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研究生: 葉家宜
Chia-Yi Yeh
論文名稱: 錫與金-銅合金之界面反應
Interfacial Reactions between Sn and Au-xCu Alloys
指導教授: 顏怡文
Yee-Wen Yen
口試委員: 施劭儒
Shao-Ju Shih
Chih-Ming Chen
Cheng-Ming Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 材料科學與工程系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 界面反應金銅合金
外文關鍵詞: Interfacial Reactions, Au-Cu Alloys
相關次數: 點閱:467下載:0
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在覆晶封裝中,凸塊底層金屬(UBM)扮演著重要的角色,Cu在UBM中常作為潤濕層,Au為常見的抗氧化層。本研究將使用純Sn銲料,與Au-xCu合金基材(x=15, 40, 60, 80 wt.%)製備成反應偶,並於反應溫度於150、180、及200oC下,分別進行反應時間為5、10、20、40、60、100、200、400以及600小時之固/固界面反應,並探討界面反應後介金屬的種類、反應機制、動力學、成長速率常數與反應之活化能。根據實驗結果顯示,在Sn/Au-15Cu的反應中,會形成:(Au,Cu)Sn4、(Au,Cu)Sn、(Cu,Au)6Sn5以及B相,當Au-xCu基材中Cu的添加量增加至40 wt.%以及60 wt.%時,介金屬相的生成依序為:(Au,Cu)Sn、(Cu,Au)6Sn5和B相以及(Cu,Au)6Sn5、(Cu,Au)3Sn與B相,隨著合金基材中Cu比例的添加至80 wt.%時,所形成之介金屬相則以(Cu,Au)6Sn5、(Cu,Au)3Sn與B相為主。因此,由實驗結果可知當反應時間以及溫度的增加,原生成的(Au,Cu)Sn4 相與(Au,Cu)Sn漸漸消失,逐漸被(Cu,Au)6Sn5與(Cu,Au)3Sn相取代,也就是說,介金屬將從Au-Sn相系統轉變為Cu-Sn相的系統。此外,在Sn/Au-xCu反應系統之介金屬相厚度與反應時間之平方根呈線性關係,故反應機制皆為擴散控制所主導。

Under bump metallurgy (UBM) plays an important role in the flip chip package, Cu is widely used as a wetting layer and Au usually acts as an anti-oxidation layer in UBM. The solid/solid interfacial reactions of Sn/Au-xCu at 150, 180 and 200oC for 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 100, 200, 400 and 600 h were investigated in this study. According to experimental results, the (Au,Cu)Sn4, (Au,Cu)Sn, (Cu,Au)6Sn5 and B phase, were formed at the interface in Sn/Au-15Cu system, in Sn/Au-40Cu and Sn/Au-60Cu reaction systems (Au,Cu)Sn, (Cu,Au)6Sn5, B phase and (Cu,Au)6Sn5, (Cu,Au)3Sn, B phase were formed when the concentrated of Cu increase to 80 wt.% , the main intermetallic compounds in Sn/Au-80Cu system was (Cu,Au)6Sn5, (Cu,Au)3Sn and B phase. From the results the intermetallic compounds (Au,Cu)Sn4 and (Au,Cu)Sn were found to disappear gradually when increasing reaction time and temperature. They turned into (Cu,Au)6Sn5 and (Cu,Au)3Sn, which suggests An-Sn phase system would turns into the Cu-Sn phase system. In addition, the thickness of intermetallic compounds increased with increasing reaction times and temperatures, and was proportional to the square root of reaction time.

摘要......................................................................................................................I Abstract.............................................................................................................. II 誌謝.................................................................................................................. III 目錄...................................................................................................................IV 圖目錄..............................................................................................................VII 表目錄...............................................................................................................IX 第一章、前言.....................................................................................................1 第二章、文獻回顧.............................................................................................3 2-1 電子構裝概述......................................................................................3 2-1.1 電子構裝技術............................................................................3 2-1.2 覆晶封裝技術............................................................................7 2-2 無鉛銲料.............................................................................................10 2-2.1錫...............................................................................................12 2-2.2 錫-銅.........................................................................................13 2-2.3 錫-金.........................................................................................14 2-2.3 金-銅.........................................................................................15 2-3 界面反應與擴散動力學.....................................................................16 2-3.1 界面反應..................................................................................16 2-3.2 擴散理論..................................................................................19 2-4 Sn/Au-Cu界面反應相關文獻討論....................................................21 2-4.1 Sn/Cu界面反應........................................................................21 2-4.2 Sn/Au-Cu界面反應..................................................................24 第三章、實驗方法...........................................................................................29 3-1 Sn銲料與Au-Cu合金的製備...........................................................29 3-2 Sn/Au-xCu反應偶製備......................................................................29 3-3金相處理..............................................................................................30 3-4 界面觀察與分析.................................................................................30 第四章、結果與討論.......................................................................................33 4-1 Sn/Au-xCu (x=15wt.%)反應偶...........................................................33 4-2 Sn/Au-xCu (x=40wt.%)反應偶...........................................................36 4-3 Sn/Au-xCu (x=60wt.%)反應偶...........................................................38 4-4 Sn/Au-xCu (x=80wt.%)反應偶...........................................................40 4-5添加Cu對Sn/Au-xCu界面反應之影響..........................................42 4-6 Sn/Au-xCu反應偶之界面反應動力學..............................................45 4-7 Sn/Au-xCu反應偶在200℃之反應路徑...........................................57 第五章、結論...................................................................................................61 第六章、參考文獻...........................................................................................63

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