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論文名稱: 研究因素影響台灣國際學生的學習成果
Research on the factors impact the learning outcomes of international students in Taiwan
指導教授: 廖文志
Wen-Chih Liao
口試委員: 吳克振
Wu Cou Chen
Chang Shun Chiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 學習成果影響因素國際學生台灣
外文關鍵詞: learning outcomes, impact factors, international students, Taiwan
相關次數: 點閱:420下載:2
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高等教育的需求正在迅速增加,尤其是往海外攻讀學位。最近,台灣成為國際學生修讀高等教育最喜愛的目的地。 2012年,學生總數達到48,000(包括學士碩士,交換,以及外語學習的學生)(教育部,2012)。在台灣學習的學生數量表明國家的教育國際化和國際競爭力的水平,以及代表國家的權力和能力來吸引外國人。在越來越多的國際學生在台灣的背景下,本文旨在探討的因素,影響台灣國際學生的學習成果,以及提出一些提示,以改善學習環境和生活質量。 收集163份問卷來自24個國家包含19所台灣大學的國際學生。調查結果顯示,1.婚姻狀況,2.業務能力強,3.學習動機, 4.生活環境,5.背景和主攻科系的關係,6.財務狀況和,7.課業負擔會影響到台灣國際學生的學習成果。影響成績和畢業時間最主要的是婚姻狀況。

The demand of higher education is increasing rapidly, especially go abroad to pursue degree program. Recently, Taiwan becomes a favorite destination for international students for continue their higher study. In 2012, the total number of students (including degree-level, exchange, and language study students) reached 48,000 (MOE, 2012). The number of students studying in Taiwan indicates the level of internationalization and international competitiveness of the nation's education, as well as representing the nation's power and ability to attract foreigners. In the context of increasing number of international students in Taiwan, the paper aims to explore the factors that impact the learning outcomes of international students in Taiwan as well as propose some hints to improve the study environment and living quality. 163 responses of international student from 24 countries of 19 Taiwan universities were collected. The findings reveal that marital status, business ability, academic motivation and living environment, background and major relationship, financial situation and workload are the main factors influent learning outcomes of international students in Taiwan. And marital status is the most important one to both GPA and time of graduation.

ABSTRACTi 摘要ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTSiii TABLE OF CONTENTSiv LIST OF TABLESvii LIST OF FIGURESviii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONix 1. Background and Significanceix 2. Problem Statement and Purposex 3. Research Questionsxi 4. Conceptual frameworkxii CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW15 1. Overview of Taiwan Higher Education Globalization15 2. College Ranking18 2.1Student Entry20 2.2Faculty/Student Ratio20 2.3Resources20 2.4Education Outputs21 2.5Research21 2.6Reputation22 2.7Student Satisfaction23 3. Academic Motivation25 4. Learning Outcomes26 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY30 1. Overview30 2. Population30 3. Survey Instrument31 4. Evaluation Research31 5. Statistical Analysis32 6. Summary32 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS34 1. Summary of the survey respondents34 1.1Categorized by university34 1.2Categorized by countries36 1.3Categorized by other indicators38 2. Descriptive data39 3. Statistical Analysis40 4. Research findings43 4.1Marital status43 4.2GPA44 4.3Time of Graduation48 5. Summary49 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS51 1. Implications51 2. Limitation53 3. Interesting comments of international students53 4. Summary55 APPENDIXES61

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