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研究生: 施柏宇
論文名稱: 不同治療策略於鎖骨骨折問題之生物力學評估
Biomechanical Investigation of Different Surgical Techniques for the Treatment of Clavicle Fracture
指導教授: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Kao-Shang Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 鎖骨骨折有限元素分析植入物強度骨折固定穩定度
外文關鍵詞: Finite element analysis, Clavicle fracture, Fracture fixation, Implant strength
相關次數: 點閱:573下載:2
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本研究使用SolidWorks建立一完整人體上半部肩部骨骼模型並使用ANSYS Workbench 14.5 加入肌肉韌帶進行有限元素分析,於肱骨施加200N向下力量模擬手提重物的狀況,再分別評估四種不同鎖骨骨折固定器,即:上方板固定、前方板固定、螺旋板固定、骨髓内釘固定。最後再以骨折固定穩定度、鎖骨應力、植入物強度結果,探討不同鎖骨骨折固定系統的優缺點。

Shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the body. It will severely affect human upper limb movements when shoulder injured. Shoulder fracture is quite common injury, and the height of the collision sports, car accident, and simple domestic falls were the possible reasons. Clavicle fractures accounted for 35% of the total number of fractures of the shoulder, and it is an important bone that connects the human upper limb and trunk. Therefore, clavicle fracture should be treated immediately. The middle third of the clavicle fracture is the most common collarbone fracture. In the past, external and internal fixations had been applied to treat the fractures. However, nonunion or malunion complications still occur after fracture treatments. In our knowledge, there are a few studies to analyze the biomechanical performances of clavicle fixation devices by using three-dimensional numerical model of human skeletal system. Most of the past studies used a single clavicle model to evaluate the biomechanics of the clavicle with or without fixation devices. Thus, the purposes of this study were to develop a complete human shoulder musculoskeletal model using finite element methods and to evaluate the biomechanical performances of different treatment methods.
The present study developed a complete human upper body model with muscles and ligaments using SolidWorks and ANSYS Workbench 14.5. Four types of fixation techniques were analyzed and discussed including the superior plate fixation, the anterior plate fixation, the spiral plate fixation, the intramedullary fixation. All the treated models were compared to the intact model. In postprocessing, the fixation stability, the bone stress, and the implant stress were calculated to investigate the strength and limitation of each fixation technique.
The results of this study showed that the spiral plate fixation has better structural stability compared with other fracture fixations. The plate fixation techniques have better fixation stability than the intramedullary nail. The superior plate fixation had higher implant stress compared with other fixations, and it would lead to a high risk of implant failure. The results of this study could fairly compare the biomechanics of different clavicle devices on the same basis, and provide surgical suggestions for clinicians.

摘要i ABSTRACTii 目錄iii 圖目錄v 表目錄vii 第1章 緒論1 1.1 概述1 1.2肩部介紹2 1.2.1 鎖骨介紹3 1.2.2肩胛骨6 1.2.3近端肱骨6 1.2.4胸鎖關節及韌帶介紹7 1.2.5肩峰關節及韌帶介紹8 1.2.6肩關節及韌帶介紹9 1.2.7肩胛胸類關節介紹10 1.2.8肌肉介紹11 1.3鎖骨骨折原因16 1.4鎖骨骨折分類16 1.5常見治療方式18 1.6 文獻回顧19 第2章 材料和方法24 2.1 完整模型建立24 2.1.1 植入物模型建立25 2.1.2 簡單模型建立31 2.1.3 韌帶與肌肉系統建立32 2.2有限元素模擬分析35 2.2.1 材料參數35 2.2.2 網格元素38 2.2.3 負載與邊界條件39 2.2.4 數值模擬結果評估42 第3章 結果43 3.1收斂性分析結果44 3.2單一鎖骨模型位移結果47 3.3單一鎖骨模型應力結果50 3.4完整肩部模型位移結果54 3.5完整肩部模型應力結果56 第4章 討論60 4.1單一鎖骨模型結果60 4.2完整模型結果62 4.3單一模型與完整模型比較63 4.4研究限制64 第5章 結論與未來展望65 5.1 結論65 5.2 未來展望65 參考文獻66

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