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研究生: 劉黃裕
Huang-Yu Liu
論文名稱: iPill: 高效率及全自動化藥物辨識系統於手機平台之實現
iPill: Highly Efficient and Fully Automatic Pill Recognition System on Android Smart Phone
指導教授: 郭景明
Jing-Ming Guo
口試委員: 花凱龍
Kai-Lung Hua
Chung-An Shen
Gee-Sern Hsu
Jian-Jiun Ding
Nai-Jian Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 204
中文關鍵詞: Android自動化藥物辨識系統色彩切割區塊合併陰影偵測特徵擷取幾何特徵形狀特徵顏色特徵刻痕特徵
外文關鍵詞: Pill Recognition, Drug Recognition, Medicine Recognition, Region Merging, Geometric Feature, Imprint Feature
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:4
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首先,必須要配合使用一個測量參考(Measure reference),將藥物放置於測量參考當中,並對藥物作拍攝,測量參考主要是對藥物的大小作正規化的動作,先利用自適性二值化(Local Adaptive Thresholding,LAT)以及最大通道差異(Maximum Channel Difference,MCD),將候選前景(Candidate foreground)的部份擷取出來,再利用本論文所提出的像素比對法色彩切割(Pixel Matching Segmentation,PMS)配合區塊再合併(Merging method)的方式,將候選前景的部份利用色彩切割的方式,再分為不同的物件區塊,並在單一影像當中,利用候選前景以外的區域,建立Codebook Model背景模型,利用該背景模型,作陰影偵測(Shadow detection),將在候選前景當中的背景部分去除以擷取出藥物的部份。

Senior people may not be able to recognize the type of pill, and thus eating by mistake. Another possibility is the wrong frequency of pill taking in a day. The above are undoubtable critical issues in healthcare. Consequently, we develop an Android application to avoid the above scenarios.
This thesis presents an efficient pill recognition method, which is useful in the application of healthcare. Specifically, an effective color segmentation called Pixel Matching Segmentation (PMS) with local adaptive thresholding (LAT) is utilized to segment the pill region, proposed a high accuracy shadow removal method with building codebook model in single image, where the geometric and rotation invariant imprint features are extracted with the aid of reference background. Since the imprint on the pill may not be clear in the image because of luminace variant, parametric oriented histogram equalization (POHE) is deployed to efficiently enhance the image, and the concentric circle masks is proposed to extract the imprint features. Subsequently, the libsvm is applied to train the model for pill recognition and classification. The proposed method is implemented on an Android mobile phone for testing and evaluation purposes. The proposed method yields a recognition accuracy of 99.07% of common 100 types of pill in Taiwan. Experimental results suggest that the proposed method can be an effective and convenient way for the application of pill recognition.

中文摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 IV 教授推薦書 V 審定書 VI 目錄 VII 圖表索引 X 第一章 緒論(Introduction) 20 1.1 研究背景與動機(Motivation) 20 1.2 主要貢獻(Main Contribution) 22 1.3 Android基礎架構(Fundamental Structure of Android) 23 1.3.1 前言(Abstract) 24 1.3.2 生命週期(Life Cycle) 25 1.3.3 活動(Activity) 32 1.3.4 Android中的影像處理(Image Processing in Android) 37 1.3.5 常見錯誤及例外狀況(Common Errors and Exceptions) 43 1.4 論文架構(Organization) 46 第二章 文獻探討(Reviews) 48 2.1 色彩切割(Color Segmentation) 48 2.2 支持向量機(Support Vector Machine,SVM) 59 2.3 手動查詢(Manual Query) 64 2.4 自動辨識(Auto Recognize) 66 第三章 藥物擷取演算法(Pill Segmentation) 88 3.1 前言(Abstract) 89 3.2 測量參考(Measure Reference) 93 3.3 區域自適性二值化(Local Adaptive Thresholding,LAT) 95 3.4 像素比對法影像切割(Pixel Matching Segmentation,PMS) 102 3.4.1 決定候選前景(Determined Candidate Foreground) 103 3.4.2 色彩切割(Color Segmentation) 106 3.5 區塊再合併(Merging Method) 119 3.6 陰影去除(Shadow Removal) 124 3.6.1 陰影偵測應用於串流影片(Shadow Removal Apply in Sequential Video) 126 3.6.2 陰影偵測應用於單一影像(Shadow Removal Apply in Single Image) 133 第四章 藥物特徵擷取(Feature Extraction) 149 4.1 幾何特徵(Geometric Features) 149 4.1.1 大小(Size) 149 4.1.2 周長(Perimeter) 150 4.1.3 長寬比(Aspect Ratio) 151 4.1.4 真圓度(Roundness) 152 4.2 形狀特徵(shape Feature) 152 4.3 顏色特徵(Color Feature) 156 4.4 刻痕特徵(Imprint Feature) 157 4.4.1 參數導向直方圖等化技術(Parametric Oriented Histogram Equalization,POHE) 158 4.4.2 同心圓遮罩(Concentric Circle Mask) 165 4.4.3 刻痕梯度特徵(Gradient Features) 166 4.4.4 刻痕直條圖特徵(Histogram Features) 168 4.5 參數最佳化(Optimize parameters) 169 第五章 實驗結果(Experiental Results) 172 5.1 資料庫(Database) 172 5.2 陰影偵測實驗結果(Experient Results of Shadow Detection) 180 5.3 藥物辨識實驗結果(Experient Results of Pill Recognition) 182 5.4 iPill使用方法介紹(iPill Manual) 188 第六章 結論與未來展望(Conclusions and Future Works) 196 參考文獻 198 作者簡介 203

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