簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 冼祖怡
Joey - Sin
論文名稱: 一種以絲膠蛋白與聚乙烯醇為基礎的多孔性泡綿製備與其生物醫學應用
A porous foam made of silk sericin combining with poly(vinyl alcohol) as a dressing for potential use in biomedical engineering
指導教授: 白孟宜
Meng-Yi Bai
口試委員: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
Chia-Chen Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 絲膠蛋白聚乙烯醇多孔性泡綿
外文關鍵詞: Silk sericin, Poly(vinyl alcohol), porous foam
相關次數: 點閱:402下載:0
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  • 在蠶絲純化之過程中,絲膠蛋白通常會當作廢棄物丟棄,然而絲膠蛋白是可回 收及利用應用於醫療、化妝品及製藥上。在此研究中,利用冷凍真空乾燥之技 術製備一新型的 Sercin/PVA 泡綿。將絲膠絲膠蛋白利用脫膠法將絲膠蛋白從蠶 繭中分離,經過計算平均脫膠率為 28.75 2.09%。Sericin/PVA 泡綿之微觀結構 透過掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察。結果顯示 Sericin/PVA 泡綿具有多孔性結構 以及孔隙率約為 50%。材料特性經過傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜進行鑑定。我們發 現經過冷凍乾燥程序所製備的 Sericin/PVA 泡綿中的材料特性不會有所改變。 Sericin/PVA 泡綿的透氣率約為 916.109 70.254 g/m2。在生物毒性測試中, Sericin/PVA 泡綿的細胞活性明顯高於控制組,表示 Sericin/PVA 泡綿有良好的 生物相容性以及增加細胞增生的能力。因在生物毒性測試中,已證明 Sericin/PVA 泡綿具有細胞增生之能力,故於細胞抗發炎測試中,測試結果相較於控制及 LPS 組別的發炎反應來得強,因此現階段對於 Sericin/PVA 泡綿抗發炎測試結果仍持 保留態度,有待進一步釐清。經由以上一系列實驗了解所製備的 Sericin/PVA 泡 綿未來具有做為的傷口敷料的潛力應用於皮膚組織再生。

    Silk sericin derived form silkworm Bombyx Mori was normally discarded during raw silk processing, sericin can be recovered and reused for other applications, like, medical device, cosmetics product, and pharmaceutical agent. In this study, a novel silk sericin combining with poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) was developed by freeze drying to generate a foam. Sericin were harvested from degumming processes of cocoon. The average degummed rate was 28.75 2.09%. The morphology of sericin/PVA foam was investigate by using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The result showed that sericin/PVA foam had porous structure and its porosity was about 52.793 8.347%. The surface characteristic was detected by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). We found that after freeze drying processes the material surface properties revealed hydrophilic amide I and amide II functional groups. The moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR) of the sericin/PVA foam was determined to be 916.109 70.254 g/m2. In the cytotoxicity test, the cell viability of sericin/PVA foam was approximately 80~100% than control group. Indicate that sericin/PVA foam had good biocompatibility. As the sericin has been shown to have the ability of promoting cell proliferation, the relevant anti-inflammatory test is still needed to make clear at this stage. In conclusion, sericin/PVA foam will to be a potential material for wound management.

    摘要 .............................................................................................................................. I Abstract ....................................................................................................................... II 全名與縮寫對照表 ......................................................................................................... III 致謝 ............................................................................................................................. IV 圖目錄 ......................................................................................................................... VIII 表目錄 .......................................................................................................................... IX 第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 前言 .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 實驗動機與目的 ........................................................................................................ 2 1.3 實驗設計與規劃 ........................................................................................................ 2 第二章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1 皮膚 ......................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 皮膚構造與功能...................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 傷口癒合機制.......................................................................................................... 7 2.2 敷料 .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 敷料種料 ................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.2 敷料結構 ................................................................................................................ 10 2.2.3 敷料功能性 ............................................................................................................. 11 2.3 蠶繭 .......................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.1 蠶繭結構 ................................................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 絲膠蛋白 ................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.3 絲膠生醫上的應用.................................................................................................... 15 2.4 冷凍真空乾燥原理 .......................................................................................................16 2.5 聚乙烯醇(Poly(vinyl alcohol), PVA) .............................................................................17 第三章 材料與方法 ........................................................................................................... 18 3.1 實驗材料 .....................................................................................................................18 3.2 實驗器材與儀器 ..........................................................................................................20 3.3 蠶繭脫膠萃取絲膠蛋白方法 ........................................................................................22 3.3.1 絲膠蛋白脫膠方式.................................................................................................... 22 3.4 冷凍乾燥技術製備 Sericin/PVA 泡綿 ...........................................................................23 3.4.1 製備絲膠蛋白泡綿.................................................................................................... 23 3.4.2 製備 Sericin/PVA 泡綿............................................................................................. 24 3.5 透氣率測試 .................................................................................................................25 3.6 體外細胞實驗...............................................................................................................25 3.6.1 細胞種類 ................................................................................................................. 25 3.6.2 細胞培養基配置....................................................................................................... 26 3.6.3 細胞培養 ................................................................................................................ 28 3.6.4 細胞毒性測試(Cytotoxicity model based on fibroblast cell).................................... 32 3.6.5 細胞抗發炎測試(LPS-induced macrophage model) ................................................ 34 3.7 統計方式..................................................................................................................... 36 第四章 結果與討論 ........................................................................................................... 37 4.1 絲膠蛋白脫膠率 ...........................................................................................................37 4.2 Sericin/PVA 泡綿表面型態...........................................................................................38 4.2.1 孔隙率分析 .............................................................................................................. 39 4.3 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜(FT-IR)分析泡綿表面化學組成 ..................................................40 4.4 透氣率測試結果 ...........................................................................................................41 4.5 纖維母細胞之毒性測試 ................................................................................................42 4.6 抗發炎及誘導發炎之能力測試 ......................................................................................43 第五章 結論 ...................................................................................................................... 44 第六章 未來展望................................................................................................................ 45 第七章 參考文獻................................................................................................................ 47

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