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研究生: 白敦仁
Tun-jen Pai
論文名稱: 限制型配銷策略之個案探討 – 以外商自動化控制系統公司為例
A Case Study of Distribution Strategy of Automation Control Company
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 顧家華
Chia-Hua Ku
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 策略行銷策略五力分析SWOT 分析
外文關鍵詞: Strategy, Distribution Strategy, Porter 5 forces analysis, SWOT analysis
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:7
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臺灣工業市場的蓬勃發展,舉世皆知。不僅臺灣的機械製造業,名列世界排名的前幾名,更加上國內基礎建設需求,高科技產業的逐年高成長,著實吸引世界上許多工業控制系統及工業控制產品的廠商,遠在40年前,就已經在臺灣布局,經過長期的彼此競爭,各自早已擁有一席之地。本研究所談論的個案公司『洛克威爾自動化股份有限公司』是一家歷史超過百年的自動化控制系統的公司,也是研究生目前服務的公司。近半年,洛克威爾自動化公司在臺灣改變其原本的經銷策略,一心一意執行其全球奉行的『限制型配銷』,也就是所有產品及服務皆由一家公司負責處理 ;由於該公司產品線大致分為控制系統及控制零組件兩類,兩種產品特性及市場大不相同,因此這使人不禁懷疑,使用同一策略是否是正確的抉擇?
本研究的主要方法,是透過訪談的蒐集與現實狀況的呈現,以個案方式說明目前該公司成功之處、現在處境及未來可能會發生的困難,其中透過五力分析說明此簽約經銷商,即使未曾涉足類似市場,經過分析後,也是決定投資進場,另外透過SWOT 強弱機危分析法決定如何切割產品線,判斷何者公司較為適合接受經銷權。透過成本領導策略、差異化策略及集中化策略來瞭解該公司採取何種競爭策略,才有最大收益。

The flourishing development of the industrial market of Taiwan is well known to all worldwide. Not merely the mechanical manufacturing industry of Taiwan have the ranking on the top world ranking, In addition, we have the domestic capital construction demand recently, The high development yearly of the Hi-Tech industry, really attract a lot of industry control system and industrial control products manufacturers come to Taiwan 40 years ago to capture their position in Taiwan industry market, This case study related company "Rockwell Automation” is talking about their unique distribution strategy “Limitation Distribution”, Nearly, just 6 months ago, Rockwell Automation start to change his original strategy of distribution strategy gradually, The “Limitation Distribution” is to say all products and service is just handled by one company as a sole distributor. But this company product lines should be roughly divided into control system and control component, This two kind of product have different product characters, and also through differ accessing routes to markets, That make people to think “ one sole distributor” is a correct choice or not?
This research used “ Single Case Exploratory Inquiring” method to through collection of interview and the appearing of realistic state, During time of them to use Porter 5 Forces Analysis for explanation how to decide to access this market by the distributor, Also to use SWOT analysis to decide whether giving product line to which company.
This result of study to show that in such highly competitive circumstance of industry market, When our product line compare with competitors is comparative less, We should go to take Mix strategy of “Cost Leadership” and “ Differentiator Strategy “ in decided niche markets, In additional, the external changeable environment consideration is also a great important factor of influencing the strategy performance.

目 錄 表目錄 III 圖目錄 IV 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 動機及目的 2 第三節 文獻探討 3 第四節 研究方法與設計 18 第五節 研究程序及論文架構 19 第貳章 個案情境及態勢 21 第一節 個案公司簡介 21 第二節 相關人物及心聲略述 22 第三節 個案情節之發展 26 第參章 探討課題 35 第一節 S 公司進入市場 之五力分析 35 第二節 經銷權交付抉擇之SWOT分析 38 第三節 策略與執行力 41 第四節 『限制型配銷』執行現況 42 第肆章 結論及未來研究方向 46 第一節 結論 46 經由本研究使用個案探討中訪談的方式,以五力分析方法瞭解是否決定進入一個新市場,以SWOT方式判斷是否將控制零組件交給S公司,也在轉變經銷權的過程中,歸納出幾點結論: 46 第二節 未來研究方向 48 參考文獻 51

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