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研究生: 王慶吉
Ali - Jaya
論文名稱: 基於Modbus TCP之可調型無線感測器研究與允許使用者定義之環境建構
Study of a Configurable Wireless Sensor Module Using Modbus TCP Protocol and User Defined Environment Development
指導教授: 蔡明忠
Ming-Jong Tsai
口試委員: 徐勝均
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
Tsai Men-Shen
Zhang-Rong Ruan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: ModbusTCPWirelessConfigurableAndroidUniversalSensorsSmartSensors
外文關鍵詞: Modbus TCP, Wireless, Configurable, Android, Universal Sensors, Smart Sensors
相關次數: 點閱:966下載:36
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  • 目前在許多工業應用上,類比輸出型感測器仍就較為普遍,不同的輸出,如電壓輸出、電流輸出型感測器使許多感測器仍需要外掛一些裝置使其成為一個智慧型感測器。為了整合傳統感測器及智慧感測器之間的技術,本研究提出一種可調型之無線感測器平台用以解決此問題。本研究將著眼於如何使以電壓為輸出訊號之感測器並轉換電壓/電流輸出訊號。透過本研究開發之安卓系統之應用程式,可讓使用者對絕大多數之感測器進行調整,透過Android調整降低感測器之應用難度 。在智慧型手機及感測器建構部分,本研究採以具IEEE802.11標準之Modbus TCP為溝通之通訊協定,藉由此方法,傳統感測器即可具備即插即用之特性,可輕易的連接至網際網路。感測器資訊可存放於使用者定義之環境平台上,針對使用者之需求做彈性使用。此平台主要之功能為資料擷取及監控,並使用安卓平台發展之應用程式紀錄及回報感測器之物理特性。類比輸出型感測器如THS24及LM35用於測量實驗室內的溫濕度,數據可透過手機展示及E-mail轉送或做更進一步的分析。

    Traditional sensors using analogue output are still used in many industry applications. The variety output such as ampere and voltage communication make sensors need some device to make a smart sensors. To bridge the technology between the traditional sensors and the smart sensors, a configurable wireless sensor platform is proposed in this study. This study will focus on for sensors with voltage output, and modification output from current to voltage. Universal sensors can be applied because service in android for user configuration in the smartphone will give opportunity to attach many type sensors. Modbus TCP using wireless media communication which has IEEE802.11 standard will be used for communicate between smart sensors and smartphone. By applying this method, a traditional sensor acts as though smart sensor which has capability of “plug and play” and connects to the network. The System provides user defined environment which may accommodate user’s need for flexible application. Main functions are for data acquisition to monitor, to record and to report physical properties through a smartphone with android system. Several analog output such as THS24 humidity sensor and LM35 temperature sensor were used for measuring in lab room, data can be displayed and can be transferred through email for further analysis.

    Contents ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENT iv LIST OF FIGURE vi LIST OF TABLE viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Research Objective 4 1.4 Organization of Thesis 5 CHAPTER 2 BASIC THEORY 6 2.1 Modbus TCP 6 2.1.1 Data Model 7 2.1.2 Functions Code 7 2.1.3 Transactions 8 2.1.4 PDU Request 9 2.1.5 Response 10 2.1.6 Modbus TCP/IP specification 11 2.2 Analog Sensors 12 2.3 Smart Sensor 15 2.4 Android Studio 16 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 System Architecture 18 3.2 Microcontroller Unit and Sensor Interface 20 3.2.1 Sensors and Materials for Testing 25 CHAPTER 4 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 27 4.1 Implementation 27 4.2 Modbus TCP Application 28 4.4 Request massage 31 4.4 Response massage 32 4.5 User Interface 34 4.5.1 Main display 36 4.5.2 Setting display 37 4.5.3 Data dialog selection display 38 4.5.4 Charts display 39 4.5.5 Logs and send email service 41 4.6 Test Performance 41 4.7 Photograph hardware 42 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 44 5.1 Conclusions 44 5.2 Future Works 45 REFERENCES 46 APPENDIX I REAL VALUE FORMULA EVALUATION 50 APPENDIX II MASSAGE FRAME MODBUS TCP EVALUATION 51 APPENDIX III USER INTERFACE FLOW 53 APPENDIX IV MODBUS TCP HANDSAKE 54


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