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研究生: 劉子萱
論文名稱: 顧客體驗評分:一項動態的顧客體驗衡量工具
Customer Experience Points:A Dynamic CX Measurement Tool
指導教授: 林孟彥
Tom M. Y. Lin
口試委員: 方正璽
Cheng-Hsi Fang
Jia-Jen Ni
Mei-Tzu Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 37
中文關鍵詞: 顧客體驗顧客體驗衡量顧客旅程地圖接觸點概念性文章
外文關鍵詞: Customer Experience (CX), Customer Experience measurement (CXm), Customer Journey Map (CJM), Touchpoint, Conceptual Article
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:4
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顧客體驗是近年來行銷領域的核心議題。隨著顧客和企業互動的管道日益增加,接觸點的數量和複雜度也相對被提升。因此,當企業想要盡可能的掌握顧客體驗,就必須先意識到體驗是一個動態的過程。為了將體驗的動態性具體呈現,顧客體驗衡量(Customer Experience measurement, CXm)便成了近年來行銷界廣受矚目的研究領域。

本研究旨在闡明動態衡量顧客體驗的重要。透過補足顧客旅程地圖在操作面缺失,來建構繪製顧客旅程地圖的必要元素。接著,根據篩選出的必要元素提出「顧客體驗評分(Customer Experience Points, CXP)」,清楚示範如何精準衡量體驗的動態性。最後,針對衡量結果提供對應的數據判讀方式以及未來改善建議,以協助企業在有限的資源內,做出最佳的策略行動。

Customer experience is a core issue in the marketing field during recent years. As the channels through which customers and firms interact increase, the number of touchpoints also increase. Therefore, if firms would like to keep customer experience under control, they must first realize that experience is a dynamic process. Nowadays, to crystallize the dynamics of experience, customer experience measurement (CXm) has become a high-profile research topic in the marketing field.

This research aims to highlight the importance of measuring the dynamics of customer experience. By filling the gap on the operation side of the customer journey map, we provide the essential components of depicting customer journey maps. Then, based on the selected components, we proposed “Customer Experience Points (CXP)’’ which clearly shows the steps that accurately measure the dynamics of customer experience. Finally, this research provides the data interpretation of the measured outcome and guidelines for further research which can greatly assist firms to make the best strategic actions within limited resources.

1. 緒論 1 1.1. 研究背景 1 1.2. 研究動機 1 1.3. 研究目的 2 1.4. 研究重要性 2 2. 文獻探討 3 2.1 何謂顧客體驗? 3 2.2 變化萬千的顧客:顧客體驗的動態性 3 2.3 如何衡量顧客體驗? 4 2.4 顧客旅程地圖:過程導向衡量工具 5 2.4.1 如何運用顧客旅程地圖? 5 2.4.2 顧客旅程地圖的應用限制 6 3. 研究方法 8 3.1 樣本特徵 8 3.2 深度訪談過程 8 3.3 訪談結果 11 4. 顧客體驗評分:以 CJM 的三大元素為設計基礎 12 4.1 闡明顧客旅程地圖中的必要元素 12 4.1.1 階段 (stage) 12 4.1.2 接觸點 (touchpoint) 13 4.1.3 情緒 (emotion) 13 4.2 顧客體驗評分 13 4.2.1 核心概念 14 4.2.2 衡量方法與工具 14 4.2.3 步驟說明 15 4.2.4 數據判讀與決策 19 5. 討論、貢獻、未來研究方向與結論 21 5.1 討論 21 5.2 理論貢獻 21 5.3 實務貢獻 21 5.4 研究缺口、未來研究建議 22 5.4.1 顧客體驗評分的信效度驗證 22 5.4.2 顧客體驗評分的其他應用 22 5.4.3 顧客體驗設計 22 5.5 結論 23 參考文獻 24

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