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研究生: 黃弘霖
Hong-Lin Huang
論文名稱: 運用智慧農業創造三贏歷程
Using Smart Agrecultural Technology to Create Win-win Situation
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 智慧農業數位分身商業模式理論創業家精神理論組織靈巧理論價值共創理論
外文關鍵詞: Smart Argriculture, Digital Twins, Business Model, Entrepreneurship, Ambidexterity, Value Cocreation
相關次數: 點閱:393下載:0
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Smart agriculture Technology is an efficient tool of modern technology to solve the shortage of rural manpower, aging and reduce production costs. It is the preferred way to promote the transformation and upgrading of agriculture. Under the trend of global climate change and trade liberalization, technology can help farmer react more quickly and high qualily production. This case describes C.N. Kuo, the general manager of U-sync Company, with many years of experience in science and technology, has invested in dragon fruit planting. By analyzing the farmer’s demand and thinking, constantly explore innovative business models, and finally, achieve a friendly farming and commercial interests, and create a win-win situation.
C.N. Kuo has successfully implemented smart agricultural technology, such as AI, IOT, Big Data, and innovative business models. Automated device replaced much work which originally labor-intensive. The farmer can easily “go through” their farm and forecast the amount of output. These new methods that subverts the stereotyped impression of the farmers, not only reduces labor effort and improves work efficiency, but also allows the quality and quantity of fruits to be controlled, and the land environment can be developed continuously. Using the digital twins technology to copy planting, expand the planting area of dragon fruit produced in winter, avoid the low price in summer, and benefit more farmers. Through the well-connection with the dealer, the channel is unblocked, and shortened the distance from the place of origin to the table.
This case is a Harvard case study, which can be used to discuss business models, entrepreneurship, ambidexterity, value co-creation and other related issues. Through the case, we can understand how U-Sync Company has developed the business model beyond the profit business model; how the entrepreneurial spirit to take risks and create maximum value; how to balance the interests of farmers with the dexterity of business remuneration; finally, how to achieve a positive cycle and co-create value through the benign interaction between consumers, farmers and investors.

Keywords: smart agriculture, digital avatar, business model theory, entrepreneurial spirit theory, organizational dexterity theory, value co-creation theory

摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序場 1 二、 全球性議題 3 1. 人口趨勢 3 2. 氣候變遷與糧食安全 4 三、 台灣農業現況 5 1. 就業人口老化 5 2. 天然災害損失 6 3. 貿易自由化衝擊 7 四、 不老的鬥士,IT的先行者 8 五、 智慧農業科技,促進轉型升級 9 六、 投身智慧農業,就從紅龍果開始 13 七、 突破產銷障礙,共創三贏 17 八、 移地種植,擴大規模 20 九、 面臨的挑戰 22 十、 美容保養附加價值的新藍海 23 十一、 下一步 24 貳、 附錄 25 一、 全球糧食安全指標 25 二、 氣候暖化 26 1. 全球升溫現象 26 2. 各國改善氣候指標 26 參、 個案討論 28 一、 個案總覽 28 二、 教學目標與適用課程 30 三、 學生課前討論問題 33 四、 個案人物背景 34 五、 個案分析 35 課程目標一、創新商業模式議題探討 35 課程目標二、創業家精神議題探討 43 課程目標三、組織靈巧議題探討 49 課程目標四、價值共創議題探討 51 六、 課程結論 55 七、 教學建議 56 八、 板書規劃 63 肆、 參考文獻 65 一、 英文參考文獻 65 二、 中文參考文獻 66 三、 網站部分 67

一、 英文參考文獻
1. Andreas Deuter and Florian Pethig (2019), “The Digital Twin Theory - A New View on a Buzzword” from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330883447
2. Charles A. O’Reilli III and Michael L. Tushman(1996), “The Ambidextrous Organization”, Harvard Business Review, April 2004, 74-81
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7. Adrian F. Payne, Kaj Storbacks, Pennie Frow(2007), “Managing the co-creation of value”, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 83-96

二、 中文參考文獻
1. C.K. Prahalad and Venkat Ramaswamy(2004), “The Future of Competiton: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers”, 顧淑馨 譯, 天下雜誌
2. 黃鎮平、黃秀珊(2008),“企業創業精神之實證研究”, 創業管理研究3卷3期1-27
3. 張玉利、李乾文(2009), “公司創業導向、雙元能力與組織績效”, 管理科學學報
4. 余佩儒(2019),“探討國際上數位分身在不同領域的應用”, 經濟前瞻186期, 91-95
5. Alexander & Yves(2019), “Business Model Generation 獲利時代”, 尤傳莉 譯, 早安財經文化
6. 鄭吉村(2014), ”小鎮文創的社會創新模式”, 國立台灣科技大學EMBA碩士論文
7. 翁逸姝(2015), “翻轉NPO思維-喜憨兒基金會的社會創新力”, 國立台灣科技大學EMBA碩士論文
8. 何佳倚(2015), “一顆陀螺的夢想-轉動甘樂文創社會影響力”, 國立台灣科技大學EMBA碩士論文
9. 程文浩(2016), “以公益心 行公義事-若水國際的社會創新歷程”, 國立台灣科技大學EMBA碩士論文
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三、 網站部分
1. 聯合國經濟與社會事務部(https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/)
2. 聯合國糧食及農業組織(http://www.fao.org/)
3. 聯合國環境規劃署(https://www.unenvironment.org/)
4. 國家發展委員會(https://www.ndc.gov.tw/)
5. 智慧農業(https://www.intelligentagri.com.tw/)
6. 遠見雜誌(https://www.gvm.com.tw/)
7. 今周刊(https://www.businesstoday.com.tw)
8. 行政院農委會(https://www.coa.gov.tw/)
9. 農業科技研究院(https://www.atri.org.tw/)
10. 世界氣象組織(https://public.wmo.int/)
11. 中央氣象局(https://www.cwb.gov.tw/)
12. 台灣環境協會-環境資訊中心(https://e-info.org.tw/)
13. 政府間氣候變化專門委員會(https://www.ipcc.ch/)
14. 中華電信官網(http://www.cht.com.tw/)
15. 價值共創社群(https://www.vcc.com.tw/)
16. 每日頭條(https://kknews.cc/)
17. 群眾募資平台(https://www.flyingv.cc/)
18. 數位科技網(https://www.digitimes.com.tw/)
19. 數位時代(https://edm.bnext.com.tw/)
20. 農業科技決策資訊平台(https://agritech-foresight.atri.org.tw/)

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