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研究生: 廖曼伶
Man-Ling Liao
論文名稱: 應用人臉特徵與相似度於AI生成圖片之檢測
Applying Facial Features and Similarity Analysis in the Detection of AI-Generated Images
指導教授: 陳俊良
Jiann-Liang Chen
口試委員: 郭斯彥
Sy-Yen Kuo
Ing-Yi Chen
Chih-Lin Hu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: Stable Diffusion人臉相似度人臉特徵假消息
外文關鍵詞: Stable Diffusion, Face Similarity, Face Features, Fake News
相關次數: 點閱:176下載:16
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  • 隨著AI技術的蓬勃發展,現代社會對於AI帶來的便利性和依賴度越來越高。在這數位化的時代裡,AI為我們的日常生活及經濟帶來了無數的優點與便利。2022年下半年之際,新的AI模型的出現衝擊了我們的認知。其中,Stable Diffusion模型進一步挑戰了一般大眾對於AI的理解。過去我們認為AI與人類的最大區別在於AI無法創造出新的事物,然而Stable Diffusion卻打破了這個深根固蒂的觀念。
    Stable Diffusion 是一種基於 Latent Diffusion Model 的文字到圖片(text-to-image)生成模型,使用者可以透過文字描述就能生出對應的圖片。其開源的特性,使得Stable Diffusion 成為主流的AI生成圖片模型。
    Stable Diffusion的問世使得普羅大眾也能生成出人眼都難以分辨真偽的真人圖片,這種情況讓我們必須更嚴肅地面對是否會有有心人士造成假新聞和惡意訊息的傳播問題。為了防止這類圖片混淆視聽引發詐騙事件的情形,開發出創新的檢測系統是目前較為急迫的問題。
    本研究的模型於驗證資料集中可達到 96.4% 的準確率。由數據結果可得知,本研究提出之AI真人圖片檢測模型對於檢測AI生成之真人圖片上有一定的能力。

    With the flourishing development of AI technology, modern society's reliance on and appreciation for the conveniences brought by AI is increasing. In this digital age, AI has brought countless advantages and conveniences to our daily lives and economic activities. In the second half of 2022, our understanding of AI significantly changed. The advent of the Stable Diffusion model further challenged the public's perception of AI. We used to believe that the most significant difference between AI and humans was that AI could not create new things. However, the emergence of Stable Diffusion shattered this deeply entrenched belief.
    Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image generation model based on the Latent Diffusion Model, which allows users to generate corresponding images through text descriptions. Its open-source nature has made Stable Diffusion a mainstream model for AI image generation.
    The emergence of Stable Diffusion allows the general public to generate lifelike images almost indistinguishable from the human eye. This situation forces us to seriously confront the potential issues of bad actors spreading fake news and malicious information. The development of an innovative detection system is currently an urgent matter to prevent these types of images from causing confusion or even possibly leading to fraud incidents.
    Upon observing multiple AI-generated images of people, it was found that when the number of people in the generated image is more than one, their faces have a certain degree of similarity. Disregarding situations of twins and photographs combining real people with AI-generated individuals, this study employs facial similarity and facial features to determine whether an image of a person is generated by AI. The detection is divided into three stages: First, the image is processed by a facial extraction model to extract facial features. In the second stage, if the image under inspection contains more than one person, it is handed over to a facial similarity model to evaluate its similarity and determine whether it is an AI-generated image. If the image is judged as a normal human image in the second stage, or if the number of people in the image is one, it will be submitted to a detection model in the third stage to determine whether it is an AI-generated image. This is done to prevent the spread of false information and the occurrence of fraud.
    The model proposed in this study achieves an accuracy rate of 96.4% in the validation dataset. The data results indicate that the AI human image detection model presented in this research can detect AI-generated human images.

    摘要 I Abstract II Acknowledgement IV List of Figures VII List of Table VIII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Contributions 4 1.3 Organization 6 Chapter 2 Related Work 8 2.1 Stable Diffusion 8 2.2 Facial Detection & Extraction Techniques 11 2.3 Face Similarity 14 2.4 EfficientNet Model[26] 14 Chapter 3 Proposed System 17 3.1 System Architecture 17 3.2 Face Detection Model & Dataset 18 3.2.1 RetinaFace Model 18 3.2.2 Dataset 19 3.3 Similarity Model 22 3.3.1 DeepFace Model 22 3.4 AI Image Detection Model 24 3.4.1 EfficientNet Model 24 Chapter 4 Performance Analysis 26 4.1 System Environment and Parameter Settings 26 4.2 Performance Evaluation Metrics 28 4.3 Performance Analysis 30 4.3.1 Analysis of Face Similarity Results 30 4.3.2 Analysis of EfficienNet Model Results 31 4.4 Summary 35 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 36 5.1 Conclusions 36 5.2 Future Works 37 References 40

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