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研究生: 林炳敏
論文名稱: 第三方支付不動產應用之研究—以成屋價金履約保證為例
A Research of Third Party Payment Applied in Real Estate --- A case Study of House Payment Escrow System
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-yang Liu
口試委員: 張琬喻
Jang, Woan-Yuh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 付款中間人成屋價金履約保證仲介經紀業者建築經理公司第三方支付地政士
外文關鍵詞: Escrow Agent, House Payment Escrow System, Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Management Corporation, Third-party Payment, Title Agent
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:0
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  • 本論文研究之目的在於這看似包山包海的第三方支付業者,保障其交易安全的商品從數百元到數萬元不等之各種日常生活所需商品;但高達數十萬到數百萬,甚至上億元不動產的交易安全,是否也有類似的第三方支付機制的運作?是否也有類似的第三方支付業者來保障不動產買賣雙方在交易的過程中價金、不動產產權能安全、完整的交付及移轉與對方?

    1. 建築經理公司的角色 等同於 第三方支付業者。
    2. 成屋價金履約保證的機制 等同於 第三方支付交易平台
    3. 不動產買受人 等同於 商品需求者(買方)
    4. 不動產出賣人 等同於 出貨廠商(賣方)
    5. 履保價金保管銀行 等同於 買賣價款結算銀行
    6. 仲介經紀業者及地政士 等同於 商品運送的經銷商或物流業者


    The study aims to explore the transaction security of the merchandises that third-party payment suppliers ensure vary from several hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars and may include various merchandises regarding all aspects of life. But does the transaction security of real estate that worth hundreds of thousands, several millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars have the similar operation of third-party payment institutions? Are there similar third-party payment suppliers that can ensure the price and the real estate property are safely and completely delivered and transferred to its counterpart within the transaction process between the buyer and the seller?
    According to the interviews with the department managers of business development and service procedure,understanding these process, content, and security methods of the “House Payment Escrow System “, to study how the application in concept of third-party payment for real estate transaction security -- the “House Payment Escrow System “ service works. In the meantime, this study would be the improvement reference in concept of third-party payment for real estate transaction security applied.
    After the R&D,a complete mechanism exists within the third-party payment supplier regarding the management and control of price payment, account settling and merchandise delivery. On the other hand, within the process of real estate transaction, real estate management companies play the role of “Escrow agent”, just like third-party purchase suppliers, in which they utilize the mechanism of “House Payment Escrow System” to create a transaction security insurance that equalizes to third-party payment platform. This allows the price payment of the buyer, price collection of the seller, to be completed within this mechanism of House Payment Escrow System. In the meanwhile, the transferring of real estate property would be approved by the real estate agents and the title agents from
    both the buyers and the sellers to be protected. Applying the concepts of third-party payment within real estate industries, as the following:
    1. Real estate management corporations equalize to the third-party payment companies
    2. House payment escrow system equalize to the third-party payment transaction platform
    3. Real estate’s buyers equalize to the merchandise’s buyers
    4. Real estate’s sellers equalize to the merchandise’s sellers
    5. House payment Escrow banks equalize to the transaction settlement banks
    6. The real estate agents and the title agents equalize to the merchandise’s logistical agents
    “House Payment Escrow System” helps third-party payment suppliers of real estate industry, “ Real Estate Management Corporations “ , to obtain their due benefits. I also expect in the near future, real estate management corporations that ensure real estate transaction security and the mechanism of home price guarantee of contract can be legalized and institutionalized, in which they will be specifically responsible for the application of third-party payment regarding real estates.

    致 謝 II 摘 要 III ABSTRACT V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第壹章、緒論 10 第一節 研究背景與動機 10 第二節 研究目的 11 第三節 研究範圍和流程 11 第貳章、相關文獻探討 13 第一節 第三方支付服務業之商業模式 13 第二節 第三方支付平台交易風險管控---交易履約保證 17 第三節 不動產交易安全機制-建築經理公司之「成屋價金履約保證」 18 第参章、研究方法 23 第一節 研究設計 23 第二節 個案訪談 23 第肆章 產業分析與個案公司介紹 26 第一節 第三方支付不動產應用產業---建築經理業 26 第二節 個案公司介紹 29 第三節 小結 39 第伍章 個案分析 40 第一節 第三方支付不動產應用之主流 40 第二節 「成屋價金履約保證」執行過程 41 第三節 買賣雙方之交易風險及保障 49 第陸章 結論與建議 52 第一節 研究結論 52 第二節 研究建議 53 參考文獻 55 附錄 57

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    1.Ant Financial,螞蟻金服,www.antgroup.com
    2.PayPal, www.paypal.com

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