簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 余瑞瑜
Jui-Yu Yu
論文名稱: 應用BIM技術於半導體產業污染防治設備 之安裝設計模擬與維護管理
Installation simulation and maintenance management of semiconductor industry pollution prevention equipment using BIM technology
指導教授: 楊亦東
口試委員: 李欣運
Hsin-Yun Lee
Jyh-Bin Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 洗滌塔半導體空污防制建築資訊模型Revit API碰撞檢測
外文關鍵詞: scrubber, semiconductor air pollution prevention, Revit API, C#, collision detection
相關次數: 點閱:453下載:7
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本研究透過與洗滌塔產業的專家訪談,得知目前洗滌塔工程主要的問題為與半導體廠房內其他管線整合不易,需要經過多次套繪與其他廠商配合,設計起來十分耗時,以及設備的耗材以及零件由於長時間過濾廢氣需要定期維修汰換,維修紀錄信息量龐大,不易進行系統化的管理,因此本研究針對此問題,結合建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)的優勢,將洗滌塔系統利用Revit進行建模,設計蒐集廢氣之管路將其與廠房的建築結構及機電系統進行整合,並且建立實際案例的模型,對比2D與3D的差別及分析BIM帶來的益處,最後利用C#語言撰寫Revit API,開發能將維修系統直接登錄於模型內的功能,直接連結該零件之名稱及樓層進行輸入,加上BIM視覺化的特性,降低人工疏失的機率,並能直接透過Excel輸出,將維修信息列表化。

The semiconductor industry has always played a pivotal role in Taiwan, accompanied by a large number of pollution problems, and air pollution filtration production has begun to develop, the most common of which is to cooperate with the semiconductor plant design exhaust gas collection pipeline, and finally put together the unified treatment of scrubber air pollution treatment system.
Through the expert interview with the scrubber industry, this study found that the main problem of the current scrubber project is that it is not easy to integrate with other pipelines in the semiconductor plant. It needs to be coordinated with other manufacturers after many sets of drawings, which is very time-consuming to design and equipment. Consumables and parts need to be repaired and replaced on a regular basis due to long-term filtration of exhaust gas. The amount of maintenance records is huge and it is difficult to systematically manage. Therefore, this study will combine the advantages of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for this problem. The scrubber system uses Revit to model, design the exhaust gas pipeline to integrate it with the building structure and electromechanical system of the plant, and build a model of the actual case, compare the difference between 2D and 3D and analyze the benefits of BIM. Finally Use the C# language to write the Revit API, develop the function that can directly log the maintenance system into the model, directly link the name and floor of the part for input, and add the characteristics of BIM visualization to reduce the chance of manual loss and directly pass through Excel output, list maintenance information.

第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究方法與流程 2 1.4論文內容與架構 4 第二章 文獻回顧 5 2.1半導體產業空氣汙染管制 5 2.1.1半導體簡介 5 2.1.2半導體製程所產生之廢氣 6 2.1.3 國內半導體製造業空氣污染管制及排放標準 10 2.2濕式洗滌塔 12 2.2.1濕式洗滌塔簡介 12 2.2.2洗滌塔運作流程 14 2.2.3洗滌塔運作原理 15 2.3建築資訊模型於機電領域之應用 16 2.3.1 BIM簡介 16 2.3.2機電工程簡介 18 2.3.3 BIM與機電之整合 18 2.4小結 24 第三章 研究工具 25 3.1 BIM建模工具 25 3.1.1 Autodesk Revit介紹 29 3.1.2 SolidWorks 30 3.2 洗滌塔組裝動畫製作工具 - Navisworks 32 3.3 維修紀錄系統開發工具 34 3.3.1 Revit API 34 3.3.2 Microsoft visual C# 37 3.5小結 38 第四章 研究成果與效益探討 39 4.1洗滌塔組裝動畫 39 4.2洗滌塔安裝設計模擬 47 4.2.1碰撞檢測模擬 47 4.2.2 施工模擬 51 4.3洗滌塔之維護管理 59 4.4 意見回饋 63 第五章 結論與建議 66 5.1 結論 66 5.2 建議 67 參考文獻 68

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