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研究生: 林筱琪
Hsiao-Chi Lin
論文名稱: 情緒之購物決定:以訊息訴求為干擾
Emotion toward purchase decision: The Moderation effect of Message Appeal
指導教授: 林孟彥
Tom M.Y. Lin
口試委員: 黃美慈
Mei-Tzu Huang
Cheng-Hsi Fang
Jia-Jen Ni
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 22
中文關鍵詞: 情緒衝動購物訊息訴求衝動購物特質
外文關鍵詞: Emotions, Impulsive purchase, Message Appeal, Buying impulsiveness
相關次數: 點閱:345下載:7
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衝動購物 (Impulsive Purchase) 是消費者面對壓力及情緒變化的因應行為之一。情緒左右著消費者的購買行為,也影響著消費者的思考過程。過去多項研究將消費者的心理因素及個人特質納入消費者行為的考量架構之中,且本研究發現到消費者在不同情緒時面對廣告刺激會產生不同的消費行為,廣告刺激的理性及感性訊息訴求 (Message Appeal) 可發展不同的影響效果。因此本研究試圖了解訊息訴求與衝動購物特性在情緒與衝動購物之間的影響性。試圖以產品角度切入探討情緒與衝動購物之間的關係,以提供企業此角度撰寫企業生成內容提供給目標客群。此外,企業可以透過情緒營造激發消費者的衝動購物性。


Impulsive purchase is one of coping strategies that consumers react while facing stress and feeling emotions. Psychological emotion could influence consumer behaviors and even play a role in purchase process. Many research has indicated that consumers’ psychological factors and characteristics have influence on consumer behavior. This study found that consumers in positive or negative emotions would have diverse reactions toward different commercial stimulus, which can be classified as rational and emotional message appeal. Therefore, this study aims to understand how would message appeal and consumer characteristics of buying impulsiveness affect the relationship between emotion and impulsive purchase. Attempting to provide different perspectives of products to form firm generated contents to target market. Moreover, this study also focuses on how people with buying impulsiveness would moderate the relationship between emotion and impulsive purchase.

Through manipulating subjects’ emotions and providing commercials with different message appeals, this study found that both positive and negative emotions would enhance consumers to make impulsive purchase decisions. Moreover, people have higher buying impulsiveness would be more intention to impulsive purchase under positive emotion than negative one. On the other hands, group of rational message appeal show higher impulsive purchase point under negative emotions, whereas, emotional message appeal has stronger influence to impulsive purchase decision in positive emotion. Based on these study results, this study suggests that enterprises can provide rational message appeals in both emotions, which can trigger level of impulsive purchase. Moreover, increase percentages of emotional message appeal in commercial when consumers are under positive emotions, for instance, specific holidays or space atmosphere to change their emotions, which would be more efficient to promote products or services.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 謝誌 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VI 1. 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究動機 1 1.3. 研究目的 1 2. 基本文獻 3 2.1. 衝動購物行為 3 2.2. 情緒與衝動購物 3 2.3. 衝動購物性 3 2.4. 訊息訴求 4 3. 研究方法 6 3.1. 廣告訊息訴求前測 6 3.2. 問卷信度分析 6 3.3. 研究參與者 6 3.4. 變數定義與測量 7 3.4.1 購物情境及情緒操弄設計 7 3.4.2 訊息訴求操弄設計 8 3.4.3 衝動購物決定衡量 8 3.4.4 衝動購物性衡量 9 4. 研究結果 10 4.1. 操弄設計結果 10 4.2. 假設結果 10 5. 討論與結論 14 5.1. 討論 14 5.2. 理論意涵 14 5.3. 實務意涵 14 5.4. 研究限制與未來研究建議 15 5.5. 結論 15 參考文獻 16

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