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研究生: 楊斯涵
Sih-Han Yang
論文名稱: 美國著作權法之轉化性使用
Transformative use in US Copyright Law
指導教授: 陳曉慧
Hsiao-Hui Chen
John-S. Liu
口試委員: 沈宗倫
Chung-Lun Shen
Mei-H.C. Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 102
中文關鍵詞: 著作權合理使用轉化性使用引證分析主路徑分析
外文關鍵詞: copyright, fair use, transformative use, citation network, main path analysis
相關次數: 點閱:303下載:18
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  • 美國著作權法第107條規定「合理使用」四項要素,其第一項要素利用之目的與性質,近年常以具有轉化性使用(transformative use)作為判斷依據。本文討論轉化性使用從1994年出現於美國最高法院Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569 (1994) 以來,其意義與適用類型。

    According to Section 107 of the US Copyright Law, there are four elements for fair use. The first of the four elements is mainly to determine the purpose and character of the infringer, once the judge found the transformative use, the infringer can use it as a defense. This study focuses on the use of transformative, including its meaning and the type of application, from the case of the Supreme Court of the United States Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569 (1994).
    The study searches 164 cases from 1994 to 2016 years through the Westlaw database. The citation network is established by the reference from the various cases. From establishing the citation network, I use the main path analysis to select the core cases, and the strength of the reference relationship to categorize.
    The results of this study show that the court has not relaxed the standard for the transformative use, but the infringer's use will modify by learning from the experience and the previous cases.
    Additionally, this study also explores the relationship between the first element of fair use and other elements. After discussing the nodes on the main path analysis, it is found that the relationship between the nature of the work of the second element and the transformation of the first element is small. The third element, the amount and substantiality of the portion, is different for its application. As long as the infringer's behavior is transformative use, the four elements, the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work, will not have an impact on the first element.
    Finally, through the citation method of citation network, it is found that the grouping basis is mainly distributed according to the jurisdiction of the court, and mostly based on the second and ninth circurt and its lower court. However, it is noteworthy that the case of the Second Circuit and its subordinate courts is still divided into two groups.The results can be grouped into two categories:First, this study combines historical research, records, news reports and scientific and technological applications into a cluster. Second, this study will be combined with appropriation, parody, criticism and comment (excluding historical research, records and news reports), because they all have a new point of view, and new ideas.

    壹、 緒論 1 1.1 合理使用之四要素 1 1.2 最高法院對轉化性使用概念之導入 2 1.3 研究問題與研究方法 4 貳、 文獻探討 5 2.1 轉化性使用之判決演變 5 2.2 轉化性使用之學說檢討 6 2.3 轉化性使用之實證研究 8 2.4 轉化性使用之類型 9 2.5 小結 10 參、 研究方法 12 3.1 研究架構 12 3.1.1 資料來源 14 3.1.2 資料蒐集 17 3.2 主路徑分析 17 3.2.1 第一個步驟:計算資訊流量 18 3.2.2 第二個步驟:路徑追蹤 20 3.2.3 主路徑分析之操作方法 23 3.3 引證網路分群(VOS Clustering) 25 肆、 研究發現與結果 27 4.1 關鍵延伸主路徑-節點判決 27 4.2 轉化性使用之演變 40 4.2.1 兩階段之利用行為比較 40 4.2.2 小結 45 4.3 與合理使用其他判斷要素之關係 47 4.4 轉化性使用之分類 55 4.4.1 學者分類 55 4.4.2 引證網路分群 58 4.4.3 小結 87 伍、 結論與建議 94 5.1 研究結論 94 5.1.1 轉化性使用之發展 94 5.1.2 轉化性使用之類型 95 5.2 研究限制與未來建議 96 5.2.1 研究限制 96 5.2.2 未來建議 96 參考文獻 98

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