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研究生: 梁熒玲
Ying-Ling Liang
論文名稱: 新冠疫情對健康管理公司的衝擊-以L公司為例
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Management Companies-A case Study of L Company
指導教授: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-Huei Yeh
口試委員: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Ruey-Huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: 新冠疫情商業模式魚骨圖PEST 分析變革管理服務品質
外文關鍵詞: COVID-19, Business model, Fishbone Diagram, PEST Analysis, Change Management, Service Quality
相關次數: 點閱:144下載:0
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  • 在2019年底,L公司積極為上櫃審查做準備,這被視為公司的一大重要里程碑。然而到了2020年初,新冠疫情的爆發以及客戶的連續投訴,為公司帶來了前所未有的挑戰。在全球性疫情的背景下,L公司面臨極大的營運壓力。隨著審查上櫃日期逼近,外界對公司的財務表現、品牌形象和服務品質有更高的期望。此時,董事長David不僅要解決客戶抱怨,改善服務品質及運營方式,更要面對母集團的巨大壓力。在這種壓力下,他賦予總經理Jack一項重要任務,要求在短時間內確定問題所在並制定出有效的解決策略。總經理Jack明白,這不只是策略的調整。他需要深入地研究公司的商業模式、服務流程和內部運營。運用魚骨圖來找出服務失誤的根本原因,通過PEST分析來評估市場競爭,並應用變革管理理論來推動必要的組織調整和改進。以確保公司的上櫃流程 能夠順利進行。本個案採哈佛教學個案方式撰寫,藉由個案內容探討L公司如何在困境中調整營運方針及提升服務品質。透過分析個案公司的商業模式、員工心態、客戶反饋及服務流程,探討一家公司如何在逆境中進行營運調整並提升服務品質。

    At the end of 2019, L Health Management Company was actively preparing for its public listing review, a significant milestone for the company. However, the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020 and a series of customer complaints presented unprecedented challenges. Amidst the global pandemic, L Health Management Company faced immense operational pressure. As the listing review date approached, there were heightened expectations from external stakeholders regarding the company's financial performance, brand image, and service quality. During this critical period, Chairman David had to address customer complaints, improve service quality, and operational approaches, all while managing the immense pressure from the parent group. Under these circumstances, he assigned General Manager Jack a crucial task to identify the core problems and develop effective strategies promptly. General Manager Jack realized that this required more than just tactical adjustments. He needed to delve deeply into the company's business model, service processes, and internal operations. Utilizing fishbone diagrams, he identified the root causes of service failures and employed PEST analysis to evaluate market competition. He also applied change management theories to drive necessary organizational adjustments and improvements, ensuring the smooth progression of the company's listing process. This case, written in the Harvard case study format, explores how L Health Management Company adjusted its operational policies and improved service quality amidst adversity. By analyzing the company's business model, employee mindset, customer feedback, and service processes, the case discusses how a company can adapt and enhance service quality in challenging times.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第 1 章 個案本文 1 1.1 序曲 1 1.2 個案公司產業概況與簡介 3 1.3 疫情下所面臨的困境 15 1.4 尋求改變的轉折點 21 1.5 L公司的下一步 23 1.6 問題與討論 24 第 2 章 教學指引 25 2.1 個案總覽 25 2.2 教學目標與課程適用對象 26 2.3 課前準備 28 2.4 課程討論目標 29 2.5 個案背景 29 2.6 個案分析 31 2.7 教學建議與時間分配 46 2.8 板書規劃 47 第 3 章 參考文獻 48

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