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研究生: 胡宇婷
Yu-ting Hu
論文名稱: 影片字幕對國中生英語聽力理解之影響
Effects of Video Caption and Subtitle on EFL Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students
指導教授: 鄧慧君
Huei-Chun Teng
口試委員: 洪紹挺
Shao-Ting Hung
I-Ping Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 英語聽力理解影片字幕國中學生
外文關鍵詞: EFL listening comprehension, video caption and subtitle, junior high school students
相關次數: 點閱:789下載:36
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This research aims to probe the effect of video caption and subtitle on EFL listening comprehension of junior high school students, and to find some pedagogical implications for EFL listening. A mixed approach is utilized to mainly address the following research questions:(1) What kind of video can better enhance EFL learners' listening comprehension, English caption videos, Chinese subtitled videos or no caption videos? (2) Is there any relationship between the variation of captions / subtitles and the EFL learners' proficiency level? (3) What perspectives do EFL learners take respectively on caption videos, Chinese subtitled videos and no caption videos? Participants were 85 eighth graders from a junior high school in Yilan County. Four instruments were adopted in the study, including a mock GEPT listening test, listening comprehension tests, questionnaires and semi-structured interview guide. Before the experiment, all the participants took the GEPT listening test to know their proficiency level. Videos without captions were used in the control group. Videos with full English captions and Chinese subtitles were watched by experimental group one and two respectively. The experiment was conducted for five weeks. For each week, participants watched one video and immediately took a test to evaluate their listening comprehension. After that, participants from the two experimental groups completed the questionnaires to see their perspectives towards caption and subtitle. Finally, twelve participants in total, four from each group, were chosen to receive a semi-structure interview to elicit more specific information. The results revealed that participants gained the highest scores in Chinese subtitle group and gained the lowest scores in no caption group. Although the result of two-way ANOVA showed that there is no significant difference in the interaction of learners' proficiency and caption modes, however, based on the interview, less proficient learners tend to watch videos with English caption or Chinese subtitles. In addition, some interviewees stated that Chinese subtitle sometimes could be interference. In conclusion, the results of quantitative and qualitative data showed that captions and subtitles were beneficial to listening comprehension, but have to be more cautiously used. The study is expected to contribute to the literature of L2 listening instruction, to provide implication on how teachers make good use of English caption and Chinese subtitle, to help students apply different caption modes for learning EFL listening, and to give publishers ideas on developing teaching materials of English films.

Chinese Abstract...........................................................i English Abstract..........................................................ii Acknowledgements.......................................................... iv Table of Contents...........................................................v List of Figures...........................................................vii List of Tables........................................................... viii List of Appendices.........................................................ix CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION....................................................1 Background of the Study...................................................1 Purpose of the Study......................................................4 Definitions of Terms......................................................4 Significance of the Study.................................................6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................7 Models of Listening Process...............................................7 Bottom-up and Top-down Processes.......................................8 Three-Phase Comprehension Model........................................9 HURIER Listening Model................................................10 Overview of Multimedia Learning..........................................12 Dual Coding Theory....................................................13 Model of Working Memory...............................................14 Generative Theory of Multimedia Learning..............................15 Previous Studies of Caption and Subtitles on L2 Listening Comprehension..17 Researches of Visual Aids on EFL Listening of Junior High Students.......23 Summary..................................................................26 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY..................................................28 Participants.............................................................28 Materials................................................................29 Instruments..............................................................30 Procedures...............................................................31 Data Analysis............................................................33 Pilot Study..............................................................33 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS.......................................................35 Results of the GEPT Listening Test.......................................35 Results of the Listening Comprehension Test..............................35 Results of the Questionnaires............................................38 Results of the Interview.................................................43 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION....................................................52 Summary of the study.....................................................52 Discussion of the Results................................................53 Implications of the Study................................................57 Limitations of the Study ................................................59 Conclusion...............................................................60 REFERENCES.................................................................62 APPENDICES.................................................................68

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