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研究生: 林姿蓉
Zih-rong Lin
論文名稱: 多波長可調式環型光纖雷射與注入鎖模法布里-比洛雷射二極體於光纖網路之應用
The Application of Multi-Wavelength Tunable Fiber Ring Laser and Injection-Locked Fabry-Pérot Laser Diode to Optical Fiber Networks
指導教授: 劉政光
Cheng-kuang Liu
口試委員: 鄭木海
Wood-hi Cheng
Hen-wei Tsao
Jen-fa Huang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 可調式光纖雷射注入鎖模多波長光纖雷射法布里-比洛雷射二極體光纖網路
外文關鍵詞: tunable fiber laser, injection-locked, multi-wavelength fiber laser, Fabry-Pérot laser diode, Optical Fiber Networks
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:0
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本論文的研究重點包括單/雙/多波長可調式環型光纖雷射之研製,及其與注入鎖模法布里-比洛雷射二極體之應用,著重於傳輸訊號品質測試及低成本被動光網路於電視廣播之應用。首先,本文說明可調式單波長環型光纖雷射及可調式直調環型光纖雷射之研製;在可調式單波長環型光纖雷射方面: 採用半導體光放大器與環型摻鉺光纖雷射架構,探討半導體光放大器抑制低頻擾動腔模分佈雜訊之功能。此可調式環型光纖雷射之波長可調範圍涵蓋C與L波帶(1540~1604 nm),平均輸出光功率為2.2 dBm,訊雜比大於46 dB。此外,也利用此環型光纖雷射高速調變10-Gb/s訊號,實驗測試單向下行傳輸單模光纖50公里,功率償付為0.96 dB。在可調式直調環型光纖雷射方面:研製2-kHz線寬,可調波長範圍為45 nm (1535~ 1580 nm), 涵蓋C與L波帶,訊雜比大於38 dB,且此可調式環型光纖雷射可直調1.25-Gb/s下行訊號,並且注入鎖模法布里-比洛雷射二極體後,再直調1.25-Gb/s上行訊號於雙向存取網路之應用。傳輸25公里單模光纖後,上下行功率償付分別為0.11 dB與0.86 dB。
最後,本文探討雙波長可調式環型光纖雷射及多波長環型光纖雷射之研製;在雙波長可調式環型光纖雷射方面: 其架構採用半導體光放大器與環型摻鉺光纖雷射及兩個可調式光濾波器。波長可調範圍為58 nm (1547~ 1605 nm), 涵蓋C與L波帶,功率差小於1.5 dB。此外,也利用此環型光纖雷射高速調變10-Gb/s訊號,實驗測試單向下行傳輸單模光纖25公里,功率償付為0.5 dB。在多波長環型光纖雷射方面: 其架構採用半導體光放大器與環型摻鉺光纖雷射及兩個匹配100 GHz分波多工器。可同時輸出4個波長,其旁模抑制比大於35 dB,功率差小於0.4 dB,4個波長平均可得輸出功率為-3.3 dBm。並且,利用此光纖雷射,進行高速2.5-Gb/s訊號調變且單向傳輸單模光纖25公里,實驗結果顯示其靈敏度為-27.94 dBm,功率償付為0.88 dB。

In this dissertation, the realization is presented of single-/dual-/multi-wavelength tunable fiber ring laser, which can be applied to performance testing of systems with injection-locked Fabry-Pérot laser diode (FP-LD) and television broadcasting using a low-cost passive optical network (PON). Firstly, we present the realization of tunable single-wavelength fiber ring laser and tunable directly modulated fiber ring laser. For tunable single-wavelength fiber ring laser, a tunable semiconductor optical amplifier-erbium-doped fiber (SOA-EDF) ring laser is presented, using an SOA to suppress cavity mode partition noise at low frequencies. The tunable SOA-EDF fiber ring laser has a tunable wavelength range covering both C- and L-band (1540~1604 nm). The average output power is 2.2 dBm, and optical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is above 46 dB. An application is shown for a 10-Gb/s single directional transmission over 50-km single mode fiber (SMF) with a power penalty of 0.94 dB. For tunable directly modulated fiber ring laser having a 2-kHz linewidth, wavelength tuning range is 45-nm (1535~1580 nm) covering both C- and L- band, optical SNR is above 38 dB, and an demonstration is shown for directly modulated 1.25-Gb/s downstream and upstream transmissions, using injection-locked FP-LD. Power penalties less than 0.11 dB and 0.86 dB are demonstrated for the simultaneously transmission over 25-km SMF. Then, we present the application of FP-LD injection-locked by tunable fiber ring laser technique to system performance testing. Moreover, a relatively-low-cost PON system is proposed for television broadcasting and high-speed bidirectional communications.
Finally, the realization of dual-/multi-wavelength fiber ring lasers is presented. A tunable dual-wavelength fiber ring laser is shown using an SOA-EDF ring laser framework and two optical tunable filters. The wavelength tuning range is 58-nm (1547~1605 nm) covering both C- and L-band, and the power equalization of the dual-wavelength outputs are less than 1.5 dB. An application is shown for a 10-Gb/s single directional transmission over 25-km SMF with a power penalty of 0.5 dB. Furthermore, a multi-wavelength fiber ring laser is demonstrated using an SOA-EDF ring laser framework and a pair of multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DMUX) with a channel spacing of 0.8 nm (100 GHz) conforming to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) grid. The lasers can generate four wavelengths simultaneously and side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR) is above 35 dB. The maximum power equalization is less than 0.4 dB and minimum average output power is above -3.3 dBm. Our experimental results show that the sensitivity is -27.94 dBm and the power penalty is 0.88 dB for the transmission of 2.5-Gb/s data over 25-km SMF.

摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V Nomenclature VII List of Figures and Tables IX Figure captions IX Table captions XII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview of Optical Communications 1 1.1.1 Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) 1 1.1.2 Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) 3 1.2 Tunable Laser 6 1.3 Research Motivation and Objectives 7 1.4 Organization of the Dissertation 8 Chapter 2 Tunable Fiber Ring Lasers 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Theoretical of Ring Cavity Laser 11 2.2.1 Characteristics of Ring Cavity EDFL 11 2.2.2 Characteristics of SOA 16 2.3 Tunable SOA-EDF Ring Laser 20 2.3.1 Configuration of Tunable SOA-EDF Ring Laser 21 2.3.2 Characteristics of Tunable SOA-EDF Ring Laser 22 2.4 Tunable Directly Modulated Fiber Ring Laser 26 2.4.1 Characteristics of RSOA 26 2.4.2 Configuration of Tunable Directly Modulated Fiber Ring Laser… 29 2.4.3 Characteristics of Tunable Directly Modulated Fiber Ring Laser… 30 2.5 Applications of Tunable Ring Laser to Bidirectional Transmission 33 2.5.1 Experimental Setup 34 2.5.2 Experimental Results and Discussion 36 2.6 Summary of Chapter 2 39 Chapter 3 Applications of the Tunable Fiber Ring Laser for Performance Testing 42 3.1 Introduction 42 3.2 Characteristics of Injection-Locked Fabry-Pérot Laser Diode 43 3.3 Performance Test of Bidirectional Transmissions 46 3.3.1 Proposed Scheme 48 3.3.2 Experimental Results and Discussion 50 3.4 Summary of Chapter 3 57 Chapter 4 Applications of A Low-Cost Passive Optical Network to Television Broadcasting and High-Speed Bidirectional Communications 58 4.1 Introduction 58 4.2 Proposed Scheme 60 4.3 DVB-T Signal Broadcasting Using Optical Fiber Transmissions… 62 4.3.1 Effects of VCSEL Bias and Received DVB-T Signal Power on Transmission Performance 62 4.3.2 DVB-T Transmission Experiment 64 4.4 Simultaneous Transmissions of High-Speed Bidirectional Data and DVB-T Signals 67 4.4.1 Simultaneous Transmission Experiment 67 4.4.2 Roles of VCSEL and FP-LD 71 4.5 Summary of Chapter 4 73 Chapter 5 Dual-/Multi-Wavelength Fiber Ring Lasers and Their Transmission Performance 75 5.1 Introduction 75 5.2 Tunable Dual-Wavelength Fiber Ring Laser 76 5.2.1 Configuration of Tunable Dual-Wavelength Fiber Ring Laser 77 5.2.2 Characteristics of Tunable Dual-Wavelength Fiber Ring Laser 78 5.3 Multi-Wavelength Fiber Ring Laser 81 5.3.1 Configuration of Multi-Wavelength Fiber Ring Laser 82 5.3.2 Characteristics of Multi-Wavelength Fiber Ring Laser 83 5.4 Summary of Chapter 5 87 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Discussion of Future Work 90 6.1 Conclusions 90 6.2 Discussion of Future Work 92 Reference 94 Publication List 103

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