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether (M.w.=750) containing self-assembly compound, poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether-3,5-bis (11-methacryloylundecyl-1-oxybenzyloxy) benzoate (PEO-MBA), was synthesized by the polyesterification of 3,5-bis(11-methacryloylundecyl -1-oxybenzyloxy) benzoic acid (MBA) with poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether. The structures of PEO-MBA and the intermediates were identified by FTIR and NMR. Solid polymer electrolyte film (SPEF) was prepared by photopolymerization of the solution composed of 50wt% of PEO-MBA, mixture of EMA(ethyl methacrylate)/HMA(hexyl methacryl ate)/TEGDMA(tri(ethylene glycol) methyl methacrylate) (mole ratio(%) : 30/20/50), and various amount of LiClO4. The structure, morphology, and properties of the SPEF was characterized by FT-IR, SEM, SAXS, DSC, and TGA. It was found that the lithium ion in the SPEF formed complex with poly(ethylene oxide) (EO)n segments in PEO-MBA that caused PEO segments in the films became amorphous. The Tg of PEO segments in the SPEF increased with the concentration of lithium ion. The ionic conductivity of the SPEF was measured by AC Impedance. The value at room temperature could reach as high as 1.6×10-5 Scm-1 at the mole ratio of [Li+]/[EO]=30mole%, which was higher than that of the conventional PEO film(10-6~10-7 Scm-1). It seemed to us that the phase separation between PEO-MBA and the matrix in SPEF was of great advantages to the ionic conductivity.

中文摘要----------------------------------------------------I 英文摘要---------------------------------------------------II 目錄-------------------------------------------------------IV 附圖索引---------------------------------------------------VI 附表索引---------------------------------------------------IX 第一章 前言-----------------------------------------------1 第二章 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------7 2-1 鋰二次電池的發展-----------------------------------7 2-2 高分子電解質之發展---------------------------------9 2-3 分子自組裝技術之簡介------------------------------13 第三章 基本原理------------------------------------------19 3-1 高分子電解質導電機制------------------------------19 3-2 自組裝的原理--------------------------------------24 第四章 實驗部份------------------------------------------30 4-1 實驗藥品------------------------------------------31 4-2 儀器與設備----------------------------------------32 4-3 實驗方法------------------------------------------34 4-3.1 3, 5-雙【4-【11-(甲基丙烯酸根)十一-1-氧】 苄氧】苯甲酸聚氧乙烯酯之合成-----------------------34 4-3.2 自組裝型固態高分子電解質薄膜之製備----------------35 4-4 儀器分析------------------------------------------37 第五章 結果與討論----------------------------------------40 5-1 3, 5-【4-【11-(甲基丙烯酸根)十一-1-氧】苄氧】苯 甲酸聚氧乙烯酯之結構鑑定與分析------------------------40 5-2 固態高分子電解質薄膜結構之鑑定------------------------44 5-2.1 高分子電解質錯合物化學結構分析--------------------44 5-2.2 固態高分子電解質薄膜化學結構分析------------------51 5-2.3 固態高分子電解質之微結構探討----------------------54 5-3 固態高分子電解質之熱性質分析--------------------------59 5-4 固態高分子電解質之導電度分析--------------------------65 第六章 結論----------------------------------------------73 第七章 參考文獻------------------------------------------75

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