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研究生: 陳芑瑋
Chi-Wei Chen
論文名稱: 應用類神經網路與關聯規則於住宅屬性與銷售率之關聯性研究
Applying association rules and artificial neural network to explore the relationship among housing factors and sales rate
指導教授: 阮怡凱
Yi-Kai Juan
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
Ming-Yuan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 住宅屬性住宅銷售模糊德爾菲法關聯規則類神經網路
外文關鍵詞: Housing, Sales Rate, Fuzzy-Delphi Method, Association Rule, Artificial Neural Network
相關次數: 點閱:333下載:0
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  • 近年房地產業蓬勃發展且推案量逐年上升,開發商間競爭激烈,為追求較良好之銷售表現,開發商於投資開發前需詳細考量市場趨勢,並盡可能規劃迎合大眾喜好之產品。對於消費者而言,因房地產有差異性大且單價較高之特性,欲購屋者之消費決策往往需經過多層次且複雜之考量,該如何推出較符合大眾喜好之產品成為不斷被討論之課題;對於開發者而言,於投資開發時往往需投入大量資金,若於購地或規劃設計時決策錯誤將可能造成產品之銷售狀況不佳,並直接影響開發商之營運資本。然而,目前開發商於購地決策或規劃設計時,多由企業內部主管偕同代銷公司做為顧問,以自身經驗推測個案之投資規畫是否合宜,可能造成最後的決策受主觀意識影響而形成偏差,影響未來銷售表現。因此,為提高開發商於購地或規畫設計階段之決策合宜性及效率,本研究擬藉由模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy-Delphi)問卷篩選出可能與銷售率關聯性較高之住宅屬性,以其為基礎蒐集台北市大安區、信義區共56筆實際住宅個案資料,接著透過關聯規則(Association Rules) 找尋不同銷售表現之住宅特性,其分析結果顯示該地區住宅之價格條件、產品規模對於銷售率影響程度較大,且與銷售率呈現反比關係,最後利用人工類神經網路(Artificial Neural Network) 建構一住宅銷售率預測模型,以75%資料做為訓練案例,25%做為測試案例,經反覆之200次循環訓練,預測準確率最高能夠達到90%。因此開發者於購地或產品規劃初期,即能夠依據關聯規則及類神經網路所歸納之分析結果,了解不同銷售表現之產品差異並初步預測未來可能之銷售表現,做為決策之參考依據,有效提升決策之效率及合理性。

    The rapid development in real estate industry has led to considerable increases in investment volume of housing these years. For consumers, due to the significant differences and high cost in real estate, their decision often needs to go through complex considerations. How to launch products that match to the public’s preferences has become a topic of constant discussion. For developers, it may cause poor sales and directly affect the developer’s working capital if making wrong decision in land purchase or planning. However, developers often use their own experience to speculate whether the decision is appropriate, which may cause error by subjective consciousness. Therefore, in order to make proper decisions and improve its efficiency, this study figure out the factors that may have greater correlation with the sales rate by Fuzzy-Delphi questionnaire. Based on the results, a total of 56 actual cases data in Da’an District and Xinyi District of Taipei City were collected. Then, Association Rules is used to observe the pattern of the data, the results showed that the prices and product scale has an inverse relationship with the sales rate in that area. Finally, forecasting model of sales rate is constructed via Artificial Neural Network, using 75% of data as training cases and 25% as test cases, after repeated 200 cycles of training, the prediction accuracy rate can reach up to 90%. The result of Association Rules and Neural Networks can provide useful information to developers to assist their decision in the early stage of land purchase or planning, greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of their decision.

    摘要----------------------------------------I ABSTRACT------------------------------------II 誌謝----------------------------------------III 表目錄--------------------------------------VI 圖目錄--------------------------------------VII 第1章 緒論-----------------------------------1 1.1研究背景----------------------------------1 1.2 研究動機---------------------------------1 1.3 研究目的與流程---------------------------2 1.4 研究範圍與限制---------------------------4 第2章 文獻回顧-------------------------------5 2.1 影響住宅銷售及價格之因素探討--------------5 2.2 機器學習與房地產銷售文獻探討--------------14 第3章 研究方法-------------------------------16 3.1 模糊德爾菲法 (FUZZY DELPHI METHOD, FDM)--16 3.2 資料探勘技術 (DATA MINING)---------------20 3.3 關聯規則及類神經網路----------------------22 第4章 住宅屬性因子建構------------------------29 4.1 模糊德爾菲法專家問卷設計------------------29 4.2 住宅屬性因子篩選-------------------------32 4.3 研究資料確立-----------------------------35 第5章 研究分析與結果-------------------------38 5.1 實際住宅案例資料介紹----------------------38 5.2 住宅銷售率與住宅屬性之初步關聯性分析-------39 5.3 住宅銷售率與住宅屬性之關聯規則分析---------43 5.4 類神經網路預測住宅銷售率之分析-------------48 第6章 研究結論與建議--------------------------52 6.1 研究結論---------------------------------52 6.2 後續研究建議-----------------------------53 參考文獻-------------------------------------55 附錄一---------------------------------------62

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