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研究生: 王敬堯
論文名稱: 雷射銲接JIS SK85鋼帶及其特性研究
Study of Laser-welded JIS SK85 Strip Steel and its Characteristics.
指導教授: 蔡顯榮
Hsien-Lung Tsai
口試委員: 王朝正
Chaur-Jeng Wang
chen jun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: JIS SK85高碳鋼雷射銲接機械性質冷軋
外文關鍵詞: Laser welding, JIS SK85 high carbon steel, Mechanical properties, Cold rolling
相關次數: 點閱:418下載:5
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摘  要

本研究係使用JIS SK85高碳鋼,探討鋼帶連續生產製程中,以雷射銲接取代傳統閃光銲接進行接合之可行性。銲後的顯微組織變化及機械性質之測試結果,皆為本研究評估之項目。
研究結果顯示,在室溫下進行雷射銲接會使SK85銲道生成硬脆的麻田散鐵組織,使銲道龜裂的發生機率提高,此現象可藉由200℃銲前預熱處理(使銲道轉變為波來鐵組織)獲得改善。在機械性質方面,預熱200℃之雷射銲件與母材相較下,抗拉強度雖大幅提升,但顯現出的衝擊韌性及延展性較差,需藉由700℃/10 min之銲後熱處理方可改善。
冷軋試驗的結果顯示,預熱200℃之雷射銲件經冷軋後,銲道內的波來鐵組織會隨冷軋程度的提高而變細緻。銲件經80% 冷軋後,抗拉強度較未經冷軋者高,延展性雖大幅下降,但仍在可承受冷軋的範圍內,並無裂紋生成。


The emphasis of this study was on evaluating the feasibility of laser welding in continuous production line of JIS SK85 high carbon strip steel. The variations of microstructures and mechanical properties of laser welds were investigated.
After laser welding at room temperature (~ 25℃), the martensite was formed in the SK85 weld metal and accompanying cracks were easily found in the weld center line. By preheating specimens to 200℃ before welding, fine pearlite was formed and cracks could also be prevented in the weld metal. The 200℃ preheated SK85 laser welds showed greater tensile strength but lower impact toughness and ductility than the base metal. The deteriorated properties of the SK85 laser welds could be significantly improved by a 700℃/10 min-postweld heat treatment (PWHT).
According to the results of cold rolling test, the microstructure of the 200℃ preheated SK85 weld mteal showed much finer pearlite with larger cold reduction. Even 200℃ preheated welds after 80% showed much higher tensile strength but lower ductility than those without cold rolling, there is no crack found in the former.
The laser powder welding was also conducted in this research. The benefits of addition of pure iron powder include reducing the tendency of martensitic transformation and lowering the hardness in weld metal, and avoiding the underfill induced by specimen gap. The hardness of heat affected zone, however, could only be reduced by preheat or post-weld heat treatment.

目  錄 碩士學位論文指導教授推薦書I 碩士學位考試委員審定書II 摘 要III AbstractIV 誌  謝V 第一章 前言1 第二章 文獻回顧2 2.1雷射銲接製程2 2.1.1 雷射銲接原理2 2.1.2 雷射銲接簡介4 2.1.3 雷射銲接製程參數14 2.1.4 雷射銲道缺陷17 2.2 JIS SK85高碳鋼之冶金特性22 2.2.1 碳鋼的分類及合金元素之影響22 2.2.2 碳工具鋼的熱處理製程24 2.2.3 JIS SK85鋼材的銲接性28 第三章 實驗方法29 3.1 實驗材料29 3.2 雷射銲接製程參數33 3.3 破壞及非破壞檢測35 3.3.1金相及SEM觀察35 3.3.2 X-ray檢測35 3.4 銲件機械性質測試35 3.4.1微硬度量測35 3.4.2衝擊試驗35 3.4.3拉伸試驗36 3.5 銲件冷軋試驗36 3.6 雷射粉末銲接36 第四章 實驗結果與討論42 4.1 JIS SK85雷射銲件之顯微組織42 4.2雷射銲件機械性質51 4.2.1衝擊試驗51 4.2.2拉伸試驗56 4.2.3銲道拉伸性質估算61 4.3冷軋銲件機械性質66 4.4雷射粉末銲接評估67 第五章 結論80 參考文獻81

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