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研究生: 簡銘緯
Ming-Wei Jian
論文名稱: 慢性踝關節不穩定芭蕾舞者之足踝部排序與結構分析
Analysis of Alignment and Structure at Foot and Ankle in Ballet Dancers with Chronic Ankle Instability
指導教授: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
口試委員: 林秀真
Hsiu-Chen Lin
Yi-Fen Shih
Chia-Feng Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 核磁共振影像功能性踝關節不穩定芭蕾舞者足踝部排序及結構分析
外文關鍵詞: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional ankle instability, ballet dancer, foot-ankle aignment and structural analysis
相關次數: 點閱:261下載:0
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踝關節扭傷,是一種常見的運動傷害,其中嚴重的足踝扭傷,常因而形成慢性踝關節不穩定,若傷及韌帶軟組織,就更容易導致功能性踝關節不穩定以及機械性踝關節不穩定的形成。其中,由脛骨、腓骨與距骨所構成之踝關節,主要動作為背屈(dosiflexion)及蹠屈(plantarflexion),而距骨與跟骨之間的距骨關節(subtalar joint),主要動作為外翻(eversion)與內翻(inversion)動作。舞者經常需要做大角度踝關節蹠屈時,較容易發生踝關節內翻扭傷。然而,至今仍缺乏利用逆向工程(reverse engineering)來探討長期進行大角度的背屈及蹠屈之舞者,於足踝部之骨頭間的相對關係,是否存在著對位上的改變因素,也並沒有人去探討關於腳踝扭傷以及慢性踝關節不穩定之芭蕾舞患者,小腿遠端的肌肉與肌腱的肌肉肌腱截面積。

Ankle sprain is a common sports injury. Repeated lateral ankle sprain may lead to chronic ankle instability (CAI). If the ligament and soft tissue are injuried, functional ankle instability and mechanical ankle instability may occur. The ankle, being consist of the tibia, fibula, talus and calcaneus, mainly performed dorsiflexion and plantarflexion; while the subtalar joint, contribute mostly to eversion and inversion. Because of the shape of the talus, its anterior part is narrower and the posterior is wider so that a large amount of plantarflexion with inversion often cause ankle sprain. However, until now evidence using reverse engineering to investigate whether the alignement and structural among the bones in the foot and ankle would be altered in both neutral and plantarflexion of sound and affected limbs in dancers with ankle sprain or CAI remain unclear. In addition, cross section area (CSA) in the distal leg muscles and tendons in patients with ankle sprain or CAI remain unexplored.
The purpose of this study was to perform the foot-ankle bones alignment and structure analysis of affected and un-affected limbs in young female ballet dancer with CAI during neutral and plantarflexion. The issue of limb dominance was also taken into consideration. For the possible changes of soft tissue morphology, CSA of distal leg muscle and tendon were also obtained. The results of current study indicated that the bone in ballet dancer with chronic ankle instability, compared with healthy groups, fibula was positioned more posterior in translation, but other bones alignment and structural analysis was similar to those in healthy group. In conclusion, the factor of dominant and non-dominant limbs was greater than that of ankle instability

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2文獻回顧 2 1.3研究目的 9 1.4研究假設 10 第二章 軟體應用及方法 11 2.1 應用軟體 11 2.2實驗對象 12 2.3實驗儀器與設備 12 2.4研究流程 15 2.5分析步驟與流程 16 2.5.1影像分析處理 16 2.5.2逆向工程-影像建模 23 2.6踝足部骨頭之相對平移及旋轉角度 31 2.6.1足踝部構造及定義方向性/解剖方向 33 2.6.2對齊座標系統 35 2.6.3骨頭擬合測量分析 42 2.6.4研究者-自定義座標系統之差異性 45 2.7質心距離-相對位置 46 2.8計算肌肉/肌腱之CSA 47 2.9數據處理與分析 50 第三章 結果 51 3.1研究者間自定義座標系統之差異 51 3.2足踝部質心相對距離 54 3.3下肢關節量測分析結果 56 3.4足踝部肌肉肌腱截面積量測 62 第四章 討論 63 4.1研究者間之可信度 63 4.2足踝部骨頭質心相對距離 63 4.3腓骨與脛骨相對關係 64 4.4距骨與脛骨相對關係 67 4.5跟骨、中足部與前足部骨頭相對關係 69 4.6肌肉肌腱之截面積 70 4.7方法之侷限 71 第五章 結論 72 第六章 文獻 73 附錄 76

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