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研究生: 林奇暾
論文名稱: 控制器區域網路通信介面之電動機性能量測
Motor Performance Measurement with Controller Area Network Communication
指導教授: 黃仲欽
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 葉勝年
Sheng-Nian Yeh
Chuan-Sheng Liu
Chang-Hua Lin
Jonq-Chin Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 控制器區域網路Labview數位化性能量測系統
外文關鍵詞: controller area network, Labview, digital measurement system
相關次數: 點閱:421下載:3
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  • 本文旨在發展具有控制器區域網路通信介面之電動機性能量測。文中採用控制器區域網路通信協定作為通訊網路建立之基礎,透過通訊網路將兩部電機之功率轉換器與量測平台相結合,利用圖控軟體Labview進行監控介面進行開發,建立監管人員與電機運轉狀況之溝通橋樑,俾利電動機量測系統藉由通信介面監控之即時性。

    This thesis is concerned with the development of motor performance measurement with controller area network (CAN) communication interface. The CAN protocol is the basis of communication network for the proposed method. Communication network connects motor power converters and its performance measurement scheme so that the monitor interface can be conducted by graph and chart control software called Labview. That is, the supervisor can monitor the performance of motor instantly.
    The CAN to universal serial bus (USB) converter with the CAN module in digital signal processor is used to implement the examination and scheduling for CAN. The high-performance and low-cost digital signal processor, TMS320F28069, is adopted as the system core. The power and efficiency calculations are conducted by the feedback signals of voltage, current, speed, and torque. When the speed of the three-phase induction motor(IM) is 2000 rpm, and the load torque is 5 N-m, the experimental results show that the input and output powers of the IM input power inverter are 1673.54 W and 1524.67 W, respectively, yielding an efficiency of 91.1%. The output power of IM is 1237.16 W and its efficiency is 81.14%. The three-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator(PMSG) operates in constant torque control for 5 N-m, so the electromagnetic torque of three-phase IM should be more than 5 N-m. Thus, the measured torque values of three-phase IM are larger than the commanded ones of three-phase PMSG. Comparing the results from the proposed method with power meter measurements, the differences of the input and output powers are 0.78% and 1.04%, respectively. The accuracy from the proposed measurements can match up with commercial instruments. The experimental results verify the implementation of both accurate data transfer from CAN to remote computer and its simultaneous control for the power converter. In conclusion, the experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed method.

    摘 要 .................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................... II 致 謝 .................................................................................................. III 目 錄 ................................................................................................. IV 符號索引 ................................................................................................ VII 圖表索引 ................................................................................................. IX 第一章 緒論............................................................................................. 1 1-1 動機及目的 ............................................................................... 1 1-2 文獻探討 ................................................................................... 2 1-3 系統架構及本文特色 ............................................................... 4 1-4 本文大綱 ................................................................................... 7 第二章 三相感應電動機及驅動器性能量測系統 ................................ 8 2-1 前言 ........................................................................................... 8 2-2 三相直/交流功率轉換器的電壓及電流偵測電路 .................. 9 2-3 三相感應電動機轉速及轉矩量測 ......................................... 14 2-4 三相感應電動機及三相直/交流功率轉換器之輸入及輸出功 率 ............................................................................................ 20 2-5 三相感應電動機之機械功率計算 ......................................... 22 2-6 三相感應電動機及驅動器性能量測系統之數位信號處理器 軟體規劃 ................................................................................ 23 2-7 結語 ......................................................................................... 24 第三章 量測系統整合之控制器區域網路通信介面電路及軟體規劃 .................................................................................................. 25 3-1 前言 ......................................................................................... 25 3-2 CAN 介面的系統整合 ............................................................ 25 3-3 控制器區域網路 ..................................................................... 27 3-3-1 CAN 通信簡介 ............................................................ 28 3-3-2 CAN 傳輸方式 ............................................................ 28 3-3-3 CAN 訊息封包格式 .................................................... 29 3-3-4 CAN 通信資料格式規劃 ............................................ 31 3-3-5 數位化量測系統資料傳送之CAN 通信軟體規劃 ... 35 3-3-6 三相感應電動機驅動系統及三相永磁式同步電機驅 動系統接收命令之CAN 通信軟體規劃 .................. 37 3-4 CAN 與Labview 遠端監控規劃............................................ 39 3-4-1 遠端監控系統權限管理登入介面 ............................. 39 3-4-2 遠端監控系統CAN 通信設定介面 ........................... 41 3-4-3 遠端監控系統電機控制端介面.................................. 44 3-4-4 遠端監控系統CAN 資料接收程式規劃 ................... 46 3-4-5 遠端監控系統數據表端介面規劃 ............................. 48 3-5 結語 ......................................................................................... 49 第四章 實測結果 .................................................................................. 50 4-1 前言 ......................................................................................... 50 4-2 數位化量測系統的實測 ......................................................... 50 4-3 CAN 與圖控介面Labview 系統整合實測結果 ................... 55 4-4 數位化性能量測系統與功率分析儀比較 ............................. 59 4-5 結語 ......................................................................................... 61 第五章 結論與建議 .............................................................................. 62 5-1 結論 ......................................................................................... 62 5-2 建議 ......................................................................................... 63 參考文獻 .................................................................................................. 64 附錄A 實作平台之規格....................................................................... 68 A-1 三相感應電動機的規格 ........................................................ 68 A-2 轉矩計的規格 ........................................................................ 69 A-3 三相永磁式同步電機的規格 ................................................ 69 附錄B 三相感應電動機驅動系統之控制方塊................................... 70 附錄C 三相永磁式同步電機驅動系統之控制方塊 .......................... 71 附錄D 數位信號處理器介面電路 ...................................................... 72 附錄E 實體硬體的照片 ....................................................................... 76

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