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研究生: 莊庭語
Ting-Yu Chuang
論文名稱: 股骨遠端鎖定式骨板應力改善-ANSYS模擬分析與機械實驗驗證
Improvements of Distal Locking Plate by Finite Elements Analysis and Biomechanical Test
指導教授: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
口試委員: 林晉
Jinn Lin
Ching-Chi Hsu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 股骨遠端鎖定式骨板有限元素生物力學測試工作長度
外文關鍵詞: Distal locking plate, FEA, Biomechanical tests, Working length
相關次數: 點閱:454下載:0
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兩個面向來判斷,分別是 ANSYS 有限元素模擬以及生物力學實驗測試;第二

Femurs are the thickest bones in human bodies. When people stand and move,
our femurs suffer not only axial load but also the bending load because of their
anatomical shapes and the muscles that pulling around. Nowadays locking plates are
the most popular treatments for the destruction of a femur. After the occurrence of the
bone fracture, the main support of the body weight when the patients stand and walk
all relies on the plate at the early stage of recovery. However if there is any
shortcoming of the plate design or any lack knowledge of the usage of the plates, the
plates will be broken under a fatigue load after frequently walking or excessively
using. This may result in failure of the treatment and another operation will be needed
once again.
There are two parts in this study. The first one is about the weak point of a plate.
We use finite element analysis to infer the weakest part of a plate and then we validate
the result by biomechanical tests. In the second part, we investigate the effect of the
different screw working length only by biomechanical tests.
From the result of finite element analysis, the stress concentration is on the
screw-hole edges and most of the maximum stress are near the fracture gap. It finds
out that the weak point of the plate is the screw-hole edges at the thinnest part of the
plate. In mechanical tests, although there is a great stress at the thinnest part of the
plate, the maximum stress is at the screw-hole near the middle diaphysis. This is a
result of a larger lever arm and the inferior bending of the bone. In aspect of the
working length, an longer working length has a good effect at the low fracture model,
but goes worse at a higher fracture. This comes to a result of a transform of loading.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄索引 VI 表目錄索引 IX 第一章 緒論 - 骨板設計優劣分析(Weak Point) 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 第二章 研究方法 4 2.1 研究流程圖 4 2.2 A Plus 股骨遠端外側鎖定式骨板與股骨基本幾何參數 5 2.2.1 A Plus 股骨遠端外側鎖定式骨板基本幾何參數 5 2.2.2 股骨基本幾何參數 6 2.3 有限元素分析 6 2.3.1 模型建立 7 2.3.2 材料設定與網格化 8 2.3.3 邊界條件設定與求解 9 2.3.4 後處理與收斂性分析 10 2.4 機械測試 11 2.4.1 機械測試模型製作 11 2.4.2 機械測試上下治具設計 13 2.4.3 機械測試方法 14 2.5 機械測試資料整理 15 第三章 結果 16 3.1 有限元素分析結果 16 3.2 機械測試結果 18 第四章 討論 28 4.1 結果討論 28 4.2 研究限制 30 4.3 未來展望 30 第五章 緒論 - 工作長度(Working Length)影響 31 5.1 研究動機與目的 31 5.2 文獻回顧 32 第六章 研究方法 34 6.1 研究流程 34 6.2 機械測試 34 6.2.1 機械測試模型製作 35 6.2.2 機械測試方法 42 第七章 結果 43 7.1 機械測試 43 第八章 討論 103 8.1 結果討論 103 8.2 研究限制 107 第九章 結論與未來展望 108 9.1 結論 108 9.2 未來展望 109 參考文獻 110

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