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研究生: 曹嘉爲
Chia-Wei Tsao
論文名稱: WS2無機奈米管的製造與其生醫應用
WS2 Inorganic Nanotubes Synthesis and their Biomedical Application
指導教授: 黃崧任
Song-Jeng Huang
口試委員: 陳復國
Fuh-Kuo Chen
Wei-Hung Chiang
Po-Chou Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: WS2奈米管流化床反應爐普魯士藍生醫感測器
外文關鍵詞: WS2, nanotubes, CVD reactor, Prussian Blue, Biosensor
相關次數: 點閱:475下載:7
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在本實驗中所探討的WS2奈米管製造參數,包含了不同的反應時間、反應溫度、Forming Gas 的氫氣濃度,以及Forming Gas之流速;結果發現Forming Gas的氫氣濃度由5%降低至1%對於奈米管的增長有決定性的影響,由原先的1um增長至5um;反應溫度由800℃提高至840℃也同樣可以看出奈米顆粒有明顯的增長現象;但將所製造出之奈米管進行TEM分析時,卻有硫化層不足的現象,因此將反應時間拉長後,應能得到較多硫化層的WS2奈米管。

WS2 nanotube have several advantages, such as low friction coefficient, thermal stability, and high modulus of elasticity. Such properties allowed composite materials have better performance in lubrication by adding WS2 as reinforcement. In previous research, WS2 nanotube was treated as gate in the FET, and also investigated to improve the biosensor’s sensitivity and accuracy substituting carbon nanotubes (CNTs).
In this research, Fluidized Bed Reactor was constructed. CAD and CAE software were used to design the structure and simulate the flow regime inside the reactor, respectively. The synthesis was started after reactor construction had been finish. The parameters like Hydrogen concentration and reaction temperature was tested to specify the best condition for synthesis of WS2 INTs. Synthesis parameters discussed in this research includes reaction time, reaction temperature, hydrogen concentration of forming gas, and flow rate of forming gas. During synthesis nanotubes were elongated when the concentration of H2 decrease from 5% to 1%. This factor showed huge effect on the shape of nanotubes that caused nanotubes to be elongated from 1 µm to 5 µm. The reaction temperature also affects elongation of nanotube when temperature increased from 800℃ to 840℃. However, TEM analysis shows nanorod instead of nanotube, and the sulfur layers were less than expected. But due to this result,
This research has proposed a hypothesis: Deposition of nanotubes onto electrode can increase sensing area of electrode. Prussian blue has highly sensitivity toward Potassium. Combine the Prussian blue and nanotubes to modify the electrode improving the sensitivity of electrode.
In this research, four types of electrode are produced and tested; i.e. blank electrode, blank electrode + WS2 nanotubes, blank electrode + Prussian Blue and blank electrode + Prussian blue + WS2 nanotubes. The sensitivity and sensing area will be tested and calculated by CV method. However, the results showed that WS2 nanotubes cannot improve the sensitivity due to unsuccessful deposition of WS2 nanotubes or too high WS2 nanotube’s driving voltage which is out of the scope of this experiment.

摘要.... I Abstract....... III 目錄.... V 第一章 緒論.... 1 1.1 前言.... 1 1.2 文獻回顧..2 1.2.1 現有無機奈米管製作方法及其成形機制..2 1.2.2 影響奈米管成品之製造參數介紹....... 9 1.2.3 流化床 (Fluidized Bed Reactor)設計之參考資料...... 11 1.2.4 無機奈米管製造成果參考.... 11 1.2.5 奈米材料改善生醫感測器之文獻....... 19 1.3 文獻整理心得..... 22 1.4 研究動機與目的... 23 第二章 無機奈米管相關性質及普魯士藍電化學量測...... 24 2.1 WS2無機奈米管特性........ 24 2.1.1 W原子與S原子排列方式...... 24 2.1.2 WS2各項特性..... 25 2.2 過往實驗中對於WS2奈米管XRD成分測試...28 2.3 TEM穿透式電子顯微鏡...... 29 2.4 SEM掃描式電子顯微鏡...... 30 2.5 XRD (X光繞射分析)........ 31 2.6 循環伏安法 (Cyclic Voltammetry, CV)...... 31 2.7 普魯士藍電化學特性........ 32 2.8 Randles-Sevcik formula (表面積量測)...... 33 第三章 實驗方法與步驟..... 34 3.1 實驗方式.........34 3.2 實驗流程圖....... 36 3.3 實驗材料.........38 3.4 流化床反應爐介紹..40 3.4.1 整體架構..40 3.4.2 加溫區域..42 3.4.3 排氣過濾單元......43 3.4.4 流速控制單元..... 44 3.4.5 成品收集設備..... 45 3.5 觀察設備介紹..... 45 3.5.1 SEM(掃描式電子顯微鏡).... 45 3.5.2 TEM(穿透式電子顯微鏡).... 46 3.5.3 XRD (X光繞射分析)........47 3.6 WS2無機奈米管合成製備步驟...48 3.6.1 次氧化鎢 (WO2.72) 製備步驟.....48 3.6.2 WS2奈米管製作步驟............. 49 3.7 WS2奈米管觀察所需樣品製作.......50 3.7.1 SEM樣品製作...................50 3.7.2 TEM樣品製作...................50 3.8 生醫感測器演驗設備與材料介紹....51 3.8.1 商用碳電極....................51 3.8.2 電化學分析儀..................52 3.8.3 加熱攪拌器....................52 3.8.4 化學藥品與製備步驟 .............53 3.9 生醫感測器結合WS2奈米管實驗步驟..54 3.9.1 碳電極對於鉀離子偵測能力之檢驗..54 3.9.2 碳電極結合WS2奈米管對於鉀離子偵測能力之檢測.....54 3.9.3 碳電極結合普魯士藍及WS2奈米管對鉀離子偵測能力之檢測.. 55 第四章 結果與討論....................................... 56 4.1 利用CAD CAE軟體對反應爐進行設計與模擬.............. 56 4.2 次氧化鎢製造............. 58 4.2.1 次氧化鎢合成參數......... 58 4.2.2 次氧化鎢SEM檢測.......... 59 4.2.3 次氧化鎢合成總結......... 72 4.3 硫化反應製造奈米管之成果...75 4.3.1 硫化鎢奈米管合成參數......75 4.3.2 硫化鎢奈米管品質檢測...... 76 4.3.3 WS2奈米管TEM分析圖....... 83 4.3.4 WS2奈米管合成總結........ 84 4.4 奈米管應用於生醫感測器的實驗與結果......... 87 4.4.1 空白碳電極對於鉀離子偵測能力之測試......... 87 4.4.2 空白碳電極結合普魯士藍對於鉀離子偵測能力之測試...88 4.4.3 空白碳電極結合WS2奈米管對於鉀離子偵測能力之測試...89 4.4.4 空白碳電極結合WS2奈米管以及普魯士藍對於鉀離子偵測能力測試..... 90 4.4.5 奈米管應用於生醫感測器改善表面積之總結......91 第五章 結論...... 93 第六章 未來展望.. 96 6.1 WS2奈米管...96 6.2 生醫感測器...96 參考文獻...98

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