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研究生: 許育翔
Yu-Hsiang Hsu
論文名稱: 植基於姿勢轉換之動作關鍵特徵變換
Distinct Motion Key Feature Transform based on Physical Pose Transition
指導教授: 賴祐吉
Yu-Chi Lai
Hsing-Kuo Pao
口試委員: 姚智原
Chih-Yuan Yao
Chao-Hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 動作截取關鍵姿勢萃取動作特徵動作比對
外文關鍵詞: motion capture, key-pose extraction, motion feature, motion matching
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:0
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  •   動作辨識是動作擷取(motion capture) 處理中最受關注的題目之一。隨著近年來動作擷取裝置的普及,相關的應用也逐漸增加。目前常見的應用中,大多仍須仰賴人工定義連續動作中多個靜態姿勢(static pose),或是特定關節位置,來代表完整的連續動作。此方法在動作變化較大的狀況下,若人工定義之靜態姿勢數量不足,或是動作擷取裝置之取樣率(sample rate) 過低,則容易產生誤判或是漏判之現象。而若以完整之動作資料代表本身以進行比對等相關應用,則會面臨計算過於耗時、動作資料取樣率不同及動作長度不同而無法逐一比對等問題。
      為了解決上述問題,我們引入了關鍵姿勢自動萃取(key-pose extraction) 之概念,自動分析動作資料中進行動作轉換的時間點之動作資訊,作為該連續動作之特徵(feature),用以代表完整之連續動作。如此能省去人工定義關鍵靜態姿勢之麻煩,又能僅以少量自動萃取出之動作資訊來代表完整動作,大大減少計算時間及避開目標與比對動作長短不同等問題。我們所提出之方法進行相似動作萃取之應用可大量減少人工定義關鍵姿勢所需時間及關鍵姿勢好壞之不確定性,以利後續用於門禁等安全系統中之身分辨識等應用。

    Motion recognition is one of the most focused topic in motion captured data processing field. As the motion capture devices getting popular in recent years, the number of related applications also gets higher. Most of the applications rely on manually defined static poses or specific joint positions to represent the whole continuous motion sequence. This method suffers from insufficient key-poses in high-dynamic motions and low sampling rate of motion capture devices. On the other hand, if we use the whole motion sequence data for motion matching, the time consumption, variant motion lengths and distinct sampling rate problem would occur and decrease the quality of the result.
    To conquer the difficuties above, we introduce the key-frame extraction method into this problem. We detect the motion transition positions automatically, and grab the nearby information as the feature to represent the whole motion sequence. Using this method, we can save not only manual works on defining static poses but also the computation time
    due to only few local data is needed to represent the whole motion sequence, and avoid the problem of variant motion length. Our method can also be used for searching motions that is only similar on specific joints, to list all the variant motions based on user defined fixed joints. We also tested our method on handling variant skeleton parameters, to show that the key feature transform is robust enough to index between various skeletons.

    中文摘要......................................................................................................................... 3 英文摘要......................................................................................................................... 4 目錄................................................................................................................................ 5 圖目錄............................................................................................................................. 7 第1 章緒論................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 研究動機........................................................................................................ 9 1.2 研究內容與流程............................................................................................ 9 1.3 主要貢獻........................................................................................................ 10 1.4 論文架構........................................................................................................ 10 第2 章相關研究........................................................................................................... 11 2.1 動作萃取處理................................................................................................ 11 2.2 維度降低和資料壓縮.................................................................................... 12 2.3 動作分段與分類............................................................................................ 13 2.4 距離參數........................................................................................................ 13 第3 章動作關鍵特徵變換........................................................................................... 15 3.1 動作特徵偵測................................................................................................ 15 3.2 動作索引編碼................................................................................................ 19 3.2.1 球諧函數........................................................................................ 20 3.2.2 動作幾何特徵................................................................................ 20 3.2.3 動作索引產生................................................................................ 22 3.3 動作特徵比較................................................................................................ 23 第4 章相似動作萃取................................................................................................... 25 4.1 輸入動作資料................................................................................................ 25 4.2 應用方法........................................................................................................ 25 第5 章實驗結果與討論............................................................................................... 27 5.1 相似特徵連線................................................................................................ 27 第6 章結論與未來展望............................................................................................... 36 參考文獻......................................................................................................................... 37

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