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研究生: 李維
Wei Li
論文名稱: 風格保留之場景文字生成
Generation of Style-Preserving Scene Text
指導教授: 徐繼聖
Gee-Sern Hsu
口試委員: 鍾聖倫
Sheng-Luen Chung
Huei-Yung Lin
Chu-Song Chen
Yi-Ping Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 場景文字編輯風格轉換機器學習
外文關鍵詞: Scene Text Editing, StyleGAN2
相關次數: 點閱:284下載:0
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  • 我們提出了風格保留生成器(Style-Preserving Generator, SPG),主要是應用於
    場景文字編輯(Scene Text Editing, STE)。場景文字編輯的目的是將原始文字替換
    型的場景文字編輯架構相當複雜,SPG 不同於主流架構我們去除了模型中圖像
    修復的機制,降低了模型複雜度; 第二,SPG 模型中加入 Transformer 機制,這
    使的模型在圖像生成上能同時兼具細節與全局觀; 第三,SPG 模型針對大角度的
    上的文字,我們可以生成大量高品質擬真資料。本文我們將使用 SPG 生成之擬
    真資料,應用於場景文字辨識(Scene Text Recognition, STR)的任務,從實驗結果
    中我們發現加入 SPG 生成之資料,可以有效提升辨識效能。在現今大數據、大
    資料量流行的趨勢下,SPG 可以省下過去資料蒐集、標註大量的成本藉由合成
    Plate Dataset 2022, LP2023)。利用 SPG 產生文字編輯後的合成資料,並對我們在
    LP2023 上評估我們的方法,以證明其在從合成數據中學習的性能。

    We propose a Style-Preserving Generator (SPG) primarily designed
    for scene text editing (STE). STE is to replace the original text with the
    desired text while preserving the background and style of the original
    content. The complex architectural designs in existing research on scene
    text editing have resulted in cumbersome workflows and increased
    training difficulty for models. SPG is a reasonable and effective
    framework that utilizes a more streamlined approach, offering improved
    performance and robustness. Additionally, we address the problem of
    applying scene text editing to scene text recognition (STR). Collecting real
    data for STR is a challenging and time-consuming task. Therefore, we aim
    to enhance the recognition performance of real datasets by leveraging
    synthetic data. We introduce a new dataset for license plates (LP2023).
    Utilizing SPG, we generate synthetic data with edited text and evaluate our
    method on LP2023 to demonstrate its performance in learning from
    synthetic data.

    摘要....................................................................2 Abstract ...............................................................3 誌謝....................................................................4 目錄....................................................................5 圖目錄..................................................................7 表目錄..................................................................9 第 1 章 介紹............................................................10 1.1 研究背景和動機......................................................10 1.2 方法概述............................................................12 1.3 論文貢獻............................................................13 1.4 論文架構............................................................14 第 2 章 文獻回顧........................................................15 2.1 SRNet .............................................................15 2.2 MOSTEL.............................................................16 2.3 Handwriting Transformer............................................17 2.4 Segformer..........................................................19 2.5 EfficientNet ......................................................20 2.6 MADF ..............................................................22 2.7 StyleGAN2..........................................................23 第 3 章 主要方法........................................................25 3.1 整體網路架構........................................................26 3.2 文字風格保留生成器設計...............................................27 3.3 前景文字抽取器設計...................................................29 3.4 融合風格生成器設計...................................................30 3.5 損失函數設計........................................................31 第 4 章 實驗設置與分析...................................................33 4.1 資料庫介紹..........................................................33 4.1.1 LP2023 ..........................................................33 4.1.2 LP2023-Synth ....................................................34 4.1.3 AOLP ............................................................35 4.1.4 Tamper-Synth.....................................................36 4.1.5 Tamper-Scene.....................................................36 4.2 實驗設置............................................................37 4.2.1 資料劃分、設置.....................................................37 4.2.2 效能評估指標.......................................................38 4.2.3 實驗設計...........................................................40 4.3 實驗結果與分析........................................................41 4.4 與相關文獻之比較......................................................45 4.5 合成資料集對場景文字辨識效能測試........................................47 4.6 平衡資料分布實驗.......................................................47 第 5 章 結論與未來研究方向..................................................49 第 6 章 參考文獻...........................................................50

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