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研究生: 陳春福
Chun-Fu Chen
論文名稱: 汽車百貨零售之電商管理策略-車麗屋如何更美麗
The E-Commerce Strategy of Car- Mart: An Example of CAR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE Company
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 汽車售後市場汽車百貨電子商務商業經營模式SWOT分析競爭優勢數位轉型
外文關鍵詞: Auto Aftermarket, Auto Retail, E-commerce, Business Model, SWOT Analysis, Competitive Advantage, Digital Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:234下載:0
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  •   本文管理個案―車麗屋汽車百貨股份有限公司,從事汽車售後市場之車用商品通路業者,其主要項目包含:維修、保養、零配件、美容、改裝、油品等零售及服務內容。車麗屋從民國88年彰化員林發展至今,經過22年的努力,如今全省已有29家據點,在所屬的汽車百貨行業的規模已經是全國最大。

      CAR QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE CO., LTD. is an automotive commodity distributor in the automotive aftermarket. Its main business includes repair, maintenance, spare parts, car detailing, car modification, oil/lubricant products and other retail and services.
      Its establishment was in 1999 from Yuanlin, Changhua County. After 22 years of development until now, there are 29 service locations throughout Taiwan. The scale of the automobile retail industry to which it belongs is already the largest in the country.
      While the territory of physical shopping channels in the retail industry is gradually being eroded by online shopping platforms, Taiwan’s car aftermarket is unique, that is, goods must be installed (or maintained) in physical stores after purchase, so physical channels still hold an absolute advantage. However, it is well known that the development of online shopping channels is bound to be the way to go in the future, but the challenge is that it is impossible to make money at all.
      In this case, the main character, Bruce, took on the task but faced performance ordeals, profits could not be improved, and those in the same industry have all exited with frustration. Should he tell the general manager (and himself) to give up? Or should he find another profit model and development strategy for success?
      This case combines business model, SWOT analysis, Porter's competitive advantage theory, digital transformation (Second Curve) and other related topics. Through the combination of theory and practice, students can better understand the business model and characteristics of the company in the case. And through analysis to understand its own strengths and weaknesses, the leaders continue to innovate to lead the process of organizational growth and transformation.
      The thesis contains case essays and teaching notes for course material. Through this case, we cultivate leaders' decisive decision-making, including the establishment of automated to unmanned processes, and rapid analysis for decision-making through the introduction of new technologies. When students encounter the same situation in the future, they can get inspiration from multiple perspectives from this case to ensure the effectiveness and execution of decision-making.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第一章 個案本文 1 第一節、 努力打工,迎來創業東風 1 第二節、 舉一反三,十倍數成長-車麗屋的起厝及平地起樓 2 第三節、 人力資力雙力協行-數位轉型 11 第四節、 數位創新,再次鍍金-電商 16 第二章 教師教學指導手冊 21 第一節、 個案總覽 21 第二節、 教學目標 22 第三節、 課前準備 23 第四節、 學員課前討論 23 第五節、 適用課程與對象 24 第六節、 教學總覽 24 第七節、 問題與參考答案 25 第八節、 教學建議與時間分配 41 第九節、 板書規劃 42 參考文獻 45

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