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研究生: 倪艾莎
Nisya Kintan Qumari
論文名稱: 資料探勘中以特徵相關矩陣做特徵選擇探討
Study on Using Correlation Matrix for Feature Selection in Data Mining
指導教授: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
口試委員: 蘇順豐
Shun-Feng Su
Chung-Hsien Kuo
Chen-Chia Chuang
Mei-Yung Chen
Shu-Hao Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
外文關鍵詞: Correlation Matrix, CNC Machines, Feature Selection, Machine Learning, Data Mining
相關次數: 點閱:35下載:2
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  • This study is to use correlation matrix for feature selection in data mining—more especially inside CNC machines is explored in this thesis. Prediction modeling and classification are the main areas of concentration, with various scenarios utilized to maximize model performance and feature selection. Regarding classification, a thorough investigation of multiple cases demonstrates the effectiveness of a hybrid strategy that employs correlation heatmap-guided feature selection and bases the procedure on power factor values. The Random Forest model stands out as a top performer with an accuracy of 96.8% in the base learner stage and an astounding 97.2% post-tuning, both in original and normalized data settings. Notably, better performance with fewer features supports the adage less is more, highlighted by the reduced feature set decision. The K-Nearest Neighbors model regularly performs better than other models in predictive modeling, showing the lowest error values in various circumstances. The K-Nearest Neighbors model demonstrates its robustness with low prediction errors, regardless of whether it uses all features without a power factor or just non-redundant features without a power factor. This work lays the groundwork for developing feature selection techniques, investigating ensemble learning opportunities, refining prediction models, and customizing strategies to the complexities of CNC machine datasets. These results add to the ongoing discussion in data mining and provide useful information for improving categorization and predictive modeling in the complex field of CNC machines.

    Abstract I Acknowledgement II Contents IV Figures VI Tables VIII 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Aim and Contributions 2 1.3 Thesis Outline 3 2. Literature Review 4 3. Overview of Feature Selection with Correlation Matrix 6 4. Proposed Method 7 4.1 Methodology 7 4.1.1 Data Collection 7 4.1.2 Data Pre-processing 7 4.1.3 Case Study 10 4.2 Feature Selection 11 4.3 Learning Scenario on Classification 13 4.4 Learning Scenario on Prediction 14 4.4.1 All Features without PF 14 4.4.2 Non-Redundant Features without PF 15 4.5 Developed Models 16 4.5.1 K-Nearest Neighbor 16 4.5.2 Decision Tree 17 4.5.3 Random Forest 19 4.5.4 Naïve Bayes 21 4.5.5 Super Vector Machine 22 5. Results and Discussion 24 5.1 Hardware Installation 24 5.1.1 CNC Machine 24 5.1.2 Power Meter 25 5.1.3 Switch 27 5.1.4 Access Point (AP) 28 5.1.5 Laptop 28 5.2 Dataset 29 5.3 Data Acquisition 29 5.4 Data Exploration 30 5.4.1 Import Libraries 30 5.4.2 Load Data 31 5.4.3 Count number of rows and columns 31 5.4.4 Dropping Unnamed / Nan Value 32 5.4.5 Dropping Irrelevant Features 32 5.4.6 Data Preprocessing 32 5.5 Feature Selection 33 5.5.1 Feature Selection in Classification 35 5.5.2 Feature Selection in Prediction 36 5.6 Normalized Dataset 38 5.7 Data Splitting 39 5.8 Performance Assessment on Classification 40 5.8.1 Accuracy 40 5.8.2 Confusion Matrix 41 5.9 Performance Assessment on Prediction 41 5.9.1 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) All Feature Without PF 42 5.9.2 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) Non-Redundant Feature without PF 44 6. Conclusions and Future Direction 47 6.1 Conclusions 47 6.2 Future Direction 48 References 49

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