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研究生: 莊永來
Shendy Leonardo Chandra
論文名稱: 硼砂與飛灰對牡蠣殼灰鹼激發爐石漿體新拌與硬固性質之影響
Effects of borax and fly ash on the fresh and hardened properties of alkali-activated slag paste using oyster shell ash as the activator
指導教授: 張大鵬
Ta-Peng Chang
Chun-Tao Chen
口試委員: 楊仲家
Chung-Chia Yang
Wen-Cheng Liao
Jeng-Ywan Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 鹼激發材料牡蠣殼灰爐石碴粉飛灰硼砂快速凝結時間
外文關鍵詞: alkali-activated material, oyster shell ash, slag, fly ash, borax, rapid setting time
相關次數: 點閱:342下載:0
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儘管鹼激發材料是眾所周知的傳統水泥替代粘合劑,但其激發性無疑地是不夠永 續。本研究旨在分析硼砂和飛灰對單件式牡蠣殼灰 (OSA) 激發爐石漿體工程特性的影 響。進行一系列實驗來測量 凝結漿體的工作性、凝固時間、水化熱、抗壓強度、超音 脈衝速度 (UPV) 和熱導率。此外,還通過 X 光繞射分析(XRD) 和掃描電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 進行微觀結構研究。試驗結果表明, OSA 增強鹼激發凝結漿體之試體力學和微觀結構 性能,其中 以添加 20%OSA 之漿體試體強度增量最高,但凝固時間最快。在漿體混合 物中加入硼砂和粉煤灰,緩解早期抗壓強度較低及快速凝固現象。 XRD 結果和 SEM 圖像分析表明,添加硼砂和飛灰會阻礙 C-S-H 凝膠化合物和其他水化產物之早期成長。 然而,這種不利影響隨齡期增加轉變為有利功能,其中無論是將硼砂或飛灰摻入漿體 混合物中,鹼激發爐石漿體性能都會提高,更多水化產物和更緻密試體微觀結構均驗 證後期可以呈現更好的試體工程特性。

Although the alkali-activated material is a well-known alternative binder to the conventional cement, its activation is arguably not sustainable enough. This study is aimed to analyze the influence of borax and fly ash on the engineering properties of one-part oyster shell ash (OSA)-activated slag paste. A series of experiments were carried out to measure workability, setting time, the heat of hydration, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV), and thermal conductivity of OSA-activated slag paste. Furthermore, the microstructural investigation through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) was conducted. The test results indicated that the enhanced mechanical and microstructural properties of cementitious paste specimens prepared with OSA as the activator could be formed where the paste with 20% of OSA had the highest increment in strength but the quickest setting time. The addition of borax and fly ash into the paste mixture alleviated the rapid setting time phenomenon and the lower early compressive strength. The analyses of XRD results and SEM images illustrated that adding borax and fly ash could hinder the development of C-S-H gels and other hydration products of cementitious paste at early ages. However, such unfavorable effects subsequently turned into beneficial impacts with age where the performance of alkali- activated slag paste was increased whether the borax nor fly ash was incorporated into the mixture. More hydration products and denser microstructure of paste specimens indicated that the better characteristics of specimens could be achieved at later ages.

摘要 ..........................................i Abstract ......................................ii Personal acknowledgements ........... iii Table of contents.......................iv List of tables ..............................vii List of figures .............................. viii List of symbols and abbreviations.........................xi Chapter 1 Introduction .....................1 1.1 Research background............1 1.2 Research aim.........................4 1.3 Research outline ....................5 Chapter 2 Literature review.............7 2.1 GGBFS and its utilization in construction industry....................7 2.2 Application of OSA as cementitious material ..........................9 2.3 Role of fly ash as an alternative binder from OPC.....................10 2.4 Approaches to extend the setting time of alkali-activated material.........12 Chapter 3 Materials and experimental program..........................17 3.1 Materials ......................17 3.2 Mixture design..............20 3.3 Experimental methods ................................21 3.3.1 Mixing and curing procedure .............................21 3.3.2 Flowability..............22 3.3.3 Setting time.............23 3.3.4 Heat of hydration..........................23 3.3.5 Compressive strength ................................24 3.3.6 Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV)................................24 3.3.7 Thermal conductivity.............................................25 3.3.8 X-ray diffraction (XRD)......................................26 3.3.9 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)............................26 Chapter 4 Results and discussions ..................................40 4.1 Influence of OSA content to slag-based binder........................40 4.1.1 Flowability...............40 4.1.2 Setting time....................................40 4.1.3 Heat of hydration............................41 4.1.4 Compressive strength ...................................42 4.1.5 UPV ...........................43 4.1.6 Thermal conductivity...............................43 4.1.7 XRD........................44 4.1.8 SEM........................................44 4.2 Comparison of different ratio between fly ash to slag.................45 4.2.1 Flowability............45 4.2.2 Setting time.............46 4.2.3 Heat of hydration..............46 4.2.4 Compressive strength ................................47 4.2.5 UPV .....................47 4.2.6 Thermal conductivity..............47 4.2.7 XRD......................48 4.2.8 SEM...................48 4.3 Borax dosage effect .............................49 4.3.1 Flowability..............49 4.3.2 Setting time..............49 4.3.3 Heat of hydration.......50 4.3.4 Compressive strength ...............................50 4.3.5 UPV .......................51 4.3.6 Thermal conductivity..........................51 4.3.7 XRD........................52 4.3.8 SEM..........................52 Chapter 5 Conclusions and recommendations .........................70 5.1 Conclusions .....................70 5.2 Recommendations for further research...............................71 References....................................... 74

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