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研究生: 趙家佑
Jia-You Chao
論文名稱: 扁平足與正常足弓鞋墊於羽球步法之生物力學效應
Biomechanical investigation of insoles designed for normal foot and flatfoot during badminton footworks
指導教授: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
口試委員: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
Meng-Yi Bai
Chia-Fen Chi
Yi-Jia Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 羽球步法扁平足足弓支撐鞋墊生物力學
外文關鍵詞: Badminton footwork, Flatffoot, Arch support insoles, Biomechanics
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:0
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The purpose of this research is to compare the kinematics and kinetics of the lower limb joints during the right backcourt scissor jump and side cut footwork in badminton sport. In addition, study the flat foot and normal foot badminton athletes wearing -made arch support insoles for each foot type, perform four badminton footwork, and compare the dynamic biomechanical parameters of the normal badminton insoles in the process. This study recruited 19 subjects and divided them into three groups, namely the right backcourt comparison group, the flat foot group, and the normal foot group. All subjects wore normal insoles and arch support insoles for each foot type. Perform left backcourt scissor jump, right backcourt scissor jump, right backcourt side cut, and forward lunges, calculate the kinematics and kinetic parameters during landing, and then do statistical analysis. The result of performing the scissor jump and the side cut footwork in the left backcourt, the side cut footwork performed during the eccentric period has a significantly larger and faster medial and vertical ground reaction force、medial and vertical ground reaction force maximum time point, vertical loading rate. On the EMG signal, the side cut footwork performed by the semitendinosus during the eccentric period is significantly less than the scissor jump footwork. Subjects with flat feet and normal feet wearing arch support insoles will not affect their performance, while subjects with flat feet wearing arch support insoles have significantly lower vertical loading rate when performing left backcourt scissor jump and right backcourt side cut. In terms of joint angle, subjects with flat feet performed the left backcourt scissor jump footwork and wearing arch support insoles had a significantly smaller ankle inversion angle. Normal foot subjects wearing arch support insoles will not affect the ground reaction force when performing backcourt footwork. In terms of joint angles, subjects with normal feet performed the left backcourt scissor jump, hip, and knee joints wearing arch support insoles have significantly smaller flexion angles. hip and knee joints wearing arch support insoles have significantly smaller internal rotation angles. In the comparison of the right backcourt scissor jump and the side cut landing, the side cut footwork may have a bigger load on the lower limb joints, which will increase the risk of stress fracture, patellar tendinopathy, anterior cruciate ligament injury, and sprained lateral ankle ligament. Flat foot badminton players wearing arch support insoles may be able to effectively reduce stress fracture and injuries to the lateral ankle ligaments. Normal foot subjects should be cautious in choosing and choosing comfortable arch support insoles when there is no pain in the lower limbs.

目錄 中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章、緒論 1 1.1. 前言 1 1.2. 相關研究文獻回顧 2 1.2.1. 羽球發展及羽球常見運動傷害 2 1.2.2. 足弓介紹羽球相關運用 3 1.2.3. 扁平足相較於正常足受傷風險 4 1.2.4. 足部輔具功能設計 5 1.2.5. 羽球常見傷害與動作表現之綜合性研究 6 1.2.6. 羽球鞋墊設計訴求 8 1.3. 研究目的 10 1.4. 研究假設 11 第二章、 實驗設計與研究方法 12 2.1 受試者基本資料 12 2.2 實驗設備 13 2.2.1 動作分析系統 13 2.2.2 肌電系統 14 2.2.3 足弓指數量測系統 14 2.2.4 一般鞋墊與足弓支撐鞋墊 14 2.3 實驗流程 16 2.3.1 實驗室硬體系統校正 16 2.3.2 受試者準備與校正 16 2.3.3 受試者實驗資料擷取 17 2.3.4 穿著感受度問卷 21 2.4 定義各關節名稱及關節在各平面活動名稱 22 2.5 動作週期定義 23 2.5.1 後場動作 23 2.5.2 直線往前弓步 23 2.6 資料分析 24 2.7 統計方法 27 第三章、 結果 28 3.1 右後場執行側步及交換步步法結果 28 3.1.1 運動表現 28 3.1.2 地面反作用力參數 29 3.1.3 關節角度 31 3.1.4 關節力矩 35 3.1.5 肌電積分訊號 37 3.2 扁平足受試者於四種步法結果 39 3.2.1 運動表現 39 3.2.2 地面反作用力參數 41 3.2.3 關節角度 47 3.2.4 關節力矩 53 3.2.5 肌電積分訊號 57 3.2.6 穿著感受度問卷 61 3.3 正常足受試者於四種步法結果 62 3.3.1 運動表現 62 3.3.2 地面反作用力參數 64 3.3.3 關節角度 70 3.3.4 關節力矩 76 3.3.5 肌電積分訊號 80 3.3.6 穿著感受度問卷 84 第四章、 討論 84 4.1 右後場執行側不及交換步步法 84 4.2 扁平足及正常足控制組與足弓支撐鞋墊 90 結論 94 參考文獻 95 附件 104 一、 計畫中英文摘要 105 二、 計畫內容與成果說明 107

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