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研究生: 顏宗欽
論文名稱: 全球互通微波存取之產業趨勢與分析
A Study on Industry and Analyses of World Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)
指導教授: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
口試委員: 欒斌
Luarn, Pin
Yeh, Ruey Huei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: WiMAX產業趨勢關鍵成功因素
外文關鍵詞: WiMAX, industry trend, key success factor
相關次數: 點閱:556下載:1
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  • 近年來由於第三代行動通信(3G) 與IP網路語音傳遞(VoIP)的技術發展,使得行動通信、網際網路及電信服務有一個整合的趨勢,而WiMAX是繼第三代行動通信之後,相當被看好的新一代網路技術,可說是全球產業相當重視的無線寬頻通訊技術。各先進國家無不積極投入人力及經費,期能在產業發展中取得領先地位。我國為資訊通訊設備製造大國,但在國際產業分工中,長期扮演技術跟隨者的角色,以代工大量製造,產業價值無法提升。本研究即以WiMAX產業發展趨勢為分析重點,探討產業發展現況,內、外部環境及產業的發展趨勢,並透過訪談及SWOT分析,分析整理出WiMAX產業的內部優、劣勢以及外部環境的機會與威脅,最後歸納整理出產業發展的關鍵成功因素及發展趨勢。

    Due to the development of the technology in 3G and VoIP, the trend of integrating mobile communications, the Internet, and telephony services is rising. Following this trend, WiMAX is a new wireless broadband communication technology which is considered potential and greatly valued. Many funds and labors are devoted into this industry in many advanced countries hoping to take leading roles. Though an important manufacturer of information and communication facilities in the world, our country plays mostly the role of a technology follower by contract manufacturing, which causes the failure of promoting industry values. The researcher aims to analyze the industry trend and discuss about the existing inner and outer conditions of the industry. Through interviewing and SWOT analysis, the researcher organizes the superiority, weaknesses, opportunities and threatens of WiMAX industry and finds out the key success factors and trend.
    Some industry trends such as broadbandizing audio and video and digitizing the contents, and the government’s industry policies are the key success factors. If our country can grasp the industry trends and transform into appropriate official policies for industry development and competitions, it is believed that based on the former successful experiences in data networking industry, wireless communication industry and mobile communication industry, we are surely to get rid of the existing hi-tech contract manufacturing and the difficulty in promoting industry value added and to take one of the leading roles in global communication industry.

    目 錄 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 V 圖索引 VII 表索引 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究範圍 4 1.4研究方法 4 1.5論文架構 7 第二章 文獻回顧與探討 8 2.1新一代寬頻無線通訊技術概述 8 2.1.1無線寬頻通訊技術 IEEE802.11-WiFi 8 2.1.2無線寬頻通訊技術 IEEE802.16-WiMAX 10 2.1.3 WiMAX技術應用 12 2.2價值鏈 14 2.3 SWOT分析 15 2.4關鍵成功因素 16 第三章 WiMAX產業分析 18 3.1全球WiMAX產業發展現況 18 3.2我國WiMAX產業發展現況 20 3.3產業價值鏈 24 3.4產業產值 25 3.5產業總體環境分析 25 3.5.1政治環境分析(Politics) 25 3.5.2經濟環境分析(Economics) 27 3.5.3社會環境分析(Society) 29 3.5.4科技環境分析(Technology) 30 第四章 WiMAX產業趨勢與分析 31 4.1關鍵因素分析 31 4.2 WiMAX產業的SWOT分析 35 4.2.1優勢分析(Strengths) 35 4.2.2劣勢分析(Weakness) 37 4.2.3機會分析(Opportunity) 38 4.2.4威脅分析(Threats) 38 4.3 WiMAX產業趨勢分析 39 第五章 結論與建議 42 5.1研究結論 42 5.2未來研究建議 45 參考文獻 47

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