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研究生: 郭家宏
Chia-hung Kuo
論文名稱: 纖維素之溶解對其酵素醣化及發酵應用之研究
Cellulose dissolution for its enzymatic saccharification and fermentation applications
指導教授: 李振綱
Cheng-kang Lee
口試委員: 朱義旭
Yi-hsu Ju
Chin-hang Shu
Hwai-shen Liu
Been-huang Chiang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 213
中文關鍵詞: 纖維素溶解前處理醣化發酵甘蔗渣廢織物細菌纖維素同步醣化發酵磷酸離子溶液酵素水解纖維素酶生質酒精
外文關鍵詞: saccharification, bagasse, enzyme hydrolysis, NMMO
相關次數: 點閱:372下載:9
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本論文研究以新一代纖維素溶劑進行生質材料的前處理,來破壞其中纖維素的結晶度,並大幅暴露出纖維素的表面積,以增進纖維素酵素水解效率,能在短時間內完成同步醣化發酵,所使用的纖維素溶劑包含有N-Methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO)、離子溶液1-n-butyl-3- methylimidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl)、NaOH/Urea溶液及85%濃磷酸。而生質材料則包含有蔗渣、棉纖維、廢織物及細菌纖維素。
首先應用NMMO於甘蔗渣的前處理,20 wt%的甘蔗渣可在130℃ 1小時內被NMMO.H2O所溶解,再加入過量的水後可得到多孔性與無定型結構的再生甘蔗渣,而還原醣釋放速率與產率為未處理的甘蔗渣的兩倍以上,其中所含的纖維素經過cellulase AP3水解72小時後可完全轉化成葡萄醣。回收的NMMO能與新的NMMO一樣有效的前處理甘蔗渣,以再生甘蔗渣混合cellulase AP3與Zymomonas mobilis可直接進行同步醣化發酵生產酒精,其酒精收率約為0.15 g酒精/g甘蔗渣。
一般廢織物多為染色之棉布與聚酯纖維混紡之棉布,廢織物可被纖維素溶劑溶解再生而(1)暴露出原本在表面染料纖維下的可分解纖維素;(2)將纖維素與不可分解的聚酯纖維分離;(3)降低纖維素纖維的尺寸;(4)減少纖維素的結晶度,因此經溶解前處理後可提升約4倍的醣化初速率和產率,有色水解液可於用Gluconacetobacter xylinus之發酵產生細菌纖維素,靜置培養7天後可得到1.8 g/L的細菌纖維素與約8%的還原醣轉化率。100 g的廢織物約可產生6 g的奈米細菌纖維素。
85%磷酸在50℃下即可溶解纖維素,因此以85%磷酸對廢織物進行溶解前處理後,再以同步醣化發酵來生產酒精,在24小時內可達到的酒精濃度49.5 g/L,酒精的收率為0.47 g酒精/g葡萄醣,為理論產率的94%,相當於1噸的廢棉織物可產生約413kg或516公升的酒精。由廢織物水解所得到的有顏色的醣化產物並不會影響Zymomonas mobilis的生長與發酵酒精。

One of the key steps in bio-refinery processes is the pretreatment of lignocelluloses because the high order structure, crystallinity of cellulose, complexity of lignin and hemicellulose makes it recalcitrant to hydrolysis.
The pretreatment involving cellulose solvent was study in this thesis. The cellulose dissolution pretreatment disrupt cellulose crystalline, expose the cellulose structure and increase surface area. The enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose will be significant enhanced so that simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of the dissolution pretreated cellulose can be accomplished in a short time. The cellulose solvent use in this study include N-Methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMMO) monohydrate, 1-n-butyl-3- methylimidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl), NaOH/Urea and 85% phosphoric acid. The biomass materials studied include sugarcan bagasse, cotton, waste textiles and bacterial cellulose.
The cellulose solvent NMMO used in an industrial Lyocell process for cellulose fiber preparation, it was also demonstrated to be an effective agent for sugarcane bagasse dissolution pretreatment. Bagasse of 20 wt% was readily dissolved in NMMO monohydrate at 130℃ within 1 h. After dissolution, bagasse could be regenerated by rapid precipitation with water as a porous and amorphous mixture of its original components. The regenerated bagasse exhibited a significant enhancement on enzymatic hydrolysis kinetic. Not only the reducing sugars releasing rate but also hydrolysis yield was enhanced at least twofold as compared with that of untreated bagasse. The cellulose fraction of regenerated bagasse was nearly hydrolyzed to glucose after 72 h hydrolysis with Cellulase AP3. The recycled NMMO demonstrated the same performance as the fresh one on bagasse pretreatment for hydrolysis enhancement. The regenerated bagasse was directly used in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) for ethanol production by Zymomonas mobilis. The ethanol yield approximately 0.15 g ethanol/g baggasse was achieved.
Attempts were also made to enhance cellulose saccharification by cellulase using additional cellulose dissolution agents, NaOH/Urea(NU) solution, [BMIM]Cl (B) and 85% phosphoric acid (P)were employed to dissolve cotton cellulose. In comparison with conventional cellulose pretreatment processes, the dissolution pretreatments were operated under a milder condition with temperature <130 ℃ and ambient pressure. The dissolved cellulose was easily regenerated in water. The regenerated celluloses exhibited a significant improvement (about 2.7- to 4.6-fold enhancement) on saccharification rate during 1st h reaction. After 72 h, the saccharification yield ranged from 87% to 96% for the regenerated celluloses while only around 23% could be achieved for the untreated cellulose. The significant hydrolysis enhancement of NU-cellulose was mainly resulted from crystalline structure change from cellulose I to an easier digestive cellulose II structure. The enhancement on N- and B-cellulose hydrolysis was mainly due to their amorphous structure. Even with high crystallinity, cellulose regenerated from phosphoric acid dissolution achieved the highest saccharification rates and yield probably due to its highest specific surface area and lowest degree of polymerization (DP).
Cellulosic waste textiles are studied to be pretreated by dissolution for obtaining fermentable reducing sugars. The obtained reducing sugars were fermented to produce the higher value nanofibrous bacterial cellulose and bioethanol. The color dyed and polyester blend cellulosic fabrics were dissolved by cellulose solvents to (1) expose the cellulosic fibers sheathed in the indigestible dye-conjugated surface fibers, (2) separate the cellulosic fibers from the blockage of the indigestible polyester fibers, (3) reduce the size of cellulosic substrate, and (4) decrease the crystallinity of the cellulose. Thus, approximately 4 fold enhancements on initial enzymatic saccharification rate and final conversion were achieved by dissolution pretreatment. Colored reducing sugars of the hydrolysates could use on bacterial cellulose production in the static culture of Gluconobacter xylinus. Bacterial cellulose of 1.8 g/L with reducing sugar conversion yield about 8 % was achieved after 7 days incubation. Approximately, 6 g of nanofibrous bacterial cellulose was obtained from 100 g of a red colored 100% cotton fabric waste.
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of waste textile regenerated from 85% (w/v) phosphoric acid dissolution pretreatment were investigated. The dissolution pretreatment not only disrupts the crystallinity of cellulose but also exposes the digestable cellulose fibers sheathed in dye fixed surface cellulose to cellulase attack. Ethanol concentration approximate 49.5 g/L and conversion yield of 0.47 g EtOH/g glucose corresponding to 94% of the theoretical maximum was achieved in SSF within 24 h. The colored saccharification product obtained from waste textile showed no inhibition effect on Z. mobilis growth and ethanol fermentation.
Cellulose solvent not only could use in cellulose dissolution and remolding, but also could use in lignocelluloses and waste textiles pretreatment. The regenerated cellulose increases the hydrolysis rate and yield. Therefore, simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of cellulose based biomass could ferment effectively and obtain high level of ethanol in short time. In additional, the high value of nanofibrous bacterial cellulose product could be obtained from separate saccharification fermentation of pretreated waste textiles. When KL medium and surface/volume(S/V) ratio was employed in the fermentation, high level of bacterial cellulose and gluconic acid were achieved at the same time.

第一章 前言………………………………………………………… 1 第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………………… 6 2.1 木質纖維素………………………………………………… 6 2.1.1 纖維素……………………………………………… 6 2.1.2 半纖維素…………………………………………… 9 2.1.3 木質素……………………………………………… 11 2.2 纖維素水解………………………………………………… 14 2.2.1 纖維素分解酵素介紹……………………………… 14 2.2.2 影響纖維素酶水解纖維素因子…………………… 15 2.3 木質纖維素傳統前處理製程……………………………… 18 2.3.1 機械粉碎…………………………………………… 18 2.3.2 蒸氣爆裂法………………………………………… 18 2.3.3 高壓熱水處理法…………………………………… 19 2.3.4 稀酸前處理………………………………………… 20 2.3.5 石灰前處理法……………………………………… 20 2.3.6 氨水前處理法……………………………………… 20 2.4溶解法前處理木質纖維素………………………………… 23 2.4.1 N-methyl-morpholine-N-oxide…………………… 23 2.4.2 離子溶液…………………………………………… 27 2.4.3 濃磷酸……………………………………………… 36 2.4.4 NaOH/Urea………………………………………… 37 2.5 生質酒精製程……………………………………………… 39 2.6 細菌纖維素的生產………………………………………… 43 2.6.1 木質醋酸菌之特性………………………………… 43 2.6.2 木質醋酸菌合成細菌纖維素……………………… 44 2.6.3 細菌纖維素生產之影響因素……………………… 46 2.6.4 細菌纖維素纖維的特性與應用…………………… 50 第三章 實驗方法…………………………………………………… 53 3.1 木質纖維素之NMMO溶解醣化……………………………… 53 3.2 棉纖維素之溶解醣化……………………………………… 55 3.3 廢織物之溶解醣化及細菌纖維素之發酵應用…………… 57 3.4 廢織物之磷酸溶解及同步醣化酒精發酵………………… 61 3.5 細菌纖維素發酵最適化…………………………………… 65 3.6 細菌纖維素之NMMO溶解…………………………………… 68 3.7 分析方法…………………………………………………… 71 第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………… 82 4.1 木質纖維素之NMMO溶解醣化……………………………… 82 4.1.1 再生Avicel的酵素水解…………………………… 85 4.1.2 再生甘蔗渣的酵素水解…………………………… 89 4.1.3 再生甘蔗渣的結構………………………………… 94 4.1.4 甘蔗渣濃度對前處理的影響……………………… 98 4.1.5 同步醣化發酵(SSF) ………………………………101 4.2 棉纖維素之溶解醣化………………………………………103 4.2.1 纖維素溶解與再生…………………………………106 4.2.2 結晶度的影響………………………………………108 4.2.3 表面積與聚合度的影響……………………………114 4.3 廢織物之溶解醣化及細菌纖維素之發酵應用……………116 4.3.1 廢織物的溶解前處理………………………………120 4.3.2 酵素水解……………………………………………123 4.3.3 結晶度與聚合度……………………………………129 4.3.4 生產細菌纖維素……………………………………133 4.4 廢織物之磷酸溶解及同步醣化酒精發酵…………………138 4.4.1 再生廢織物水解……………………………………142 4.4.2 抑菌測試……………………………………………146 4.4.3 同步醣化發酵………………………………………148 4.4.4 Z. mobilis的回收再利用…………………………155 4.4.5 放大實驗……………………………………………157 4.5 細菌纖維素發酵最適化……………………………………160 4.5.1 pH的影響……………………………………………163 4.5.2 離子強度的影響……………………………………165 4.5.3 緩衝溶液對於葡萄醣酸生產的影響………………168 4.5.4 表面積/體積比的影響……………………………172 4.5.5 廢織物水解液生產細菌纖維素…………………174 4.6 細菌纖維素之NMMO溶解……………………………………176 4.6.1 以旋轉濃縮機溶解細菌纖維素………………… 180 4.6.2 以四口反應瓶攪拌溶解細菌纖維素…………… 181 4.6.3 由膠液中再生細菌纖維素……………………… 183 4.6.4 膠液變色原因探討……………………………… 184 4.6.5 NMMO溶解對細菌纖維素聚合度之影響………… 185 4.6.6 細菌纖維素溶解(乾法) ………………………… 187 4.6.7 離子溶液溶解細菌纖維素……………………… 191 4.6.8 [Bmim]Cl溶解對細菌纖維素聚合度之影響…… 192 第五章 結論與建議………………………………………………… 193 5.1 結論………………………………………………………… 193 5.2 建議………………………………………………………… 197 參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 199 附錄……………………………………………………………………208 作者簡介………………………………………………………………209

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