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研究生: 莊懿馨
I-Hsin Chuang
論文名稱: 以使用與滿足理論、互動性及網絡中心性觀點探討社交網站黏著度—以Facebook為例
Exploring the Stickness of Social Networking Sitesfrom Uses and Gratification Theory、Interaction and Centrality Viewpoint—Using Facebook as an Example
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Hsiao-Lan Wei
口試委員: 鄒仁淳
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 使用與滿足理論社交網站網絡中心性網站互動性
外文關鍵詞: Uses and Gratification Theory, Social Networkingc, Centrality, website interactivity
相關次數: 點閱:535下載:9
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Due to information technology prosperously advance, internet has been more and more popular, the way to interact with people becomes much various and diverse. No matter social activity, entertainment and shopping, Internet has become the main media not only to connect the social life but also to satisfy with the needs of people.
Social Networking Site (SNS) is a one of the most popular and valuable business model on the internet. The feature of interaction between social relationships in SNS is making the Site Stickiness become one of the key to SNS Successful. Although previous researches study in website interactivity、website stickiness and so on. However, most researches considered those constructs in the EC-commerce context. Thus, this paper aims the feature of SNS differ from EC Sites through Uses and Gratification Theory (U&G) and divides the motivation of SNS into two kinds: the motivation of social needs and motivation of information needs based on previous literatures. Moreover, this study viewed interactivity to explore the relationship between User’s needs and stickiness under SNS context. Besides, SNS is different from other websites because of the “network”. Thus this research applies centrality to examine the relationship between the attitude and stickiness of SNS.
The proposed structural model is empirically tested by SEM with cross-sectional data from 171 validate questionnaires are collected which are based on the graduate students of management department from NTUST. The resulas showed that social needs and the website interactivity will increase the degree of likeness of users to the website. Additionally, the motivation of information needs will enhance the interactivity of websites as well as the attitude and stickiness of SNS has significantly positive relationship. Aside from that, the centrality of network doesn’t have moderator effect. Finally, the findings of this research enable to provide some suggestions to the researcher in network field and the executives of SNS.

摘要I ABSTRACTII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖目錄VII 表目錄VIII 第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景1 第二節研究動機2 第三節研究目的3 第四節研究流程3 第五節章節架構5 第二章文獻探討6 第一節社交網站(Social Networking Sites)6 2.1.1社交網站的定義6 2.1.2社交網站Facebook的現況7 2.1.3近期相關研究整理8 2.1.4小結11 第二節使用與滿足理論11 2.2.1使用與滿足理論起源11 2.2.2使用與滿足理論概論12 2.2.3理論應用在網路方面的研究17 2.2.4近期相關研究整理18 2.2.5小結22 第三節互動性22 2.3.1互動性的定義22 2.3.2人與訊息的互動(Human-Message Interaction)25 2.3.3人與人的互動(Human-Human Interaction)25 第四節理性行為理論(TRA)26 2.4.1理性行為理論26 2.4.2小結27 第五節社會網絡27 2.5.1社會網絡定義27 2.5.2網絡中心性30 2.5.3小結30 第六節本章小結31 第三章 研究模型32 第一節 研究模型32 第二節 研究假說33 3.2.1社會需求動機、資訊需求動機與社交網站態度33 3.2.2社會需求動機、資訊需求動機、網站互動性與社交網站態度35 3.2.3社交網站態度與社交網站黏性36 3.2.4網絡中心性與社交網站態度、社交網站黏性37 3.2.5本研究建立之假說彙總38 第三節 研究變數與操作型定義39 第四章研究方法40 第一節研究設計40 4.1.1問卷設計40 第二節研究程序41 4.2.1研究對象41 4.2.2資料蒐集41 第三節資料分析方法42 4.3.1敘述性統計43 4.3.2測量模型的驗證性因素分析43 4.3.3網絡中心性分析46 4.3.4結構模型的假說與架構驗證46 第五章 資料分析與結果47 第一節敘述性統計分析47 5.1.1樣本屬性分析47 5.1.2研究變數分析51 第二節測量模型分析-採用CFA52 5.2.1模型基本適配分析52 5.2.2模型內在結構適配度評估53 5.2.3整體模型適配度分析57 第三節網絡中心性分析58 第四節研究假說與架構驗證59 5.4.1相關分析59 5.4.2研究假說檢定之路徑分析59 第六章 結論與建議62 第一節研究發現與結論62 6.1.1研究目的一之研究討論62 6.1.2研究目的二之研究討論63 6.1.3研究目的三之研究討論64 第二節學術貢獻與實務建議64 6.2.1學術研究之意涵64 6.2.2實務經營之意涵65 第三節研究限制66 第四節未來研究方向67 附錄一:正式問卷68 參考文獻71


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