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研究生: 塗信修
論文名稱: 效率與品質的平衡-以智慧卡生產個案為例
The balance of the efficiency and quality-A Case Study of the smart card production
指導教授: 林義貴
Yi-Kuei Lin
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chin-Fen Chi
Hung-Yi Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 效率品質TOC限制理論生產線平衡瓶頸服務差異化
外文關鍵詞: efficiency, quality, TOC theory, production line balance, bottleneck, service differentiation
相關次數: 點閱:322下載:3
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This case study mainly describes that the production department is chronically devoted itself to enhancing its production efficiency due to the lead-time pressure but not input lots of resources to improve its product quality. When the main target market customers tightened their product qualities, the production department was unable to meet the targets referring to the company cost and lead time, resulting in the increasing of manufacturing process defective rate ,the increasing of production cost, and the huge reducing of effective capacity.
This research uses TOC theory to find every bottleneck of the production resource, which is solved by the protection of non-bottleneck resource, and also uses the production line balance analysis to increase the manufacturing changing adaptability, reduce pending cost of the operators and the equipment, in order to finish the target by the company with maximum limited production resource.Any promotion for operation should base on the customer’s value, and the manufacturing industries easily choose the higher efficiency to substitute for the quality progress. However, there is conflict between quality and efficiency, the manufacturing industries should be continuous reviewing the changes of quality from the marketing while seeking for high efficiency promotion, and need to focus on strengthening the product quality. In this high competitive marketing, the manufacturing manager should create the variation from lower cost, accurate lead time and high level quality, to meet the customer’s satisfaction, which is the current most important managing target.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 個案本文 1.1 序曲-悠遊卡小額支付通過立法 1.2 智慧卡產業概況 1.3 個案公司介紹 1.4 悠遊卡生產流程 1.5 卡片市場品質標準 1.6 市場變化 1.7 生產策略的調整 1.8 標案說明會 1.9 品質與成本的挑戰 1.10 品質與交期的衝突 1.11 產能分析-找出系統瓶頸工站 1.12 目標-決策的衝突 第二章 教師手冊 2.1 個案總覽 2.2 教學目標與適用課程 2.3 作業指派 2.4 教學建議 2.5 個案分析 A.請分析個案如何利用 TOC五大核心步驟(Five Focusing Steps)持續改善的程序解決生產瓶頸? B.分析個案中1.12目標-決策的衝突,請針對內文所提的衝突繪製衝突圖並探討衝突圖中假設作法訂出最佳的生產決策。 C.請計算個案中表1-12及表1-13,生產線平衡率及平衡損失率? D.如表1-6,如何利用生產線平衡改善方法,在總人力資源不增加情況下,達到其目標有效產出為至少10,000pcs/日以上? E.請分析個案中影響系統原有生產力造成流量不平衡的關鍵為何? F.請分析個案中對品質管理相對於二維品質(KANO模型)中的管理意義為何? 參考文獻

1.高得拉特(Eliyahu M.Goldratt)、科克斯(Jeff Cox)著,2006目標:簡單有效的常識管理,齊若蘭譯,遠見天下文化出版。
2.高得拉特(Eliyahu M.Goldratt)著,2002,絕對不是靠運氣:創造事業與人生的雙贏,周怜利譯,遠見天下文化出版。
5.全員IE改善手冊 楊鐵城,蔡銘裕,林松茂,陳盈谷編撰,2014,中國生產力中心。
6.Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman, Manoj K.Malhotra著,1996,生產與作業管理程序與供應鏈,白滌清譯
10.David 編撰,2008,狩野模型(Kano Model)與魅力品質創造,科技產業資訊室-- http://cdnet.stpi.org.tw/techroom/analysis/2008/pat_08_A003.htm
12.MBA智庫百科網站,約束理論 , http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E7%BA%A6%E6%9D%9F%E7%90%86%E8%AE%BA
15.台灣Wiki 網站,生產線平衡,http://www.twwiki.com/wiki/%E7%94%9F%E7%94%A2%E7%B7%9A

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