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研究生: 吳慧璇
論文名稱: ε-聚賴氨酸做為抗生物膜試劑的可行性研究
Feasibility Study of ε-Polylysine as Antibiofilm Agent
指導教授: 李振綱
Cheng-Kang Lee
口試委員: 蔡伸隆
Shen-Long Tsai
Pei-Fen Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: ε-聚賴氨酸抗生物膜
外文關鍵詞: ε-polylysine, antibiofilm
相關次數: 點閱:286下載:8
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生物膜是微生物聚合後附著在表面上形成的膜,其可能為人工或生物合成。在生物醫學領域中,醫療設備和材料會形成生物膜 一直是個麻煩問題。外多醣(EPS) 基質緊緊鍵結在生物膜上以保護生物膜不受環境影響,並使其難以藉由常見的抗生素分解。最近有研究顯示有數種 D-型氨基酸可以有效地預防數種細菌形成生物膜。近年來,發現薑黃素可有效的防止微生物形成生物膜。此外,epsilon-聚-L-賴氨酸 (ε-PL) 是食品級抗菌劑且具有良好的細胞相容性。PNVP其抗玷污的性質 也是眾所皆知的。
  在本研究中,首先發酵產生ε-PL並確認其具有抗菌能力。以和ε-PL、 薑黃素和 D-氨基酸結合之PNVP當作抗生物膜劑, 塗在玻璃表面上研究它們抗生物膜 能力。以金黃葡萄球菌在靜態培養下形成生物膜。
  饋料批式發酵小白鏈黴菌7天可以生產16.5 g L-1的ε-PL。ε-PL對金黃葡萄球菌的最低抑菌濃度為2 g L-1。和乾淨的玻璃相比,PNVP塗在玻璃表面上能夠減少生物膜生長。將ε-PL固定在有PNVP塗佈的玻璃表面上,可增強抗生物膜能力。有無加入抗生物膜劑,懸浮細胞量無明顯差異,表示ε-PL可減少生物膜生長但沒有抑制懸浮細胞生長。

Biofilm is a layer of of microorganisms aggregation which adhere to a surface, whether synthetic or biological one. Biofilm formation has been a troublesome problem for medical devices and materials in biomedical fields. Its tightly bonded exopolysaccharide (EPS) matrix protects the biofilm from environment and makes it hard to be disassembled by conventional antibiotic treatment. In the presence of several D-amino acids, recently it have been reported that the preformed biofilm of several bacterial strains can be eradicated effectively. Recently, curcumin was found to be an effective anti-quorum sensing compound which can prevent microorganisms from assembly into biofilm formation. In addition, epsilon-poly-L-lysine (ε-PL) a food-grade antimicrobial agent has a good cytocompatibility. PNVP is also well known for its antifouling property.
In this work, ε-PL was first produced by fermentation process and its antimicrobial activity was characterized. The combination of ε-PL, curcumin and D-amino acids as antibiofilm agent in PNVP coated surface layer were employed to study their anti Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formed biofilm under static condition.
ε-PL of 16.5 g L-1 could be produced by Streptomyces albulus in a 7 days fed-batch fermentation. The minimum inhibitory concentration of ε-PL towards S.sureus is 2 g L-1. PNVP coated surface was able to reduce biofilm growth compare to glass substrate. By immobilizing ε-PL on PNVP coated surface, the antibiofilm activity was enhanced. The planktonic cells amount showed insignificant difference with and without antibiofilm agent treatment, implied ε-PL impaired biofilm growth without inhibiting planktonic cells growth.

ABSTRACT 中文摘要 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background 1.2. Research Objectives CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Biofouling and Biofilm 2.2 Antibiofouling compound 2.3 Antibiofilm compound 2.3.1 D-Amino acid 2.3.2 Norpsermidine 2.3.3 Curcumin 2.4 Biofilm assay 2.5 Epsilon-polylysine 2.5.1 Physisochemical properties 2.5.2 Assay 2.5.3 Antimicrobial activity 2.5.4 Application 2.6 Poly(N-vinylpyrolidone) 2.7 Polydopamine CHAPTER 3 MATERIAL AND METHOD 3.1. Material 3.1.1. Microbial stain 3.1.2. Experiment chemical 3.1.3. Experiment culture medium 3.1.4. Experiment reagent 3.1.5. Experiment apparatus 3.2. Method 3.2.1. ε-PL fermentation 3.2.2. ε-PL assay 3.2.3. ε-PL Minimum Inhibitory Concentration 3.2.4. Biofilm growth 3.2.5. Crystal violet staining 3.2.6. PNVP coating 3.2.7. Polydopamine coating 3.2.8. Antibiofilm agent dip coating 3.2.9. Confocal microscopy using LIVE/DEAD Baclight Bacterial Viability Kits CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1. ε-Polylysine production 4.2. ε-Polylysine assay 4.2.1. Blue plate assay 4.2.2. Colorimetric assay 4.2.3. HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and IPC (Ion Pair Chromatography) 4.2.4. SDS-PAGE 4.3. ε-Polylysine antimicrobial activity 4.4. Biofilm formation CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 5.1. ε-Polylysine production and antimicrobial activity 5.2. ε-Polylysine assay 5.3. ε-Polylysine antibiofilm activity REFERENCES

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