簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 郭淑梅
Shu-Mei Kuo
論文名稱: “車聯網” 的 創業、創新及未來 : 以 A 公司為例
The Start 、Innovation and Future of “Internet of Vehicle” – The Case Study of Company A
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 胎壓偵測器車輛譯碼器車聯網PEST 理論商業經營模式創業家併購理論
外文關鍵詞: Car industry,, tire pressure monitoring system, vehicle interpreter, Mergers and acquisitions theory, Internet of Vehicle, IoV
相關次數: 點閱:537下載:0
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A 科技公司創立於 2006 年,址於內湖科學園區,其主要業務為胎壓偵測器、車輛譯碼器及車聯網相關產品服務。在 2007 年時便獲得台北捷運局貓空纜車採用其胎壓偵測器,接著更連續八年獲得十二項車用電子產品創新獎入圍與提名,並獲得全球國際各大車廠採用,成為原廠標準配備。然而在其創辦人於 2017 年突然身故後,企業陷入群龍無首、無所適從的困境,甚至將面臨空轉的命運。由於公司負責人的堅持不懈,
透過併購談判,最終成功對公司內部進行組織變革,並且讓上市公司法人投資併購,成功帶領公司繼續在車用電子產業向前行。本哈佛個案乃在討論車聯網個案企業的創業、創新過程及企業在面臨重大變故時,如何透過組織變革與併購,在變動的環境中為企業找到新的生存之道。探討的問題包括:本研究中的個案需採取的發展策略以及其商業經營模式,以什麼表徵為特色,並有何需修正之處。透過個案創辦人之創業家精神分析,暸解新創或企業改革之過程與特徵種類。最終透過本研究個案在歷經變故之後,決定要以併購的方式帶領個案企業繼續向前走,暸解併購的方式及其背後之意涵,提供企業在面臨市場環境或組織架構改變時,作為參考與借鏡。本研究可用於討論 PEST 理論、商業經營模式、創業家、併購及等議題。

Company A was founded in 2006, located in Neihu Science Park. The main business of which are tire pressure monitoring system, vehicle interpreter and Internet of Vehicle (IoV). In 2007, the next year, the tire pressure monitoring system was adopted by Maokong Gondola of Taipei Metro. In addition, Company A has been nominated and won the Taipei AMPA awards for continuous 8 years. The products are also adopted by international vehicle company globally as the original standard equipment. Nevertheless, the founder, which was also the principal of R&D, passed away during a business trip in 2017. The company hit a bad patch after this loss, and even had to face the idleness. The chairman finally led the company and employees to overcame all the difficulties due to her persistence and acquisitions. A Harvard case study adopted in this research is to discuss the PEST model, business model, social entrepreneurship, mergers and acquisitions theory. This case study would have an impressive effect on the environment, society, and the social mass.

摘要.....................................................................................I ABSTRACT................................................................................II 誌謝...................................................................................III 目錄...................................................................................IV 表目錄..................................................................................V 圖目錄...................................................................................VI 第一章 個案本文 ...............................................................................................1 第一節、開場白 ................................................................................................1 第二節、開創:A 科技公司的熱血開端............................................................................2 第三節、車用電子與車聯網(Internet of Vehicle, IOV)產業概況 ...................................4 1.3.1 車用電子 ...............................................................................................4 1.3.2 物聯網 (Internet of Things, IOT)........................................................................6 1.3.3 車聯網 (Internet of Vehicle, IOV) ......................................................................9 第四節、風雲變色:併購與改革 ...................................................................................11 第二章 教師教學指導手冊 ......................................................................................15 第一節、個案總覽 ..............................................................................................16 第二節、教學目標 ..............................................................................................17 第三節、課程適用對象 ..........................................................................................18 第四節、學員問題討論 ...........................................................................................19 第五節、個案人物背景 ............................................................................................19 第六節、教學總覽 ...............................................................................................22 第七節、教學建議與時間分配 .........................................................................................40 第八節、板書規劃 ...................................................................................................41 參考文獻...........................................................................................................44 中文部分...........................................................................................................44 英文部分.........................................................................................................44 網路資料...........................................................................................................45

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