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論文名稱: Why Did Teachers Give Up? Lessons from Post- English Language Teachers - Toward Expected Utility Lens.
Why Did Teachers Give Up? Lessons from Post- English Language Teachers - Toward Expected Utility Lens.
指導教授: 呂志豪
Shih-Hao Lu
口試委員: 謝亦泰
Yi-Tai Seih
Yu-Hui Kao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: English TeacherTeaching AttritionExpected Utility
外文關鍵詞: English Teacher, Teaching Attrition, Expected Utility
相關次數: 點閱:394下載:2
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It is common that numerous English teachers in Vietnam now leave the classroom before entering retirement, even before joining in teaching job. The situation is keeping happening and triggering the shortages of qualified English teachers at any levels in Vietnam Education; however, there are a few studies investigating this issue, even ignore it. It was hypothesized that this teaching attrition phenomenon is attributed to a host of rationales, especially from the effect of opportunity alternatives combined with push and pull factors from two sides with the aim of maximizing their expectation or fulfillment. Many theories such as self-efficacy and organization applied in many previous studies in order to find out the main reasons for attrition intension or teaching mobility in terms of the lack of English competencies and facility inadequacies. This study reports the results of a qualitative method examining the accounts of both former and existing certified and experienced English language teachers in Vietnam and through a lens of expected utility combined with push and pull factors in order address the reasons for their permanent departure from the teaching profession.

It is common that numerous English teachers in Vietnam now leave the classroom before entering retirement, even before joining in teaching job. The situation is keeping happening and triggering the shortages of qualified English teachers at any levels in Vietnam Education; however, there are a few studies investigating this issue, even ignore it. It was hypothesized that this teaching attrition phenomenon is attributed to a host of rationales, especially from the effect of opportunity alternatives combined with push and pull factors from two sides with the aim of maximizing their expectation or fulfillment. Many theories such as self-efficacy and organization applied in many previous studies in order to find out the main reasons for attrition intension or teaching mobility in terms of the lack of English competencies and facility inadequacies. This study reports the results of a qualitative method examining the accounts of both former and existing certified and experienced English language teachers in Vietnam and through a lens of expected utility combined with push and pull factors in order address the reasons for their permanent departure from the teaching profession.

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE LIST: I FIGURE LIST: I I. INTRODUCTION - 1 - 1.1. Attrition- Related Definitions - 1 - 1.2. Teacher Attrition Around the World - 2 - 1.3. The Context of Vietnam Education - 3 - II. LITERATURE - 6 - 2.1. Teacher Attrition - 6 - 2.2. Motives for Teacher Attrition - 10 - III. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK - 12 - 3.1. Existing Literature. - 12 - 3.2. The Present Framework. - 13 - IV. METHODOLOGY - 15 - 4.1. Participants. - 15 - 4.2. Interviews. - 17 - 4.3. Data Analysis. - 18 - 4.4. The Present Study - 22 - V. RESULTS - 23 - 5.1. Challenges of Teaching Profession - 23 - 5.2. Retention in Teaching Profession - 31 - 5.3. Opportunity Alternatives - Expected Utility Factors - 34 - VI. DISCUSSION - 39 - VII. CONCLUSION AND MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS. - 45 - REFERENCE: - 50 - APPENDIX A. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR POST-ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS - 56 - APPENDIX B. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR EXISTING ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS - 58 - APPENDIX C. INTERVIEW DATA SUMMARY - 60 -

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